Decision details

Decision details

Award Of Contract- Bus Shelter Infrastructure and Advertising Concession

Decision Maker: Director of Property Assets

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Award of contract.


Following delegation by the Cabinet to the Head of Corporate property, the Head of Corporate Property now having approved terms of the final contract with Clear Channel will take the decision to award and enter into the bus shelter and advertising concession contract with Oxford City Council receiving fixed annual payments of £320,000 which equates to£5,892,000 over the 15 year contract and with a 20.5% share of the estimated advertising income share which equates to £7,156,000 over the 15 year term. Both annual income figures are assumed to increase by RPI at 3%.

There is an option to extend the contract for an additional 5 years. The total fixed sum would increase to £8,478,000 and the estimated advertising income share would be £9,862,000.


This decision involves spending or saving a significant amount - for this Council 'significant' in budgetary terms is £750,000 or greater in the context of the Medium Term Financial Strategy


The Council will not incur any expenditure.


The financial information is confidential.


Reasons for the decision:

The current contract ended in November 2024. The procurement process has identified CCUK as the preferred supplier.

Alternative options considered:

An extension of the current contract was considered but the opportunity to generate additional revenue from advertising was identified. Therefore a competitive procurement process was undertaken. The procurement has confirmed the current incumbent as the successful supplier and has provided an updated income offer.

Publication date: 30/01/2025

Date of decision: 30/01/2025

Effective from: 05/02/2025

Accompanying Documents: