Declarations of interest for agenda item '20/00856/FUL: 295-301 London Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9EH'
Councillor Chewe Munkonge - - 20/00856/FUL -stated that although they were a signatory to the call-in of the application, he/she came to the committee meeting with an open mind and would listen to all the arguments and consider the relevant facts before coming to a decision.
Councillor James Fry - - 20/00856/FUL - stated that although they were a signatory to the call-in of the application, he/she came to the committee meeting with an open mind and would listen to all the arguments and consider the relevant facts before coming to a decision.
Councillor Jamila Begum Azad - - 20/00856/FUL - stated that although they were a signatory to the call-in of the application, he/she came to the committee meeting with an open mind and would listen to all the arguments and consider the relevant facts before coming to a decision.
Councillor Mark Lygo - - 20/00856/FUL - stated that although they were a signatory to the call-in of the application, he/she came to the committee meeting with an open mind and would listen to all the arguments and consider the relevant facts before coming to a decision.