Committee details
Scrutiny Committee
Purpose of committee
The Scrutiny Committee is cross-party and made up of non-executive (backbench) councillors. Scrutiny’s role is to carry out a ‘check and balance’ and ‘critical friend’ function to the Cabinet by reviewing policies, decisions and key issues affecting residents.
Scrutiny operates to provide public assurance that the Cabinet is carrying out its business effectively, providing value for money and taking the best decisions it can to improve public services and the quality of life for the residents of Oxford. The Committee may carry out research, undertake reviews and hear evidence from independent experts. The Committee also establishes standing panels to focus on specific service areas (Climate and Environment Panel; Finance and Performance Panel; Housing and Homelessness Panel
The Committee does not have any decision making powers, but is empowered to make recommendations to Cabinet arguing for change and service improvement. The Committee will also consider decisions that have been “called in” by councillors for review.
Number of Councillors: 12 (substitutes permitted)
Quorum: 4
Frequency: 10 scheduled meetings per year
Get involved at scrutiny committee meetings
- Councillor Katherine Miles (Chair)
- Councillor Tiago Corais (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Mohammed Altaf-Khan
- Councillor Chris Jarvis
- Councillor Dr Amar Latif
- Councillor Sajjad Malik
- Councillor Edward Mundy
- Councillor Simon Ottino
- Councillor Asima Qayyum
- Councillor Dianne Regisford
- Councillor Mike Rowley
- Councillor Anne Stares
Contact information
Support officer: Celeste Reyeslao, Scrutiny and Governance Advisor. email
Postal address:
Town Hall
St Aldate's
Phone: 07485 309899