Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest Minutes: General Councillor Upton declared that as a member and trustee of the Oxford Preservation Trust she had taken no part in that organisation’s discussions regarding any of the applications before the Committee. Councillor Upton said that she was approaching the applications with an open mind, would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision on them. 22/02446/CT3 Councillors Chapman and Railton declared that they were precluded from participating in the determination of planning application 22/02446/CT3 because of their respective roles as part of the shareholder group of Oxford Direct Services (the applicant) which could give rise to a public perception of bias should they take part. Both Councillors declared that they would leave the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not return to the meeting. |
23/01509/RES: Land Bounded by A34 And A44 And A40, Parcel 1, Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 8JP
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a reserved matters application (23/01509/RES) for approval of scale, layout, landscaping and appearance for the central landscaping area to include provision of a pond, woodland area and play area at Land Bounded by A34 and A44 and A40, Parcel 1, Woodstock Road, Oxford. The Planning Officer gave a presentation and highlighted the following: · Following further discussion, it had been informally agreed with the County Council that the provision of a detailed surface water drainage strategy could be secured by condition. Officers were awaiting a formal response from the County Council confirming their acceptance of this. It was therefore expected that a detailed surface water drainage strategy would become a further condition of approval in the event that committee members were minded to approve the application.
· Two further conditions to secure the provision of a Landscape and Ecological Management Plan and details of ecological enhancements before first use of the development were proposed. This would mean that the measures relating to ecological management which were listed in condition 9 (the Estate Management Plan) would no longer be required within that condition.
· The proposals included the provision of a centrally sited park located to the north-east of the Red Hall, and a new area of public open space located directly to the north of the Red Hall (known as the Market Square) as well as an access road to the south of the Red Hall and the provision of a new access link for pedestrians and cyclists linking the A40 and the A44.
· In total, the combined proposals for the Central Park and Market Square would provide 12,960 sqm of public open space. This equated to 16.8% of the total site area of the central parcel of the Oxford North Site and did not include any public open space which might also be provided in the adjacent plots outside of the application site.
· The Central area would include areas of open amenity space which could be used for events as well as general use; wildflower meadow planting; tree planting; woodland; and a dedicated children’s play area. The proposal also included the addition of a new pond, which as well as providing additional storage capacity for site drainage would also provide an attractive, natural looking feature within the public realm. The park would step down toward the pond, forming an amphitheatre type space.
· Officers considered that the space was well-designed and delivered the objectives of providing an attractive area of public realm, contributing towards biodiversity net gain and sustainable drainage and providing extensive additional tree canopy cover across the site. The proposed new 4m wide shared pedestrian and cycle route linking the A40 and the A44 would also be in an appropriate location.
· Officers considered that the location of the Market Square was well-considered and was in a better location than had previously been shown (to the north of Plot G). It was of a sufficient size to accommodate a range of events and activities and would immediately join the ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
22/02446/CT3: Donnington Recreation Ground, Freelands Road, Oxford OX4 4BT
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillors Chapman and Railton left the meeting. The Committee considered an application (22/02446/CT3) for removal of existing fencing and formation of footpath and cycle path, the installation of staggered timber bollards, timber kissing-gate and associated landscaping and associated signage at Donnington Recreation Ground, Freelands Road, Oxford. The Planning Officer gave a presentation and highlighted the following: · The full description of works at the top of the first page of the published report should read: ‘Removal of existing fencing and formation of footpath and cycle path, the installation of staggered timber bollards, timber kissing-gate and associated landscaping and associated signage.’ The Planning Officer confirmed that the application had been correctly advertised with this full description, and this was the proposal in front of members.
· Paragraph 10.27 required a minor correction to include the word ‘upon’ so it reads: ‘Policy G7 of the Oxford Local Plan 2036 states that planning permission will not be granted for development that results in the net loss of green infrastructure features such as hedgerows, trees or woodland where this would have a significant adverse impact upon public amenity or ecological interest, and it must be demonstrated that their retention is not feasible and their loss will be mitigated.’
· The application related to a public open space which was used for sports and recreation and sought planning permission for the formation of a footpath and cycle path and associated landscaping and signage. The site was bound by mature trees, including a strong mature tree line along the western boundary along Meadow Lane, and the surrounding area was predominantly residential.
· The aerial view showed a ‘desire line’ cutting across the field, which the proposal sought to mitigate and remove through the installation of a 3m wide shared cycle and footpath running along the southern edge of the site connecting Cavell Road to a new proposed entrance along Meadow Lane. This would allow for the grassed area to be repaired and reinstated for uses such as football.
· The proposal included the creation of a new entrance / exit to the south of Meadow Lane. To facilitate this, a number of trees were proposed to be removed.
· There had been a significant amount of public concern about the loss of the mature trees, and an updated arboricultural impact assessment had been submitted which had confirmed that 12 trees and one group of trees would be removed to facilitate the development, along with associated works within the root protection area of a number of trees along the southern boundary.
· It had been demonstrated that the works could not be achieved without the loss of some trees, and officers had assessed the impact in terms of the canopy area which would be lost. It was proposed that approximately 275sqm of tree canopy cover would be removed to facilitate the development. Subject to a condition requiring the works within the root protection area of trees and pruning work to be carried out in accordance with mitigation measures outlined in the Arboricultural Method Statement, ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Recommendation: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2023 as a true and accurate record.
Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2023 as a true and accurate record. |
Forthcoming applications Items currently expected to be considered by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. This is not a definitive list and applications may be added or removed at any point. These are not for discussion at this meeting.
Minutes: The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications. |
Dates of future meetings Future meetings of the Committee are scheduled at 6.00pm on:
21 November 2023 12 December 2023 23 January 2024 20 February 2024 19 March 2024 23 April 2024
Minutes: The Committee noted the dates of future meetings. |