Declarations of interest for agenda item '22/00962/FUL: Ruskin Hall, Dunstan Road, Oxford, OX3 9BZ'
Councillor Emily Kerr - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillor Kerr joined the meeting late, and during consideration of the item declared that she had objected to the application on the grounds of a lack of cycle storage. However, she was approaching the application with an open mind, would listen to all the arguments and weigh up all the relevant facts before coming to a decision.
Councillor Jabu Nala-Hartley - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Nala-Hartley and Altaf-Khan stated that they were former students of Ruskin College. However, each declared that they had not taken part in any discussions regarding the application.
Councillor Mary Clarkson - Non Pecuniary - Councillor Clarkson stated that she lived near the application site, in Dunstan Road. However, it was not sufficiently close as to be affected by the application.
Councillor Mohammed Altaf-Khan - Confirm: no interest, no bias - Councillors Nala-Hartley and Altaf-Khan stated that they were former students of Ruskin College. However, each declared that they had not taken part in any discussions regarding the application.