Register of interests

Register of interests

Councillor Andrew Gant

I, Councillor Andrew Gant, being a member of Oxford City council, give notice that I have set out below the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests that are required to be notified to the Monitoring Officer further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Lecturer - St Peter's College, University of Oxford Principal, St Edmund Hall, Oxford University
Freelance Author, Lecturer & Musician Director, Natural Capital Research Ltd
Member of Oxfordshire County Council Professor, University of Oxford
- Member, UK House of Lords
2. Sponsorship
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Election expenses paid by Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrats N/A
3. Contracts
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
4. Land and property
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
The Member and their partner have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 The Member and their partner have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011
5. Licences
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
7. Securities
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
None None
8. Other registrable interests
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Non-voting Member of Board, Cutteslowe Community Association -
Non-voting member of Council, North Oxford Association -
Street Champion and Neighbourhood Coordinator, Oxford HUB -
Trustee and Secretary to the Trustees, Ark T Centre Cowley -
Member of Senior Common Room, St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford -
Member, Equity (Trade Union) -
Member, Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrats Constituency Executive -
Non-voting attendee of Steering Group, Summertown St Margaret's Neighbourhood Forum -
Non-voting attendee of Steering Group, Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum -