Committee details

Committee details

Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

Purpose of committee

This Committee is responsible for deciding whether to approve or refuse planning applications that are not delegated to officers, e.g. applications on larger sites or for 10 or more dwellings. It also makes decisions on planning applications that councillors have specifically asked to be considered by the committee (‘called in’ applications).

The Committee’s decisions may be re-considered by the Planning Review Committee if 12 councillors ask for this to happen. 

Number of Councillors: 11 (substitutes permitted)

Quorum: 5

Frequency: 12 scheduled meetings per year


Attending the meeting, speaking to the Committee, or making written representations about an application on the agenda


More information about individual planning applications

To see representations, full plans, and supplementary information relating to planning applications on committee agendas, please click here and enter the relevant Planning Reference number in the search box.


Exhibiting model and displays at the meeting

Applicants or members of the public can exhibit models or displays of photos and/or pictures at the meeting or a room provided for that purpose as long as they notify the Committee Services Officer of their intention by at least noon two working days before the start of the meeting so that members can be notified.  Applicants or members of the public are not permitted to exhibit photos and/or pictures in any electronic format.  Arrangements for delivery, display, storage and collection of models need to be made with the Town Hall directly.

Meeting Etiquette

All representations should be heard in silence and without interruption. The Chair will not permit disruptive behaviour. Members of the public are reminded that if the meeting is not allowed to proceed in an orderly manner then the Chair will withdraw the opportunity to address the Committee. The Committee is a meeting held in public, not a public meeting.

Recording meetings

You can record meetings using your own equipment. We have a protocol which we ask you to follow to minimise disruption to the meeting.

What happens at the meeting?

The Committee only considers applications and other items listed on the agenda.


1.    The Chair opens the meeting, makes any announcements, and may then ask the committee to decide any non-controversial applications or those with no speakers without debate. The Chair may take items in the order of the agenda or re-order these.

2.    The Chair then states the next application for determination. Speakers may be called to the speakers’ table at this point.

3.    The planning officer will introduce the application with a short presentation.

4.    Those objecting to the application may speak for up to five minutes in total.

5.    Those supporting the application may speak for up to five minutes in total.

6.    You will have to share the time if there are several speakers in your group.

7.    Committee members ask questions. The planning officer will answer these or may ask the Chair to put the question to the speakers. Speakers cannot answer without the Chair’s permission.

8.    The Committee debates the application, with advice from officers, and makes a decision.

9.    After the decision those interested in that application can leave the meeting or stay for later items. 

The item ‘future applications’ is a list of those applications which are scheduled to come to a later meeting. None of those listed under this item will be discussed.



Contact information

Support officer: Uswah Khan, Committee and Member Services Officer. Tel: 01865 529117 email

Postal address:
Postal Address: Law & Governance
Town Hall
St Aldate's

Phone: 01865 529117
