Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of interest Minutes: General Councillor Upton stated that as a member and trustee of the Oxford Preservation Trust she had taken no part in that organisation’s discussions regarding any of the applications before the Committee. Councillor Upton said that she was approaching the applications with an open mind, would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision. 22/02661/FUL Councillor Sandelson declared a personal interest as her son attended D’Overbroecks College. Councillor Hollingsworth stated that his parents-in-law lived close to the application site; however, he had not discussed the application with them and was approaching the application with an open mind, and would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision. 22/03042/RES Councillor Sandelson left the meeting room for this item, save for addressing the Committee as a public speaker, and did not participate in determining the application. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application (22/03042/RES) for erection of a commercial building (revised design of approved Red Hall) and immediate hard landscaping at Oxford North Northern Gateway land adjacent A44 A40 A34 and Wolvercote Roundabout, A40 section from Cherwell District Council boundary to Wolvercote Roundabout, Oxford. The Planning Officer gave a presentation and highlighted the following: · The Red Hall building, alongside two employment buildings, had been approved as part of the detailed hybrid planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL. It was intended to function as a striking landmark centrepiece for the site with retail and café units on the ground floor and office space on the upper floors, and was to be clad in distinctive red powder-coated aluminium. The application sought reserved matters approval for an enlarged Red Hall building, including a three storey side extension to the approved building.
· The application related to development on land which fell within both the full and outline permissions covered under planning application 18/02065/OUTFUL. As it crossed the boundaries of the areas defined on the approved plans as being the subject of both the detailed and the outline permission, it had been considered necessary for the relevant plans accompanying the hybrid permission to be amended to reflect the changes being sought under the reserved matters application: principally, amendment to the plan for the full application such that the entirety of the Red Hall application fell outside of it. Officers considered that, procedurally, an application would need to be made under Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act before the reserved matters application could be determined, with consent being subject to the prior approval of the Section 96A application. The proposed changes were considered to be non-material in the context of the wider masterplan.
· The enlarged building would allow for a greater amount of floor space at ground floor level for use as café, retail and community space and improved functioning of the building. This had been achieved by moving the core of the building, including internal stairs, lifts and cycle storage. Enlivening of the north elevation of the building would also result in a better relationship with the public realm as compared to the approved scheme.
· One comment from a member of the public had been received since publication of the report. This had expressed objection to the red colour of the building, its height, and general scale in relation to the character of the surrounding area.
· Officers considered that the extension would be subservient to the main section of the building and that it was acceptable in design terms and harmonised appropriately with the approved design. The height of the main building would be unchanged from the approved plans, and sat within the Heights Parameter Plan for Oxford North. The amendments would allow the building to function more effectively as a social hub for the site by providing more space for communal, retail and café use and by enlivening the frontages across all elevations of the building and the external spaces surrounding it. ... view the full minutes text for item 68. |
22/02799/FUL: Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UD PDF 1 MB
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered an application (22/02799/FUL) for the erection of a three storey student accommodation building (Use Class C2) and provision of vehicular parking and soft landscaping at Wolfson College, Linton Road, Oxford. The Planning Officer gave a presentation and highlighted the following: · The application sought approval for a three storey student accommodation building with ensuite bathrooms, kitchen and living rooms within the Wolfson College campus on a site comprising an existing ground level, hard surfaced and impermeable car park. The proposal would accommodate 50 students who were currently displaced within the city’s private housing market, and would enable approximately 70% of Wolfson College students to live on site.
· Following publication of the committee report, a comment had been received from a resident of Linton Road relating to the increase in traffic and pollution which they considered would arise from the development. The Planning Officer responded that students would not be permitted to park on site and that the proposal resulted in a substantial reduction in parking spaces (from 36 to 3). The 3 spaces would comprise 2 accessible spaces and 1 drop-off. A full travel plan statement and residential travel information pack, to be approved by the Highways Authority, would be conditioned if permission were granted. This would ensure that sustainable modes of transport were encouraged. It was therefore considered that the proposal was acceptable in this regard.
· The building would not be physically linked to the existing Grade II listed College campus buildings, but would be linked visually with its entrance in line with the adjacent walkway to Block B. It would largely sit on the footprint of the existing car park. The 3 car parking spaces would be sited on an area of lawn to the west of the proposed building.
· It was not considered that the proposal would impact the amenity of neighbours, nor that it would be overbearing given the distance between the two buildings and the existing and proposed intervening vegetation.
· The proposal would result in a 7.53% increase in biodiversity net gain on site and a 46% reduction in carbon emissions when set against the 2021 building regulations. Compliance with the approved energy statement would be conditioned.
· The report before the committee had summarised that the scheme could potentially impact upon a number of protected species including bats, birds, reptiles and badgers. All of the necessary conditions which would be attached to the planning permission had been listed. However, details of the relevant legislation relating to each species had been omitted. The Planning Officer therefore showed a slide which detailed the Local Planning Authority’s duties under the relevant legislation, and how officers considered those duties had been met as they had sought to mitigate the potential impacts. This had also been circulated to Committee Members prior to the meeting.
· Officers considered that the proposed development would respond appropriately to the site context, and accord with the overall aims of the Oxford Local Plan policies. It was therefore recommended for approval, subject to the ... view the full minutes text for item 69. |
22/02661/FUL: 472-474 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7RG PDF 608 KB
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application (22/02661/FUL) for demolition of 2 no. semi-detached dwellings and erection of a 4 storey school boarding house (Use Class C2) with associated cycle and refuse storage; erection of 2 no. 3 bed semi-detached dwellings (Use Class C3) with associated refuse and cycle storage; closure of existing vehicular access to North Way (A40) and creation of new pedestrian access to Banbury Road at 472-474 Banbury Road, Oxford. The Planning Officer gave a presentation and highlighted the following: · Since the publication of the committee report, the Lead Local Flood Authority had formally removed its objection to the application and had recommended two conditions requiring compliance with the approved drainage strategy, and recording of the installed SuDS and site wide drainage scheme.
· It was considered that the proposal had successfully avoided the over-development, overlooking and overshadowing issues of the scheme previously proposed in 2021. It now stepped back from Banbury Road, and its footprint was set further away from the mature horse chestnut tree. During consideration of the application amendments had been made to soften and pull back the building line fronting the roundabout and further articulate the stair tower, which had resulted in a reduction of four bedrooms. Public and private spaces were clearly separated.
· The residential dwellings would be car free, with space within the site enabling drop-off and pick-up in relation to the boarding house. To enforce the car-free nature of the site, collapsible bollards would be installed at the entrance. Sufficient cycle parking would be provided both externally and within the basement.
· The proposal gradually transitioned in height from the neighbouring semi-detached dwellings on Banbury Road. The proposed dwellings bridged the height difference between the existing Banbury Road dwellings and the boarding house, and featured a high quality materials palette representing a modern interpretation of the existing dwellings along Banbury Road.
· Officers considered that the proposed development to provide a boarding house and two dwelling houses would respond appropriately to the site context and comply with the Oxford Local Plan 2036. The application was therefore recommended for approval, subject to the conditions set out within the report and a legal agreement between the applicant and the County Council as the highways authority.
The Committee asked questions about the detail of the application, which were responded to by officers. The Committee’s discussions included, but were not limited to: · The amenity space for the boarding house would be within the courtyard to the front; students would also be able to use the facilities at nearby Cutteslowe Park. There was no Local Plan policy to require outdoor amenity space, and the proposal was therefore policy compliant in this respect.
· A Committee Member commented that there was scope for illegal parking just outside the application site. Officers responded that this would be difficult to control using planning mechanisms, if highways land. Occupants would be excluded by the Highways Authority from eligibility for resident’s parking permits, and if the land was owned by the applicant then there may be ... view the full minutes text for item 70. |
Recommendation: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2023 as a true and accurate record.
Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2023 as a true and accurate record. |
Forthcoming applications Items currently expected to be considered by the committee at future meetings are listed for information. This is not a definitive list and applications may be added or removed at any point. These are not for discussion at this meeting.
Minutes: The Committee noted the list of forthcoming applications. |
Dates of future meetings Future meetings of the Committee are scheduled at 6.00pm on:
18 April 2023 23 May 2023 20 June 2023 18 July 2023 15 August 2023 19 September 2023
Minutes: The Committee noted the dates of future meetings. |