Declarations of interest

Declarations of interest


Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

3. 23/02114/FUL: John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Oxford OX3 9DU

  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Chapman declared that the application site was within his ward; however, he had not had any conversations regarding the application and was approaching it with an open mind.

Meeting:  Tuesday 19 March 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 23/02506/CT3: South Side, Oxpens Road, Oxford OX1 1RX

  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Prejudicial - Councillor Chapman declared that he was a member of the Cabinet and also a member of the Shareholder and Joint Venture Group, which had a tangential interest in the application. Whilst he believed that he would be able to consider the application with an open mind, Councillor Chapman stated that due to the risk of the public perception of pre-determination he would leave the room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.

Meeting:  Tuesday 17 September 2024 6.00 pm - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee

4. 24/00318/FUL: Land to the North of Goose Green Close, Oxford

  • Councillor Nigel Chapman - Prejudicial - Councillor Chapman stated that his portfolio as Cabinet Member for Citizen Focused Services and Council Companies included responsibility for OXPlace. Councillor Chapman declared that he would therefore withdraw from the meeting room whilst the application was considered and would not participate in determining it.