Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Councillor Nigel Chapman declared, in relation to agenda item 10 (‘Grant Allocations to Community and Voluntary Organisations 2024/25’), that he was to become the new Chair of Elmore Community Services (which was a grant recipient) with effect from January 2024. Councillor Chapman declared that he had had no involvement with any decisions relating to the awarding of the grant. |
Addresses and Questions by Members of the Public Minutes: None. |
Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Cabinet agenda Minutes: None. |
Councillor Addresses on Neighbourhood Issues Minutes: None. |
Items raised by Cabinet Members Minutes: None. |
The Scrutiny Committee met on 6 November 2023. The following reports are expected and will be published as a supplement, together with any other recommendations from that meeting: · Grant Allocations to Community and Voluntary Organisations 2024/25 · FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project Grant Funding Bid · Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Committee had met on 6 November 2023, and the following reports had been considered: (i) Grant Allocations to Community and Voluntary Organisations 2024/25 (ii) FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project Grant Funding Bid (iii) Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal The Committee had also reviewed the consultation response to the Oxfordshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Two recommendations had been made in relation to Grant Allocations to Community and Voluntary Organisations 2024/25. These had related to including a further breakdown between fully, partially and lower funding, and to note the minimum requirements for all organisations which don’t work with children, young people or vulnerable adults. Both recommendations had been fully agreed by the Cabinet Member. Two recommendations had been made in relation to the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal. These had related to (i) including that the Council would encourage the use of modern windows and other retrofitting measures on historic buildings where appropriate and signpost the relevant documents within the report; and (ii) amending the appraisal to welcome applications that would make private green spaces more accessible to the public. Both of these recommendations had also been accepted by the Cabinet Member. No recommendations had been made in respect of the FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project Grant Funding Bid.
ITEM WITHDRAWN Appropriation of Land at Bertie Place to a Planning Purpose The Executive Director (Development) has submitted a report to seek approval to appropriate land (change the statutory basis on which it is held by the Council from one function to another) currently held for public open space purposes at Bertie Place Recreation Ground. This relates to the appropriation of Site A to a planning purpose for the objective of building affordable housing. Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Note that following the statutory public notification process of the Council’s intention to appropriate the Land to planning purposes, three written representations were received in response to the public notice;
2. Approve the appropriation of land in the Council’s ownership at Bertie Place Recreation Ground Site A (see Image 1 for plan) (“the Land”), to planning purposes, so as to facilitate its future development for new housing (per planning application number 23/00988/FUL) in accordance with section 122 and further, thereby, rely on section 203-205 Housing and Planning Act 2016 to permit the development of the Land to proceed; and
3. Recommend to Council to approve the appropriation of the Land from the General Fund to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) subject to planning permission for planning application 23/00988/FUL being granted. Additional documents: Minutes: This item had been withdrawn from the agenda prior to the meeting. |
Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services has submitted a report to seek approval for, and adoption of, the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal, enabling the document to be used to inform the decision making process for Development Management and to form an evidence base to inform Planning Policy. Please note that Appendices 1 – 3 will be published as a separate supplement. Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Adopt the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal; and
2. Endorse the adopted Conservation Area Appraisal for use in informing development management decisions and as part of the evidence base for planning policy decisions. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services had submitted a report to seek approval for, and adoption of, the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal, enabling the document to be used to inform the decision-making process for development management and to form an evidence base to inform planning policy. Councillor Louise Upton, Cabinet Member for Planning and Healthier Communities, reported that the conservation area had originally been designated in the 1970s, and represented a part of the city which was thought to be the most densely packed with historic buildings. The Area Appraisal was a very detailed document which included 9 character zones, ranging from the University Science Area to areas such as Oxford Castle. It would be a very useful guide for developers and those wishing to build or alter buildings within the Conservation Area, as well as for the planning authority when determining planning applications. An extensive consultation process had taken place during its development, which had resulted in the boundary being extended to include the St Thomas’ and University Science Area. It was highlighted that the purpose of the Conservation Area Appraisal was not to constrain development, but rather to allow and foster positive change. Cabinet resolved to: 1. Adopt the Central (City & University) Conservation Area Appraisal; and
2. Endorse the adopted Conservation Area Appraisal for use in informing development management decisions and as part of the evidence base for planning policy decisions. |
Grant Allocations to Community & Voluntary Organisations 2024/25 The Head of Community Services has submitted a report to (i) demonstrate the impact of Oxford Community Impact Fund; and (ii) agree the criteria/weighting for assessing the 2024/25 Oxford Community Impact fund grants. Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Note the implementation of the Oxford Community Impact Fund agreed by Cabinet on 15 December 2021 as part of the strategic grants review;
2. Note the social value and economic impact of the fund; and
3. Agree that the criteria and weighting for assessing Oxford Community Impact Fund grant applications in 2024/2025 are as set out in paragraph 5 of this report with the additional requirement for applicants to comply with the safeguarding arrangements specified by the Council. Cabinet agrees such safeguarding requirements are to be determined by the Safeguarding Coordinator in consultation with the Head of Community Services.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Community Services had submitted a report to (i) demonstrate the impact of Oxford Community Impact Fund; and (ii) agree the criteria and weighting for assessing the 2024/25 Oxford Community Impact fund grants. Councillor Susan Brown, Leader, welcomed the report and in particular the breadth and range of organisations which worked to provide support and services within the community and which had been able to be granted aid. It was noted that 20% of new applicants had not applied previously, which reflected officers’ work to ensure that the application process was made as easy as possible. Work had also been done to ensure that the grants awarded aligned with the Council’s priorities. Cabinet is resolved to: 1. Note the implementation of the Oxford Community Impact Fund agreed by Cabinet on 15 December 2021 as part of the strategic grants review;
2. Note the social value and economic impact of the fund; and
3. Agree that the criteria and weighting for assessing Oxford Community Impact Fund grant applications in 2024/2025 are as set out in paragraph 5 of this report with the additional requirement for applicants to comply with the safeguarding arrangements specified by the Council. Cabinet agrees such safeguarding requirements are to be determined by the Safeguarding Coordinator in consultation with the Head of Community Services. |
FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project Grant Funding Bid for Retrofit The Head of Corporate Strategy has submitted a report to seek project approval for Oxford City Council’s involvement in the FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project (FOx Project), and delegated authority for the facilitation and delivery of the project. Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Grant project approval for the FOx project to proceed, including approval of Oxford City Council’s role as overall project lead;
2. Recommend to Council to establish a revenue budget for £1.56 million funded by a government grant to enable the necessary resources to be employed and the work undertaken;
3. Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to enter into a grant agreement with Innovate UK for the sum of £1.56 million as well as any related agreements, contracts and transactions to facilitate the project and its delivery in terms of accepting grant offer letters, partnership agreements, retrofit seed funding payments, subcontracting and subscriptions;
4. Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, to deliver the grant funded consortium project, and to comply with Innovate UK’s project monitoring and grant payment processes (and project change processes, if required); and
5. Note that this is a multi-partner collaborative project with a total value of £5.28m. A decision from the funder to award the bid and at time of writing a decision from the funder on whether the bid has been successful has not been received (expected to be on 8th November). Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Corporate Strategy had submitted a report to seek project approval for Oxford City Council’s involvement in the FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project (FOx Project), and delegated authority for the facilitation and delivery of the project. Councillor Anna Railton, Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, highlighted that the project included key strands of centering retrofitting on a whole building approach using smart technology; and innovative work on carbon in-setting to provide local community benefits. The Head of Corporate Strategy highlighted that the Council was part of a consortium which included both universities, the County Council and the district councils as well as other public sector organisations. Corporate expressions of interest in carbon in-setting had already been received in discussions at the Zero Carbon Oxford Partnership. Cabinet was informed that subsequent to the production of the report, a decision from the funder on whether the Council’s bid had been successful had been delayed. It was now expected to be received later this month. Cabinet resolved to: 1. Grant project approval for the FOx project to proceed, including approval of Oxford City Council’s role as overall project lead;
2. Recommend to Council to establish a revenue budget for £1.56 million funded by a government grant to enable the necessary resources to be employed and the work undertaken;
3. Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to enter into a grant agreement with Innovate UK for the sum of £1.56 million as well as any related agreements, contracts and transactions to facilitate the project and its delivery in terms of accepting grant offer letters, partnership agreements, retrofit seed funding payments, subcontracting and subscriptions;
4. Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, to deliver the grant funded consortium project, and to comply with Innovate UK’s project monitoring and grant payment processes (and project change processes, if required); and
5. Note that this is a multi-partner collaborative project with a total value of £5.28m. At time of writing a decision from the funder on whether the bid has been successful has not been received (expected later in November). |
Commercial Property Lettings The Executive Director (Development) has submitted a report to seek authority to let 16-17 Turl Street, 24-26 George Street, 33-35 George Street and Cadogan House, Wheatley to provide a rental income to the Council. Cabinet is recommended to: 1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / S.151 Officer, the Head of Law and Governance and the Deputy Leader (Statutory) Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management to agree final terms, negotiate the form of documents and then enter into leases and any ancillary documents required for the letting of 16-17 Turl Street, 24-26 George Street, 33-35 George Street and Cadogan House, Wheatley subject to the requirements of S.123 Local Government Act 1972 being met. Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Director (Development) had submitted a report to seek authority to let 16-17 Turl Street, 24-26 George Street, 33-35 George Street and Cadogan House, Wheatley to provide a rental income to the Council. Cabinet resolved to: 1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / S.151 Officer, the Head of Law and Governance and the Deputy Leader (Statutory) Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management to agree final terms, negotiate the form of documents and then enter into leases and any ancillary documents required for the letting of 16-17 Turl Street, 24-26 George Street, 33-35 George Street and Cadogan House, Wheatley subject to the requirements of S.123 Local Government Act 1972 being met. |
Recommendation: That Cabinet resolves to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023as a true and accurate record. Minutes: Cabinet resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2023as a true and accurate record. |
Dates of Future Meetings Meetings are scheduled for the following dates:
13 December 2023 24 January 2024 7 February 2024 13 March 2024 17 April 2024
All meetings start at 6.00pm.
Minutes: Meetings are scheduled for the following dates: 13 December 2023 24 January 2024 7 February 2024 13 March 2024 17 April 2024 All meetings start at 6.00pm. |