

Use the search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s committees and officers.

Decisions published

03/09/2020 - Tower block refurbishment contract - agreement of final account ref: 1980    Recommendations Approved

To agree a negotiated settlement of the final account for the tower block refurbishment project.




Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 24/09/2020

Effective from: 27/09/2020


To agree a negotiated settlement of the final account with Fortem for the tower block refurbishment project.

The revised final account figure and total scheme costs are within the overall budget set by Council on 22 July 2019.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stephen Clarke

27/08/2020 - Research and analysis in response to devolution agenda ref: 1979    Recommendations Approved

To commission research and analysis work to inform the Council‘s response to the devolution agenda.

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive

Decision published: 23/09/2020

Effective from: 27/08/2020


To commission research and analysis work to inform the Council‘s response to the devolution agenda, specifically:

·         Additional policy development support to assist the Council in responding to the implications of the Government’s Devolution White Paper.

·         Technical support and financial analysis to respond to options analysis commissioned by Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council

·         Research and resulting report on a strategic case for place-led growth and renewal around Oxford.


To be funded from existing budgets.


22/07/2020 - Seacourt Park and Ride Extension - additional budget ref: 1970    Recommendations Approved

Delivery of the Seacourt Park and Ride extension project approved by Cabinet on 12 June 2019.

Decision Maker: Head of Financial Services

Decision published: 04/09/2020

Effective from: 22/07/2020


To approve a virement to provide additional budget for £220k in respect of the Seacourt Park and Ride extension project from the underspend on the Grey fleet budget as the overall project budget was showing a shortfall.

Wards affected: Jericho and Osney;

Lead officer: Paul Walker

29/06/2020 - Asset condition surveys ref: 1969    Recommendations Approved

To appoint Rider Levett Bucknall UK Ltd to carry out asset condition surveys.


Decision Maker: Executive Director (Development)

Decision published: 03/09/2020

Effective from: 29/06/2020


To appoint Rider Levett Bucknall UK Ltd (RLB UK Ltd) to carry out asset condition surveys.

Following a successful tender process and qualification interview RLB UK Ltd were the preferred contractor from the NHS Framework (this framework was selected in line with Contract Rule 19.19).

The decision was taken in accordance with the Council’s Contract Rules - Part 19.22(b) of the Constitution (total contract value is over £150,000 but less than £500,000).

11/08/2020 - Purchase of completed development at Edgecombe Road ref: 1967    Recommendations Approved

To authorise the transfer by purchase by Oxford City Council of the extended and refurbished 4 bedroom property delivered through the OCHDL Extensions programme. Contributing to the Council’s overall Affordable Housing provision.

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive

Decision published: 28/08/2020

Effective from: 03/09/2020


To authorise the transfer by purchase of the land and affordable housing at the former Royal British Legion, Edgecombe Road from Oxford City Housing (Development) Limited to the Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

For OCH(D)L to enter into a build contract to construct 7 homes at the former Royal British Legion, Edgecombe Road to be wholly affordable housing (4 Social Rent and 3 Affordable Rent) it required the Council to confirm the purchase price of these homes and commit to their purchase in order to proceed.

Viability appraisals have been carried out for the transfer of these homes to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) which show that the scheme is within the parameters set for the HRA.

Decision Maker: Assistant Chief Executive

Decision published: 28/08/2020

Effective from: 03/09/2020


To authorise the transfer by sale of the former Royal British Legion site at Edgecombe Road to Oxford City Housing (Development) Limited for a consideration of £45,000.


20/07/2020 - Port Meadow mooring infrastructure - feasibility study. ref: 1966    Recommendations Approved

To provide specialist advice to inform future options for the Port Meadow moorings .


Decision Maker: Executive Director (Development)

Decision published: 21/08/2020

Effective from: 20/07/2020


The decision is to appoint consultants to provide specialist advice through the undertaking of a feasibility study to help inform future options for the moorings.

Following a tendering exercise, a preferred supplier has been chosen – Rothen Group, which is an expert in delivering waterways engineering and marina construction.