This Committee is
responsible for taking a strategic overview and of the Councils
audit, risk, and governance functions, and its financial management
processes and control. It is responsible for:
setting the Council Tax base in January in advance of the
considering and approving the Council’s Annual Statement of
Accounts, focusing on accounting policies and practices and
important adjustments
and for
internal control and risk management: how the Council identifies
and deals with key risks; policies to ensure the Council follows
regulatory guidance, anti-fraud, anti-corruption, money laundering,
the Annual Governance Statement,
internal and external audit functions:
ensuring co-ordination and allocation of sufficient resources
reviewing the internal audit programme; considering the main
findings from reviews and audits, and considering management
reviewing the external audit plan and the reports, including on the
Statement of Accounts, value for money reports, and management
Number of Councillors: 7 (substitutes permitted)
Quorum: 3
Frequency: 4-5 scheduled meetings per year
Get involved at Audit and Governance Committee meetings