Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Tuesday 15 August 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/00405/OUTFUL: Land at Blackbird Leys Road and Knight's Road, Oxford

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal - Councillor Clarkson declared that she had been a member of Cabinet in March 2020 and had voted for enabling detailed design plans to be drawn up for the Blackbird Leys site prior to submitting a planning application. However, she had had no involvement with any decision relating to the site or application since that time and had stood down from Cabinet in May 2022. Councillor Clarkson stated that was approaching the application with an open mind and would listen to the presentation, public speakers, and debate before forming a view on the application.

Meeting:  Tuesday 21 November 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/00693/FUL: Site of 6-25 Pusey Lane and 19-21 St John Street, Oxford

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Clarkson declared that she was a graduate of St John’s College, which was the applicant, although she had not had any contact with the College regarding the proposals. Councillor Clarkson also declared that she was a member of the congregation at Blackfriars Priory, which had objected to the applications. As this gave rise to a potential public perception of pre-determination, Councillor Clarkson declared that she would leave the meeting room whilst the applications were considered and would not participate in determining them.

Meeting:  Tuesday 21 November 2023 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/00694/LBC: site of 6-25 Pusey Lane and 19-21 St John Street, Oxford

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Personal and Prejudicial - Councillor Clarkson declared that she was a graduate of St John’s College, which was the applicant, although she had not had any contact with the College regarding the proposals. Councillor Clarkson also declared that she was a member of the congregation at Blackfriars Priory, which had objected to the applications. As this gave rise to a potential public perception of pre-determination, Councillor Clarkson declared that she would leave the meeting room whilst the applications were considered and would not participate in determining them.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02114/FUL: John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Oxford OX3 9DU

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Clarkson declared that she lived in the area close to the John Radcliffe Hospital. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application, and she would approach the application with an open mind.

Meeting:  Tuesday 25 June 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/01950/FUL: County Trading Estate, Transport Way, Oxford OX4 6LX

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Clarkson declared that, in response to a query from the applicant, she had spoken to him in general terms regarding the planning application process; however, she had not expressed any opinion on the proposal.

Meeting:  Tuesday 16 July 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02411/FUL: Land North of Charlbury Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire

  • Councillor Mary Clarkson - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Henwood, Upton and Clarkson each declared that they were a member of Cyclox, which had commented on the application. These Councillors each declared that they had had no discussion with Cyclox relating to the application or the comments submitted.