Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chairman for this meeting and following meetings

The meeting was opened by Councillor Brown, as the Leader of Oxford City Council which has held the Chair since 1 July 2017.


The Board confirmed by assent the appointment of Councillor Brown as Chair and Councillor Murphy as Vice-Chairman of the Board for this meeting and until the next meeting of the Board (scheduled for 31 July 2018).


From the date of the next meeting


On being proposed and seconded, the Board confirmed the appointment of Councillor Murphy as Chairman from the start of the next meeting of the Board.


On being proposed and seconded, the Board confirmed the appointment of Councillor Cox as Vice-Chairman from the start of the next meeting of the Board.



Declarations of interest




Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 84 KB

Purpose: to confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Oxfordshire Growth Board held 26 April 2018.


The Board confirmed as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Oxfordshire Growth Board held on 26 April 2018.


Chair's Announcements

Purpose: to receive communications from the Chair.


There were no announcements.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Members of the public may ask questions of the Chairman of the Growth Board, or address the Growth Board on any substantive item at a meeting, subject to the restrictions set out in the public participation scheme.


The total amount of time allowed for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 30 minutes unless the Chairman consents to that in the interests of the proper conduct of the business of the Board.


A person speaking to the Board may speak for up to 3 minutes. The Board members may ask questions for clarification.


Asking a question

Questions (in full and in writing) must be received before 5pm on Tuesday 5 June 2018.

A written or verbal answer will be provided by the Chairman at the meeting. The questioner may ask a supplementary question directly related to either the original question or the reply received.


Addressing the Board

Notice of a wish to address the Board must be received before noon on Friday 8 June 2018.



Petitions on matters directly relevant to matters in which the Board has powers and duties must be received before 5pm on Tuesday 5 June 2018. The representative of the petitioners may speak. Petitions are referred without discussion to the next meeting.


Questions, petitions and notice of addresses must be submitted to the committee secretary at or delivered/ posted to the Chief Executive at Oxford City Council, c/o Committee and Members Services (Law & Governance), Oxford City Council, St. Aldate’s Chambers, St. Aldate's, Oxford OX1 1DS.




In accordance with the public participation scheme the Chair invited those who had submitted questions to speak to the Board. The Board had before them the written questions and written responses from the Chair.


1.    Cllr Debby Hallett, Chairman of Scrutiny Vale of White Horse District Council, submitted a written question and asked a supplementary question about the Deal’s and the Board’s governance arrangements and accountability through the Joint Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair outlined the arrangements proposed (Minute 99) for oversight and accountability through Sub-Groups and a Scrutiny Committee.


2.    Cllr Judy Roberts, Vale of White Horse District Councillor, asked for assurance that the viability and costs of the electrification of Didcot to Oxford and the whole of the East West rail link would be included in the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study.


Councillor Hudspeth outlined the remit of the study and the East West Rail delivery board.


3.    Ian Green, Oxford Civic Society, asked if further follow-up with the Oxford Civic Society on the Statement of Community Involvement could proceed quickly; if the Board would consider the Society’s report ‘Oxford Futures and smarter growth in Central Oxfordshire’; and expressed support for the principle of the JSSP.


The Chair said the Board would be happy to receive the report and to consider how its recommendations can be taken forward in the JSSP.


Full details of the written questions, summaries of the supplementary questions, and the responses are in the supplement to these minutes.


Presentation from Oxford University

Dr David Prout, Pro-VC (Planning & Resources) has asked to brief the meeting on the current state of Oxford University plans regarding:


·                    The provision of additional graduate housing;

·                    The provision of subsidized accommodation for University staff;

·                    Proposals for substantial investment in academic facilities; and

·                    Emerging thinking on the research/translation/commercial interface


This will be a 10-15 minute verbal presentation followed by questions from the Board and discussion.


At the invitation of the Growth Board, Dr David Prout, University of Oxford Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources), spoke to the Board about the University’s plans for expansion and provision of housing for students and staff.


In his presentation and in answer to questions from the Board he said in summary:

1.    The University was preparing a plan and priorities for new development to 2023 to ensure it remained a world-leading institution both for teaching and research, could cope with the consequences of success, and ensure its future success both as a top university and a contributor to wider economic growth in the county.

2.    40% of its estate had been built since 2000 and numbers of graduates had doubled since 2008. The majority of accommodation was provided by colleges which had their own plans for expansion.

3.    The University planned to construct 1000 graduate student units and 1000 units of subsidised housing for junior staff. They were working with SODC and Cherwell District Councils to find a location and were seeking development partners to build the graduate student units and a new community for staff.

4.    A total investment of £1.5bn over 10 years would improve facilities across the University and colleges, including expanded facilities across the county: science parks at Begbrooke and Osney Mead; commercial and start-up operations; staff and student accommodation.

5.    There were challenges: finding suitable sites; economic uncertainty; capacity to undertake an ambitious growth programme.

6.    He asked the Board to work with the University to deliver the University’s vision and to develop shared strategic objectives to provide the right level of accommodation and facilities and spin-off for the wider economy – and a coherent transport strategy to link the county – in order to provide sustainable expansion.


Board Members made comments, summarised as:


1.    There was a substantive link between the work of the Growth Board and Oxford University’s plans, as the University’s growth and the county’s success were inter-related. The Board has a remit to ensure all economic activities remained balanced and the county remained a good place to live and work.

2.    Building dedicated accommodation for their staff and graduates may be the best way forward: the Board noted Cambridge’s success in this and that discussions had taken place between the universities.

3.    The Board were sympathetic to the University’s plans while being mindful of the need to balance the effects and consequences of all the varied activities across the county.

4.    Further discussions would be helpful: the University should consider with the Growth Board how to dovetail its expansion plans into the overall plans for the county, and make a strong coherent case to government for the economic and research benefits of the University’s plans in the context of the overall Growth Deal

5.    The agreed Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy has mapped out key infrastructure requirements and priorities.

6.    Growth also required other essential infrastructure such as communications and IT, and further discussion between the University and Growth Board to define requirements would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 96.


Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study pdf icon PDF 67 KB



At its February meeting, the Growth Board agreed to:


·         Work with Department for Transport, Network Rail and Oxfordshire train operators to develop a brief for the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study;


·         Provide a governance framework and accountable body role for the Study including establishing an Oxfordshire Growth Board Rail Sub-Group;


·         Provide an element of local match funding in the form of resource capacity to support the completion of this project


The Board is asked to consider a report (appendix now attached) setting out progress made (in partnership with the Department for Transport, rail industry and other parties) in developing the remit for this study and the proposed way forward.




The Growth Board is recommended to:


Endorse the draft remit for the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study as set out in Annex 1 (to follow), subject to final DfT and Network Rail approval.


Confirm a Growth Board cash contribution of up to £200,000 towards the study, to be supplemented by other funding sources set out in this paper.


Agree that the County Council as strategic transport authority and accountable body for the Growth Board should act as the lead authority on the study for the Growth Board, including leading on commercial and funding arrangements, drawing in technical and other input from partner authorities, to be coordinated via the proposed Oxfordshire Corridor Study Steering Group.


Additional documents:


The Board considered a report proposing the Board’s involvement in developing a rail corridor study for Oxfordshire. The report proposes that the Board:


·                Work with Department for Transport, Network Rail and Oxfordshire train operators to develop a brief for the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study;


·                Provide a governance framework and accountable body role for the Study including establishing an Oxfordshire Growth Board Rail Sub-Group;


·                Provide an element of local match funding in the form of resource capacity to support the completion of this project



The Board noted in discussion:


·         Whilst the Board noted the need to develop the central rail spine of Oxfordshire, then report also needed to reflect the need for wider consideration. For example the Cotswold Line and stations needed to be included in the investment and improvement plans given its role in providing good transport links from new developments in West Oxfordshire.


·         The Board asked that the narrative of the study brief should clarify why only the central area of Oxfordshire was included at this stage as a first tranche on necessary development, from which other developments such as upgrades to the Cotswold Line could then progress.


·         Oxford Station played a central place-making role as the main entrance into the city for many people, was a significant transport hub in its own right and had an impact on surrounding transport links to and past the station concourse. The place-making aspect of the station redevelopment was absent from the project remit.


The Growth Board resolved to:


1.    Endorse the draft remit for the Oxfordshire Rail Corridor Study as set out in Annex 1 (to follow), subject to final DfT and Network Rail approval.


2.    Confirm a Growth Board contribution of up to £200,000 towards the study (delegating the detailed award of funding to the Executive Officers Group: to be reported via the Deal financial monitoring), to be supplemented by other funding sources set out in this paper.


3.    Agree that the County Council as strategic transport authority and accountable body for the Growth Board should act as the lead authority on the study for the Growth Board, including leading on commercial and funding arrangements, drawing in technical and other input from partner authorities, to be coordinated via the proposed Oxfordshire Corridor Study Steering Group.



Housing and Growth Deal Delivery Plan update report June 2018 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Purpose: to update the Board on progress with the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal (the Deal), agreed with Government earlier this year.




That the Growth Board note the progress towards the Housing and Growth Deal Milestones as set out in the agreed Delivery Plan.


Additional documents:


The Board considered a report setting out progress on meeting the targets of the Oxfordshire Housing and Growth Deal.


They noted the advice of officers that the Deal Team were twin tracking both the mobilisation and initial delivery phases of a large and complex programme and that whist progress was being made the Board should not underestimate the challenges this was posing to the Programme.


Notwithstanding this all relevant key milestones committed to in the Deal had been met in the 10 weeks since the Deal was signed. There are ongoing discussions and work to create sufficient capacity and recruit staff to deliver the outcomes in the Deal; and a further update would be given at the July meeting including the first of the quarterly performance reports required by the Deal . 


The Growth Board noted the progress towards the Housing and Growth Deal Milestones as set out in the agreed Delivery Plan.



Joint Statutory Spatial Plan pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Purpose: to consider a report updating the Board on progress on the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (JSSP) work stream.




That the Growth Board note the report.



The Board considered a report updating the Board on progress on meeting the targets in the Joint Statutory Spatial Plan (JSSP) work stream and an update from Rachel Williams, JSSP Programme Lead.


The Board noted that the initial milestones for the JSSP had been delivered and was advised that regular reports on progress with the JSSP would come to future Board meetings.


The Growth Board noted the report and progress to date.



Endorsement of appointments to Programme Boards and the scrutiny committee pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Purpose: to consider a report to advise and seek endorsement of the appointments from council partners to the three Housing and Growth Deal (the Deal) Advisory Sub Groups that will provide oversight of the delivery of the Deal together with the Growth Board Scrutiny Panel.




1.    That the Growth Board note and endorse the appointments to the three Housing and Growth Deal Advisory Sub Groups and Scrutiny Panel contained in this report.


2.    That the Growth Board confirm nominations for the independent Chairs of the sub groups.


The Board considered a report setting out appointments from council partners to the three Housing and Growth Deal Advisory Sub Groups and the Growth Board Scrutiny Panel to provide oversight of the delivery of the Deal.


Councillor Wood confirmed that Councillor Woodcock would take Cherwell District Council’s third place on the scrutiny committee.


The Board recommended that all councils formalise their arrangements for substitute members for the sub-groups. They also recommended that all Sub-group members were sent minutes for all other Sub-groups as the work of the groups were inter-related.


The Growth Board resolved to:


1.    note and endorse the appointments to the three Housing and Growth Deal Advisory Sub Groups and Scrutiny Panel as set out below, and noting that Oxfordshire County Council would confirm their appointments on 19 June.


2.    confirm nominations for the independent Chairs of the sub groups as set out below.










JSSP Advisory Sub Group

Cllr James Mills

Cllr Colin Clarke

TBC* (observer status)

Cllr Alex Hollings-worth

Cllr Will Hall


Cllr Anthony Hayward

Cllr Jeff Haine







All Conservative Group

All Conservative Group

Cllr Toby Morris

Housing Advisory Sub Group

Cllr Susan Brown

Cllr John Donaldson


Cllr Mike Rowley

Cllr Imran Lokhon

Cllr Janet Shelley

Cllr Jeff Haine






All Conservative Group

All Conservative Group

Cllr Toby Morris

Infra-structure Advisory Sub Group

Cllr Ian Hudspeth

Cllr Lynn Pratt

Cllr Yvonne Constance

Cllr Linda Smith

Cllr David Nimmo-Smith

Cllr Mike Badcock

Cllr Jeff Hain






All Conservative Group

All Conservative Group

Cllr Toby Morris

Growth Board Scrutiny Panel





Cllr Neil Prestidge

Cllr Sean Gaul

Cllr Sean Woodcock

Cllr Nick Carter

Cllr John Sanders

Cllr Emily Smith

Cllr Andrew Gant

Cllr  David Henwood


Cllr Elaine Hornsby

Cllr David Turner

Cllr Ian White

Cllr Debby Hallett

Cllr Ben Mabbett

Cllr Chris Palmer

Cllr Derek Cotterill

Cllr David Harvey

Cllr Julian Cooper


*Appointments at 19 June Cabinet meeting were confirmed as:

·         Housing Advisory Sub Group – Cllr Liz Brighouse (sub Cllr Yvonne Constance)

·         JSSP Advisory Sub Group – Cllr Mike Fox-Davies (sub Cllr Jeanette Matelot)



South Oxfordshire Local Plan Update - June 2018 pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Purpose: to consider a report on the current position of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (now attached).


The Growth Board considered a report on the current position of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan (circulated after the agenda publication) and an update from Giles Hughes (Head of Strategic Planning, WODC).


The Board noted that it was not unusual for a local planning authority to find itself advised or required to reassess the strategic housing allocations proposed in an emerging Local Plan as the Plan’s development proceeded.


However in the case of SODC the reassessment period was extremely constrained by the key milestone in the Growth Deal requiring all Oxfordshire Councils’ local plans to be submitted by1st April 2019. It was therefore in the Board’s interest to support each local authority in meeting the Deal milestones and targets.


The Growth Board welcomed the further work SODC was undertaking to reconsider sites for development. They agreed that if SODC is able to find a way to achieve this, the Board would want to use the flexibility provided to use Deal investment, combined with an effective Local Plan for South Oxfordshire to deliver the Government’s agenda for increased housing delivery.


Board members proposed, and the Board agreed recommendations to South Oxfordshire District Council as the Local Planning Authority as below.


The Growth Board resolved to recommend SODC, the Local Planning Authority to:


1.    Consider sites that address Oxfordshire’s housing need, including the need for housing in sustainable locations and in support of people who work or use services in Oxford City;

2.    Bring forward sites that are viable and have sufficient confidence of delivery to pass through inspection whilst securing preparation for sites that might viable in the longer term;

3.    Closely examine the options that would allow them to bring forward a viable plan in the timescales set by the Deal.


and that the Chair write to SODC on behalf of the Board.



Matters arising from OXLEP including LIS and the Oxfordshire City Deal Programme pdf icon PDF 543 KB

A representative of OXLEP will provide a verbal update about the work of the Partnership and progress on the LIS and the Oxfordshire City Deal Programme


An update on the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership Operating Plan 2017/18 is attached.


Nigel Tipple, Chief Executive of OxLEP, drew attention to the details in the circulated operating plan and reported that OxLEP were working apace on the Local Industrial Strategy, consulting on this over the summer and aiming to submit this to government in October. There was discussion with BEIS on international aspects of the strategy. This was not a bid for funds as such but set out an investment plan for government and the private sector. The strategy would come to the Board in December.


He reported that the Growth Board members from OxLEP for 2018/19 would be:


Chairman of OXLEP

Jeremy Long

Vice Chairman and Skills Board Representative

Adrian Lockwood

Universities representative

Professor Alistair Fitt

OXLEP Business representative- Bicester

Phil Shadbolt

OXLEP Business representative-Oxford City

Peter Nolan

OXLEP Business representative- Science Vale

To be confirmed on appointment of the relevant Director



Oxford to Cambridge Growth Corridor - growth issues

Purpose: to receive and consider a verbal update on the Oxford- Cambridge Growth Corridor.


Bev Hindle, Strategic Director Oxfordshire County Council, gave a short update on the working groups across the Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor.


Councillor Wood reported he had been elected as the new Chairman of the Oxford-Cambridge cross-corridor Leaders’ Group.


Nigel Tipple explained that the three LEPs and the Combined Authority across the corridor were recruiting consultants to work across the 4 areas to co-ordinate the Local Industrial Strategies, report back through the various project boards, with the aim of developing a coherent vision for the region.



Growth Board Forward Plan- June 2018 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Purpose: the Board’s Forward Plan is attached for information.


Recommendation: that the Board note and comment on the Forward Plan.



The Board considered the Forward Plan.


They asked, and Catherine Turner (Homes England) confirmed, that the proposed report on the Role of Homes England in supporting the Housing and Growth Deal including their enabling, monitoring and evaluating roles would definitely be taken at the 31 July meeting.  


The Board noted the Forward Plan and list of decisions to come to future meetings.



Oxfordshire Local Plans progress report - June 2018 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Purpose: to consider a report updating the Growth Board with progress towards Local Plans adoption across the county.




That the Growth Board note the report.



The Growth Board considered and noted the update on progress on each district council’s Local Plan.



Updates on matters relevant to the Growth Board

Growth Board members and officers may verbally update the Board on progress on matters previously before the Board for consideration, listed in the work plan, or relevant to the Board’s future decisions.


This is for the sharing of information and no decisions will be taken.



There were no updates.


Dates of next meetings

Dates for future meetings are:


These will be hosted by South Oxfordshire District Council – venue to be confirmed but likely to be Didcot Civic Hall.


Dates provisionally set as 2.00pm to 4.00pm on:


31 July 2018

25 September 2018

27 November 2018

29 January 2019

26 March 2019

4 June 2019




The Board noted the meeting dates; that meetings would be held at Didcot Civic Hall, Didcot; and responsibility for management of these would pass to South Oxfordshire District Council with the Chairmanship.