Meeting attendance
Thursday 11 February 2016 5.00 pm, City Executive Board (became Cabinet on 13 May 2019)
Venue: St Aldate's Room, Town Hall
Contact: Catherine Phythian, Committee and Member Services Officer
tel 01865 252402 email
Attendee | Role | Attendance | Attendance comment |
Councillor Bob Price Corporate Strategy and Economic Development | Leader | Present | |
Councillor Ed Turner Finance, Corporate Asset Management and Public Health | Deputy Leader | Present | |
Councillor Susan Brown Customer Services and Corporate Services | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Alex Hollingsworth Planning, Transport and Regulatory Service | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Pat Kennedy Young People, Schools and Skills | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Mark Lygo | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Mike Rowley | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Christine Simm Culture and Communities | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Dee Sinclair Crime, Community Safety and Licensing | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor John Tanner Climate Change and Cleaner, Greener Oxford | Committee Member | Present | |
Peter Sloman | Officer | In attendance | |
David Edwards | Officer | In attendance | |
Tim Sadler | Officer | In attendance | |
Jackie Yates | Officer | In attendance | |
Nigel Kennedy | Officer | Apologies | |
Lindsay Cane | Officer | In attendance | |
Councillor Jean Fooks | Co-Optee | In attendance | |
Councillor Craig Simmons | Co-Optee | In attendance | |
Councillor Linda Smith | Co-Optee | In attendance | |
Caroline Green | Officer | In attendance | |
Stephen Clarke | Officer | In attendance | |
Jane Winfield | Officer | In attendance | |
Ian Wright | Officer | In attendance | |
Julia Tomkins | Officer | In attendance | |
Catherine Phythian | Committee Services Officer | In attendance |