Declarations of interest for agenda item '23/02411/FUL: Land North of Charlbury Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire'
Councillor David Henwood - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.
Councillor Louise Upton - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.
Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.