Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Tuesday 25 June 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/01950/FUL: County Trading Estate, Transport Way, Oxford OX4 6LX

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he rented an office within a building on Transport Way. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application.

Meeting:  Tuesday 17 September 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 24/00318/FUL: Land to the North of Goose Green Close, Oxford

  • Councillor Alex Hollingsworth - Prejudicial - Councillor Hollingsworth stated that whilst the principle of development at the site had been established by the Local Plan, he had been the Cabinet Member with direct responsibility for Oxford City Housing Ltd (OCHL) at the point at which a report was taken to Cabinet setting out the acquisition of the site by OCHL in the event of planning permission being obtained. Councillor Hollingsworth declared that he would therefore withdraw from the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.