Committee details

Committee details

City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)

Purpose of committee

The Board takes most major Council decisions. It recommends the Budget and Policy Framework to Full Council and is responsible for implementing these policies and spending the budget.  The Board also monitors financial and non-financial performance against corporate targets and budgets.

Number of Councillors: 10 – appointed to a specific portfolio

Quorum: 3

Frequency: 12 scheduled meetings per year


A list of agenda items for future City Executive Board meetings can be found on the Forward Plan. The dates of future board meetings are available here.


Get involved at City Executive Board meetings


Councillors can address the Board

Oxford City councillors may, when the Chair agrees, address the Board on an item for decision on the agenda (other than on the minutes). The member seeking to make an address must notify the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am at least one clear working day before the meeting, stating the relevant agenda items. An address may last for no more than three minutes. If an address is made, the Board member who has political responsibility for the item for decision may respond or the Board will have regard to the points raised in reaching its decision.


Councillors speaking on Neighbourhood issues (10 minutes in total)

Any City Councillor can raise local issues on behalf of communities directly with the Board. The member seeking to make an address must notify the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am at least one clear working day before the meeting, giving outline details of the issue. Priority will be given to those members who have not already addressed the Board within the year and in the order received. Issues can only be raised once unless otherwise agreed by the Board. The Board’s responsibility will be to hear the issue and respond at the meeting, if possible, or arrange a written response within 10 working days.


Items raised by Board members

Such items must be submitted within the same timescale as questions and will be for discussion only and not for a Board decision. Any item which requires a decision of the Board will be the subject of a report to a future meeting of the Board.



Contact information

Support officer: John Mitchell, Committee and Member Services Officer.

Postal address:
St Aldate's Chamber
St Aldate's

Phone: 01865 252217
