Issue details

Issue details

Museum of Oxford Hidden Histories Project

The decision will deliver the refurbishment and alteration of the redundant Oxford Museum space within the Town Hall. The project aims to create a new ‘cultural hub’ with active learning and community participation at its core. In addition to new gallery displays on the ground floor, there will be a Museum Makers Workshop and New Learning Space in the basement of the building (directly below the galleries).

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Carfax;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/03/2017

Decision due: Not before 27 Oct 2020 by Head of Community Services

Lead member: Councillor Mary Clarkson, Heritage Champion

Lead director: Nadeem Murtuja

Department: Community Services

Contact: Ian Brooke, Head of Community Services Email: Tel: 01865 252705.

Consultation process


Reason date could change: Provisional: Awaiting further information, advice or input


Agenda items