Committee structure
Cabinet and Single Cabinet Member Meetings
Scrutiny Committees
- Climate and Environment Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee)
- Finance and Performance Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee)
- Housing and Homelessness Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee)
- Scrutiny Committee
Planning Committees
The Oxford City Planning Committee deals with development control applications referred to it. The overspill and review committees meet only when required.
- Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee
- Planning Overspill for reconvened Planning Committee
- Planning Review Committee
Licensing Committees
The Licensing Committees are appointed by Council.
- General Purposes Licensing Casework Sub-Committee
- General Purposes Licensing Committee
- Licensing & Gambling Acts Casework Sub-Committee
- Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee
Other Committees
- Appointments Committee
- Audit and Governance Committee
- Investigation and Disciplinary Committee
- Standards Committee