

Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.

Decisions published

30/01/2025 - Go Ultra Low Grant funding Transfer to Oxfordshire County Council ref: 2630    Recommendations Approved

The decision confirmed an agreed approach and a number of sockets to be deployed with the grant funding and that all of the conditions can be met to ensure that County can take on the current estate and incorporate the remaining GULO funding into the LEVI programme and ensure Oxford City Council is recompensed for the loss of revenue owing to this transfer.


These conditions have been satisfied via the HoT agreement and this decision notice confirms that.

Decision Maker: Head of Corporate Strategy

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 30/01/2025


All of the criteria below for the decision taken in Oct 2023, have now been agreed in principle between the City and County Councils, via a legal HoT agreement.


6. Agree the On-street elements of the Go Ultra Low Oxford project (GULO) transition from Oxford City Council delivery to Oxfordshire County Council delivery, subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:

a.    The County Council are satisfied that they can meet the funding obligations within the GULO funding agreement.

b.    The funding body for GULO agrees (Office for Zero Emission Vehicles/OZEV) for the transfer to take place.

c.     There is an agreement by both Councils on the methodology for delivery of the key outputs of GULO Phase 2, including the number of electric vehicle charging points and cable channels (GUL-e) committed under GULO are delivered to updated timeframes that are agreed with Oxford City Council and the funding body.

d.    The existing GULO estate and highways related GULO Phase 2 funding are both transferred; and

e.    An updated partnership agreement, including a revenue share arrangement for the assets associated with GULO is put in place that recovers the City Council investment to date.


Lead officer: Vikki Robins

30/01/2025 - Award Of Contract- Bus Shelter Infrastructure and Advertising Concession ref: 2629    Recommendations Approved

Award of contract.

Decision Maker: Director of Property Assets

Decision published: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 05/02/2025


Following delegation by the Cabinet to the Head of Corporate property, the Head of Corporate Property now having approved terms of the final contract with Clear Channel will take the decision to award and enter into the bus shelter and advertising concession contract with Oxford City Council receiving fixed annual payments of £320,000 which equates to£5,892,000 over the 15 year contract and with a 20.5% share of the estimated advertising income share which equates to £7,156,000 over the 15 year term. Both annual income figures are assumed to increase by RPI at 3%.

There is an option to extend the contract for an additional 5 years. The total fixed sum would increase to £8,478,000 and the estimated advertising income share would be £9,862,000.


This decision involves spending or saving a significant amount - for this Council 'significant' in budgetary terms is £750,000 or greater in the context of the Medium Term Financial Strategy


The Council will not incur any expenditure.


The financial information is confidential.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

28/01/2025 - Purchase of flat 1A Saxton Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 5JD ref: 2625    Recommendations Approved

Agreement to purchase the unit into the HRA as Social Rent to provide an Affordable Housing opportunity.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Purchase of a one-bedroom flat at £220,000 to provide affordable housing as part of the HRA budget for RRTBR.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Purchase of a one-bedroom flat at £220,000 to provide affordable housing as part of the HRA budget for RRTBR.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Purchase of a one-bedroom flat at £220,000 to provide affordable housing as part of the HRA budget for RRTBR.

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive – City and Citizens’ Services

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 28/01/2025


Purchase of a one-bedroom flat at £220,000 to provide affordable housing as part of the HRA budget for RRTBR together with the freehold of 1 Saxton Road.

Lead officer: Andrew Dorrington