Agenda item

Agenda item

21/02431/FUL: Meadow Larkins, Larkins Lane, Oxford, OX3 9DW

Site Address:

Meadow Larkins, Larkins Lane, Oxford, OX3 9DW



Refurbishment and extension of existing house to include; partial demolition and reconstruction of existing single storey stable conversion and adjacent remains of cowshed; replacement windows and doors; erection of two storey extension; formation of new boundary wall; alterations to Grade II listed wall including widening the opening. Associated landscaping and provision of bin and cycle stores. Change of use of land described as 'orchard' to be within the residential curtilage (amended plans)


Reason at Committee:

This application has been called in by Councillors Clarkson, Rowley, Fry, Turner, Munkonge, Cook, Altaf-Khan, Wade, Smowton and Fouweather for the reasons that it proposes the change of use of a historic orchard to form residential curtilage, the erection of a large additional building, the total loss of a heritage asset, the demolition of historic farm buildings in the Old Headington Conservation Area and the impact on a neighbouring listed barn.



The Oxford City Planning Committee is recommended to:


1.    Approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of this report and grant planning permission.


2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:


·         finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary;


·         Issue the planning permission following the end of the amended consultation period which expires on 18th February 2022 and subject to no new material representations being received that have not already been considered in this report.



The Committee considered an application (21/02431/FUL) for refurbishment and extension of an existing house to include: partial demolition and reconstruction of existing single storey stable conversion and adjacent remains of cowshed; replacement windows and doors; erection of a one and a half storey extension with a basement room; formation of a new boundary wall; alterations to a Grade II listed wall including widening of the opening; associated landscaping and provision of bin and cycle stores.  The application also proposed change of use of land described as ‘orchard’ to be within the residential curtilage.

The Planning Officer gave a presentation covering the application and the related Listed Building Consent application which was the subsequent item on the agenda.

The Committee was informed that an additional condition was proposed in relation to both the Full and the Listed Building Consent applications requiring that the works to the cowshed and stables were substantially completed prior to the first occupation of the one and a half storey extension.  This was in order to ensure that the public benefits of the scheme, as set out in the report, were achieved.  It was also proposed that Condition 10 of the full application, relating to boundary treatments, be amended to include the retention of the eastern stone boundary wall.

Martin Armstrong, Jinny Blom and James Malcolmson, representing Friends of Old Headington, spoke against the application.

Jennifer Butler, local resident; Adrian James, agent; and Michael Dent, applicant spoke in favour of the application.

The Planning Officer advised the Committee that in considering the impact of the proposed development, great weight and importance had been given to the desirability of preserving the Grade II listed wall; the setting of the Grade II listed threshing barn and the Grade II listed farmhouse, Mather’s Farm; and the special character and appearance of the Old Headington Conservation Area as designated heritage assets.  For the reasons set out in the report it had been identified that the proposal would result in a low level of less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage assets; that this harm was considered to be sufficiently mitigated by carefully considered and high quality design; and that it was justified by the need to ensure the optimum viable use of the site.  The heritage benefits of the enhancements to the former barnyard, and the continued use and maintenance of the site, would constitute public benefits which would outweigh the low level of less than substantial harm caused.  Additionally, the Full and Listed Building Consent applications would comply with the relevant sections of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the NPPF, the Oxford Local Plan 2036 and Headington Neighbourhood Plan.

The Committee asked officers questions about the detail of the application.

In discussion, comment was made by Committee Members that the proposal would involve the removal of previous unsympathetic 1970s construction work, which would be of benefit to the conservation area; and that it would result in a sustainable family home with high environmental standards, including improving biodiversity with the planting of a native species hedge.

In reaching its decision, the Committee considered all the information put before it.

After debate and on being proposed, seconded and put to the vote, the Committee agreed with the officer’s recommendation to approve the application.

The Oxford City Planning Committee resolved to:

1.      approve the application for the reasons given in the report and subject to the required planning conditions set out in section 12 of the report and the addition of a condition requiring substantial completion of works to the cowshed and stable prior to first occupation of the one and a half storey extension and amendment of condition 10 to include the retention of the eastern stone boundary wall and grant planning permission.

2.      delegate authority to the Head of Planning Services to:

·         finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report including such refinements, amendments, additions and/or deletions as the Head of Planning Services considers reasonably necessary

·         Issue the planning permission following the end of the amended consultation period which expires on 18th February 2022 and subject to no new material representations being received that have not already been considered in this report.

Supporting documents: