Issue details

Issue details

FutureFit Oxford(shire) Project Grant Funding Bid

Cabinet, on 15 November 2023, resolved to:

1.       Grant project approval for the FOx project to proceed, including approval of Oxford City Council’s role as overall project lead;


2.       Recommend to Council to establish a revenue budget for £1.56 million funded by a government grant to enable the necessary resources to be employed and the work undertaken;


3.       Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to enter into a grant agreement with Innovate UK for the sum of £1.56 million as well as any related agreements, contracts and transactions to facilitate the project and its delivery in terms of accepting grant offer letters, partnership agreements, retrofit seed funding payments, subcontracting and subscriptions;


4.       Delegate authority to the Head of Corporate Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford and Climate Justice, to deliver the grant funded consortium project, and to comply with Innovate UK’s project monitoring and grant payment processes (and project change processes, if required).

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £500,000 or greater;

Decision status: Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/10/2023

Decision due: 15 Nov 2023 by Cabinet

Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2024 by Head of Corporate Strategy

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford

Lead director:

Department: Corporate Strategy

Contact: Ruth Harris, Zero Carbon Project Manager Email:

Reason date could change: Provisional: Decision reliant on another action or process

Is the date subject to change: Yes

Agenda items