Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Tuesday 18 July 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/00842/FUL: 26 Alice Smith Square, Oxford OX4 4NF

  • Councillor Anna Railton - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Railton stated that she was a member of Littlemore Parish Council, but had taken no part in any discussion of the application by the Parish Council and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision.
  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Call in signatory - no bias - Councillor Chapman stated that he had been a signatory to the call-in but was approaching the application with an open mind, would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision.

Meeting:  Tuesday 15 August 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/00142/FUL: Linton Lodge Hotel, 11-13 Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UJ

  • Councillor James Fry - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Fry declared that he also lived fairly close to the application site but had not been involved in or discussed the application and was approaching it with an open mind.
  • Councillor Laurence Fouweather - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Fouweather declared that he had visited an exhibition on the development which had been arranged by the developers. However, he had not discussed the application, and had viewed the exhibits and outline drawings only. Councillor Fouweather declared that he was approaching the application with an open mind.
  • Councillor Susanna Pressel - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Pressel stated that she lived close to the application site; however, it was not within the same street and was separated by a main road. Councillor Pressel declared that she was approaching the application with an open mind.

Meeting:  Tuesday 15 August 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/00405/OUTFUL: Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knight's Road, Oxford

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Personal - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that until May 2023 he had been the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery. In this capacity he had had partial responsibility for the scheme and held a substantial number of day to day discussions about the details of the scheme, including elements which were within the planning application. As this gave rise to a potential public perception of pre-determination, Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.
  • Councillor Louise Upton - Personal - Councillor Upton stated that she was a member of the Cabinet and had been present at a meeting on 14 June 2023 when Cabinet had given approval to advertise the intention to appropriate the site for planning purposes. Whilst Councillor Upton considered that she would be able to approach the application with an open mind, she acknowledged that her participation may give rise to a perception that she had already formed a view. Councillor Upton therefore declared that she would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal - Councillor Clarkson declared that she had been a member of Cabinet in March 2020 and had voted for enabling detailed design plans to be drawn up for the Blackbird Leys site prior to submitting a planning application. However, she had had no involvement with any decision relating to the site or application since that time and had stood down from Cabinet in May 2022. Councillor Clarkson stated that was approaching the application with an open mind and would listen to the presentation, public speakers, and debate before forming a view on the application.

Meeting:  Tuesday 17 October 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 22/02446/CT3: Donnington Recreation Ground, Freelands Road, Oxford OX4 4BT

  • Councillor Anna Railton - Prejudicial - Councillors Chapman and Railton declared that they were precluded from participating in the determination of planning application 22/02446/CT3 because of their respective roles as part of the shareholder group of Oxford Direct Services (the applicant) which could give rise to a public perception of bias should they take part. Both Councillors declared that they would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered.
  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Prejudicial - Councillors Chapman and Railton declared that they were precluded from participating in the determination of planning application 22/02446/CT3 because of their respective roles as part of the shareholder group of Oxford Direct Services (the applicant) which could give rise to a public perception of bias should they take part. Both Councillors declared that they would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered.

Meeting:  Tuesday 21 November 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/00693/FUL: Site of 6-25 Pusey Lane and 19-21 St John Street, Oxford

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that as a ward councillor for the area he had, before the applications were submitted, spoken to a number of residents at their request and advised them on the process for commenting on the planning applications. Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he had formed no judgement or expressed any opinion on the proposals and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on them.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Clarkson declared that she was a graduate of St John’s College, which was the applicant, although she had not had any contact with the College regarding the proposals. Councillor Clarkson also declared that she was a member of the congregation at Blackfriars Priory, which had objected to the applications. As this gave rise to a potential public perception of pre-determination, Councillor Clarkson declared that she would leave the meeting room whilst the applications were considered and would not participate in determining them.
  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Chapman declared that he had visited an acquaintance who lived in St John’s Street and had viewed the application site but had not discussed the application with them. Councillor Chapman declared that he had formed no judgement on the proposals and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on them.

Meeting:  Tuesday 21 November 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/00694/LBC: site of 6-25 Pusey Lane and 19-21 St John Street, Oxford

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that as a ward councillor for the area he had, before the applications were submitted, spoken to a number of residents at their request and advised them on the process for commenting on the planning applications. Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he had formed no judgement or expressed any opinion on the proposals and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on them.
  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Chapman declared that he had visited an acquaintance who lived in St John’s Street and had viewed the application site but had not discussed the application with them. Councillor Chapman declared that he had formed no judgement on the proposals and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on them.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Clarkson declared that she was a graduate of St John’s College, which was the applicant, although she had not had any contact with the College regarding the proposals. Councillor Clarkson also declared that she was a member of the congregation at Blackfriars Priory, which had objected to the applications. As this gave rise to a potential public perception of pre-determination, Councillor Clarkson declared that she would leave the meeting room whilst the applications were considered and would not participate in determining them.

Meeting:  Tuesday 21 November 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

6. 23/02092/FUL: Littlemore House, Oxford Innovation Park, 33 Armstrong Road, Oxford OX4 4FY

  • Councillor Anna Railton - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Railton declared that she was a member of Littlemore Parish Council, which had commented on the application, and had attended a meeting arranged for the Parish Council in October 2022 to outline the proposal. Councillor Railton declared that she had not participated in any discussions at the Parish Council relating to the comments submitted on the application, was approaching the application with an open mind, and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on it.

Meeting:  Tuesday 12 December 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02166/FUL: BMW UK Manufacturing Ltd, Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 6NL

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he rented an office within a building on Transport Way. Councillor Hollingsworth stated that he was declaring this for transparency reasons as Transport Way was referred to within the officer’s report for the first item.

Meeting:  Tuesday 23 January 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

7. 23/02342/FUL: 34 Canal Street, Oxford OX2 6BQ

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he was the owner of the property which was the subject of the application and stated that he would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

5. 23/01198/FUL: Unit 1, Ozone Leisure Park, Grenoble Road, Oxford

  • Councillor Dr Sandy Douglas - Prejudicial - Councillor Douglas declared that he had submitted an objection in respect of the application and would therefore not participate in determining it and would leave the room whilst the application was considered.
  • Councillor Tiago Corais - Prejudicial - Councillor Corais declared that he had made a representation on the application and would therefore not participate in determining it and would leave the room whilst it was considered.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02114/FUL: John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Oxford OX3 9DU

  • Councillor Ajaz Rehman - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Rehman declared that he lived in the area close to the John Radcliffe Hospital. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application, and he would approach the application with an open mind.
  • Councillor Dr Sandy Douglas - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Douglas declared that he held an honorary contract as a Locum Consultant Physician with the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. [Note: this did not constitute an interest as the contract was non-remunerated and Councillor Douglas would not be using the new building in the future]. Having arrived at the meeting after the start of the officer’s presentation Councillor Douglas did not participate in the debate or vote on this application.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Clarkson declared that she lived in the area close to the John Radcliffe Hospital. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application, and she would approach the application with an open mind.
  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Chapman declared that the application site was within his ward; however, he had not had any conversations regarding the application and was approaching it with an open mind.
  • Councillor Sajjad Malik - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Malik declared that he lived in the area close to the John Radcliffe Hospital. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application and he would approach the application with an open mind.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/02506/CT3: South Side, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RX

  • Councillor Edward Mundy - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Mundy declared that he had been in contact with a member of the public with regard to the application; however, he had not formed an opinion and would be approaching the application with an open mind.
  • Councillor Louise Upton - Prejudicial - Councillor Upton declared that she had been involved in various discussions relating to funding for the bridge. Although she believed that she would be able to approach the application with an open mind and assess it impartially against Local Plan policies, in order to avoid any perception of pre-determination Councillor Upton stated that she would leave the room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.
  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Prejudicial - Councillor Chapman declared that he was a member of the Cabinet and also a member of the Shareholder and Joint Venture Group, which had a tangential interest in the application. Whilst he believed that he would be able to consider the application with an open mind, Councillor Chapman stated that due to the risk of the public perception of pre-determination he would leave the room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

6. 23/00516/FUL: The Annexe, Madina Mosque, 2 Stanley Road, Oxford OX4 1QZ

  • Councillor Sajjad Malik - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Malik declared that he had been involved in fundraising following natural disasters and this had involved visiting Oxford’s mosques. However, he was not a member of Madina Mosque and was approaching the application with an open mind.

Meeting:  Tuesday 25 June 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/01950/FUL: County Trading Estate, Transport Way, Oxford OX4 6LX

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he rented an office within a building on Transport Way. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Clarkson declared that, in response to a query from the applicant, she had spoken to him in general terms regarding the planning application process; however, she had not expressed any opinion on the proposal.

Meeting:  Tuesday 16 July 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02411/FUL: Land North of Charlbury Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire

  • Councillor David Henwood - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.
  • Councillor Louise Upton - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.
  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.