Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Declarations of interest Relevant Dispensations: The Standards Committee on 11 September 2018 recommended and Council on 1 October 2018 agreed a set of general dispensations for a 4 year period for all councillors including: · Determining an allowance (including special responsibility allowances), travelling expense, payment or indemnity given to Members · Housing: where the Member (or spouse or partner) holds a tenancy or lease with the Council as long as the matter does not relate to the particular tenancy or lease of the Member (their spouse or partner); · Housing Benefit: where the Councillor (or spouse or partner) receives housing benefit; · Universal Credit: where the Councillor (or spouse or partner) receives housing benefit; · Any Ceremonial Honours given to Members; · Setting the Council Tax or a precept under the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 (or any subsequent legislation); and · Setting a Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme or Local scheme for the payment of business rates (including eligibility for rebates and reductions) for the purposes of the Local Government Finance Act 2012 (or any subsequent legislation). Minutes: Cllr Malik declared that the decisions at agenda item 6 related to Licensing fees and charges for 2022/23 affected his declared disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) and he would leave the meeting and take no part in the debate on this item. |
Announcements Announcements by: 1. The Lord Mayor 2. The Sheriff 3. The Leader of the Council (who may with the permission of the Lord Mayor invite other councillors to make announcements) 4. The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Lord Mayor noted that: · This was the last meeting he would attend as Lord Mayor as the March Council meeting clashed with his planned visit to the Council’s twinned city, Grenoble which he would report back to Council on. · He had recently agreed to attend a series of events in the Council’s twinned city, Ramallah and would report back to Council on the visit. · He had recently attended a tree planting and community lunch organised by the High Sheriff of Oxfordshire to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, which was attended by Lord Mayors from around the county and the Leader of Oxford City Council, Cllr Susan Brown. He added that it was great to see the community, volunteers and organisations come together for the celebration. The Leader announced the following nominations for Civic Office-holders in the 2022/23 municipal year: · Cllr James Fry – Lord Mayor · Cllr Mark Lygo – Deputy Lord Mayor · Cllr Mike Rowley – Sheriff |
Budget debate procedure The procedure for this meeting including timings for the debate on the Council’s budget, capital programme and medium term financial strategy as recommended by Cabinet is set out in the Council’s Constitution at Part 11.4. Any amendments to the procedure must be agreed by majority vote and will only apply to this meeting. Recommendation: Council is recommended to note that the times permitted for each stage in the budget debate (Item 8 on the agenda) are as detailed in the Council’s Constitution. Minutes: Council noted the procedure and times permitted for each stage in the budget debate. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting Public addresses, and questions of under 200 words, to the Leader or other Cabinet member received in accordance with Council Procedure Rules 11.4, 11.12, 11.13, and 11.14 relating to matters for decision on this agenda. The request to speak accompanied by the full text of the address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on Thursday 10 February 2022. The briefing note will contain the text of addresses and questions submitted by the deadline, and written responses where available.
A total of 30 minutes is available for this item. Responses are included in this time. Up to five minutes is available for each public address and up to three minutes for each question. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council heard an address from Adam Powell-Davies, Oxford Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC). Cllr Turner, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management read the written response. The address and response are set out in full in the minutes pack.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee considered at their meetings on 07 February 2022 reports on fees and charges for the licensing functions falling within their remits. The draft minutes of the meetings will be available on the webpages for the meetings of the General Purposes Licensing Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee. Cllrs Cook and Clarkson, the Committee Chairs, will propose the recommendations. The fees and charges are also included in the budget papers at Item 8 Appendix 7. Recommendations: the Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee and the General Purposes Committee recommend that Council resolves to agree the relevant licence fees and charges for 2022/23 as set out in Items 6a, 6b and 6c (and repeated in the relevant sections of Item 8 Appendix 7). Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Malik having declared this item related to his disclosable pecuniary interest, left the meeting for the duration of this item and returned to the meeting at the start of the next item. Council considered the Licensing & Gambling Acts and General Purposes Licensing Committees’ recommendations to approve fees and charges for the licensing functions falling within their remits as set out in agenda items 6a, 6b and 6c and repeated in the budget papers at item 9 Appendix 7. Cllr Cook and Cllr Clarkson, Chairs of the Licensing & Gambling Acts Committee and the General Purposes Licensing Committee, moved and seconded the recommendations from the two committees. On being put to the vote these were agreed. Council resolved to approve the fees and charges included in items 6a, 6b and 6c and repeated in the budget papers at item 9 Appendix 7. |
Report of the Council's Chief Finance Officer on the robustness of the 2022/23 budget Under Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 there is a requirement for the Council’s Chief Financial Officer to report to Council on: a) the robustness of the estimates made for the purposes of the calculations of the budget; and b) the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves. The Head of Financial Services may present the report and recommendations. Council in considering its Budget should have regard to this advice. Recommendation: That Council notes this report in setting its budget for 2022/23 and the indicative budgets for 2023/24 – 2025/26. Minutes: Council considered a report from the Head of Financial Services on the robustness of the estimates made for the purposes of the calculations of the budget; and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves. The Head of Financial Services acknowledged the work of Scrutiny and officers in challenging assumptions and estimates and highlighted that the Government’s one-year settlement did little to address areas of uncertainty, such as Business Rates. He confirmed that the previously estimated £29 million budget deficit over the four year MTFP period as a result of reduced income streams still held true. He highlighted the impact on the levels of the Council’s reserves to balance the deficit and that an £11 million draw on reserves remained a key mitigation. Council noted the report and its implications in setting its budget for 2022/23 and the indicative budgets for 2023/24 – 2025/26. |
Report of the Scrutiny Budget Review Group Report of the Scrutiny Budget Review Group on the proposed budget. Exempt Appendix 1, which contains additional recommendations from Scrutiny to Cabinet, is included at item 15. Cabinet’s response to the Scrutiny recommendations on the budget will be included in the Briefing Note. The Chair of the Budget Review Group will present the report and recommendations. Recommendation: Council is asked to note the recommendations of the Budget Review Group and Cabinet’s response. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the report and recommendations of the Budget Review Group of the Scrutiny Committee to the Cabinet meeting on 09 February and the Cabinet’s response. Cllr Fry, Chair of the Budget Review Group, outlined the key findings and recommendations in the report and Cllr Turner outlined Cabinet’s responses. Both thanked all the officers involved in the budget scrutiny process. Cllr Landell Mills commented on the report, raising a number of concerns related to the Council-owned companies. Council resolved to note the report and Cabinet’s responses to the recommendations. |
The Head of Financial Services submitted a report to Cabinet on 09 February 2022 to present the outcome of the budget consultation and agree the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2023-24 to 2025-26 and 2022-23 Budget for recommendation to Council. The Cabinet decisions and any further proposed amendments to the budget will be reported in the Briefing Note. Cllr Turner, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, will present the report and propose Cabinet’s recommendations. Amendments to the budget proposed by opposition groups or individual councillors must be received by Committee Services before 1.00pm on Tuesday 15 February 2022 and will be published in the Briefing Note. The procedure for this item is set out in Part 11.4 of the Council’s Constitution. A recorded vote must be taken when voting to agree the final budget and medium term financial strategy. Council is recommended to: a. consider Cabinet’s recommendations to Council, including the budget published as part of the agenda for this meeting along with any amendments resulting from the Cabinet meeting of 09 February; b. consider the substantive amendments proposed by the opposition groups; and published with the briefing note; c. consider any individual amendments; and d. agree the recommendations from the Cabinet as presented to Council, or with further amendments as decided by Council. Recommendations: Cabinet recommends subject to decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting on 09 February that Council resolves to: 1. Approve the 2022-23 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budgets for consultation and the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy as set out in Appendices 1-10, noting: a) the Council’s General Fund Budget Requirement of £22.382 million for 2022/23 and an increase in the Band D Council Tax of 1.99% or £6.37 per annum representing a Band D Council Tax of £326.54 per annum; b) the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2022/23 of £47.882 million and an increase of 4.10% (£4.51 per week) in social dwelling rents from 1 April 2022 giving a revised weekly average social rent of £112.00 as set out in Appendix 5; c) the increase in shared ownership rental in accordance with the lease as shown in paragraph 44 and the discretion used by the Head of Housing in setting the initial rent for the unsold share of 2% and giving delegated approval to the Head of Housing to set this for future shared ownership rents up to 2.75%; d) the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme as shown in Appendix 6. 2. Approve the appropriation of Alice Smith House from the HRA to the General Fund in accordance with paragraph 44 subject to any consents which are required.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it and considered: · The report of the Head of Finance to Cabinet on 09 February 2022 setting out the outcome of the budget consultation and seeking agreement of the Council’s Budget for 2022-23 and the Medium Term Financial Strategy for 2023-24 to 2025-26. · Cabinet’s recommendations as set out in the minutes of its meeting on 09 February 2021. · The Liberal Democrat group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note. · The Green group’s submitted amendments published with the briefing note. Cllr Turner, seconded by Cllr Brown, proposed agreement of the Budget and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the recommendations from Cabinet |
Additional recommendations from Cabinet and corrections to the published budget If Cabinet agrees changes to the recommendations, or changes or corrections to the published report or appendices, these will be published in the Briefing Note. Minutes: There were no additional recommendations or corrections. |
Alternative budget proposals - Liberal Democrat Group amendments Liberal Democrat Group amendments to the revenue and capital budgets, including explanation, for debate. These will be published in the Briefing Note. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Smowton, seconded by Cllr Roz Smith, moved the Liberal Democrat group amendments. After debate these were put to the vote. With more councillors voting against (30) than for (8), the Liberal Democrat amendments were not carried. Cllr Djafari-Marbini arrived during this item. |
Alternative budget proposals - Green Group amendments Green Group amendments to the revenue and capital budgets, including explanation, for debate. These will be published in the Briefing Note. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Jarvis, seconded by Cllr Pegg, moved the Green group amendments. After debate these were put to the vote. With more councillors voting against (30) than for (3) and 9 abstentions, the Green amendments were not carried. The meeting broke for 30 minutes at the conclusion of this item. Cllrs Gant and Tidball left the meeting and did not return.
Alternative budget proposals - Independent Group amendments Independent Group amendments to the revenue and capital budgets, including explanation, for debate. These will be published in the Briefing Note.
Minutes: There were no alternative budget proposals from the Independent Group. |
Individual amendments to the budget Individual amendments to the revenue and capital budgets, including explanation, for debate. These will be published in the Briefing Note or individual items from (b) or (c) above may be tabled at the appropriate point in the debate. Minutes: There were no individual amendments to the budget. |
Decision on the Cabinet Budget Minutes: After debate, the recommendations of the Cabinet as agreed at its meeting on 09 February including the details of the budget for 2022-23, Medium Term Financial Strategy, Housing Revenue Account, Capital Programme and other matters as set out in the published agenda and briefing note for this meeting were put to the vote. In accordance with legislative requirements, a recorded vote was then taken: For the Cabinet recommendations to Council as set out in the minutes of that meeting: Councillors Abrishami, Arshad, Aziz, Bely-Summers, Brown, Chapman, Clarkson, Cook, Corais, Coyne, Diggins, Djafari-Marbini, Dunne, Fry, Hayes, Hollingsworth, Humberstone, Latif, Lygo, Mundy, Munkonge, Pressel, Rehman, Linda Smith, Thomas, Turner, Upton, Waite, Walcott (29) Against the Cabinet recommendations to Council: None (0) Abstentions: Councillors Fouweather, Goddard, Jarvis, Landell Mills, Miles, Pegg, Roz Smith, Smowton, Wade, Wolff (10) With more councillors voting for than against, the resolution to approve the Cabinet recommendations was carried. Council resolved in accordance with the recorded vote to: 1. Approve the 2022-23 General Fund and Housing Revenue Account budgets and the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Medium Term Financial Strategy as set out in Appendices 1-10, noting: a. the Council’s General Fund Budget Requirement of £22.382 million for 2022/23 and an increase in the Band D Council Tax of 1.99% or £6.37 per annum representing a Band D Council Tax of £326.54 per annum; b. the Housing Revenue Account budget for 2022/23 of £47.882 million and an increase of 4.10% (£4.51 per week) in social dwelling rents from 1 April 2022 giving a revised weekly average social rent of £112.00 as set out in Appendix 5; c. the increase in shared ownership rental in accordance with the lease as shown in paragraph 44 and the discretion used by the Head of Housing in setting the initial rent for the unsold share of 2% and giving delegated approval to the Head of Housing to set this for future shared ownership rents up to 2.75%; d. the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme as shown in Appendix 6. 2. Approve the appropriation of Alice Smith House from the HRA to the General Fund in accordance with paragraph 44 subject to any consents which are required. |
Council Tax 2022/23 The Head of Financial Services has submitted a report setting out the necessary calculations to enable Council to set the 2022/23 Council Tax for Oxford City. Cllr Turner, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, will propose the recommendations and the Head of Financial Services will be available to answer questions. A recorded vote must be taken when voting to agree the Council Tax and associated resolutions. Recommendations: That Council resolves to approve for the financial year 2022/23 recommendations 1 to 5 and to note points 6 to 8 below: 1. The City Council’s precept and Council Tax requirement of £15,028,571 including Parish precepts and £14,757,529 excluding Parish precepts. 2. The average Band D Council Tax figure (excluding Parish Precepts) of £326.54 a 1.99% increase on the 2021/2022 figure of £320.17. Including Parish Precepts the figure is £332.54, a 1.9% increase (see paragraphs 2 to 6). 3. A contribution of £10,000 to Old Marston Parish Council in recognition of the additional expenditure that the Parish incurs as a consequence of maintaining the cemetery (see paragraphs 9 and 10). 4. The amount of £638,036 to be treated as Special Expenses (see paragraph 13). 5. The Band D Council Taxes for the various areas of the City (excluding the Police and County Council’s precepts) as follows: Littlemore £366.94 Old Marston £360.32 Risinghurst and Sandhills £349.98 Blackbird Leys £331.59 Unparished Area £329.30 These figures include Parish Precepts and special expensing amounts as appropriate; in addition to the City-wide Council Tax of £312.43. Council is also asked to note: 6. Oxfordshire County Council’s precept and Band D Council Tax as set out in paragraph 17 7. The Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley’s precept and Band D Council Tax as set out in paragraph 18, and 8. The overall average Band D equivalent Council Tax of £2,225.43 including Parish Precepts (subject to confirmation of the Band D figures for the County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner). Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the report of the Head of Financial Services setting out the necessary calculations to enable Council to set the 2022/23 Council Tax for Oxford City. Cllr Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, proposed and Cllr Brown seconded the recommendations in the report. Cllr Roz Smith stated that she was not happy about Council Tax as she saw it as a regressive tax and those on less income paid more than those on a much higher income or those in a much better financial position – which she noted was to be regretted. In accordance with legislative requirements, a recorded vote was then taken: For the resolution set out below: Councillors Abrishami, Arshad, Aziz, Bely-Summers, Brown, Chapman, Clarkson, Cook, Corais, Coyne, Diggins, Djafari-Marbini, Dunne, Fouweather, Goddard, Fry, Hayes, Hollingsworth, Humberstone, Jarvis, Landell Mills, Latif, Lygo, Miles, Mundy, Munkonge, Pegg, Pressel, Rehman, Linda Smith, Roz Smith, Smowton, Thomas, Turner, Upton, Wade, Waite, Walcott, Wolff (39) Against the resolution: None (0) Abstentions: None (0) With all councillors present voting for, the resolution was carried. Council resolved in accordance with the recorded vote to approve for the financial year 2022/23 recommendations 1 to 5 and to note points 6 to 8: 1. The City Council’s precept and Council Tax requirement of £15,028,571 including Parish precepts and £14,757,529 excluding Parish precepts. 2. The average Band D Council Tax figure (excluding Parish Precepts) of £326.54 a 1.99% increase on the 2021/2022 figure of £320.17. Including Parish Precepts the figure is £332.54, a 1.9% increase (see paragraphs 2 to 6). 3. A contribution of £10,000 to Old Marston Parish Council in recognition of the additional expenditure that the Parish incurs as a consequence of maintaining the cemetery (see paragraphs 9 and 10). 4. The amount of £638,036 to be treated as Special Expenses (see paragraph 13). 5. The Band D Council Taxes for the various areas of the City (excluding the Police and County Council’s precepts) as follows: Littlemore £366.94 Old Marston £360.32 Risinghurst and Sandhills £349.98 Blackbird Leys £331.59 Unparished Area £329.30 These figures include Parish Precepts and special expensing amounts as appropriate; in addition to the City-wide Council Tax of £312.43. Council noted: 6. Oxfordshire County Council’s precept and Band D Council Tax as set out in paragraph 17. 7. The Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley’s precept and Band D Council Tax as set out in paragraph 18, and 8. The overall average Band D equivalent Council Tax of £2,225.43 including Parish Precepts (subject to confirmation of the Band D figures for the County Council and Police and Crime Commissioner). |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2022/23 The Head of Financial Services submitted a report to Cabinet on 26 January 2022 to consider the feedback from the recent consultation on the proposed changes to the 2022/23 Council Tax Reduction Scheme and to agree the principles of the new scheme to be drawn up for approval by Council. Councillor Shaista Aziz, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities will present the report and propose Cabinet’s recommendations. Recommendation: Cabinet recommends that Council resolves to adopt the new Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2022/23 taking into account the following: • To increase the Income Bands in line with paragraph 8 Table 1 using CPI for the Benefit Cap uprating; • To continue to support a 100% CTR entitlement; • To continue with a Banded Scheme based on Income rather than family composition; • To leave non dependant deductions as they are currently. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the report of the Head of Financial Services, submitted to Cabinet on 26 January 2022 to consider the feedback from the recent consultation on the proposed changes to the 2022/23 Council Tax Reduction Scheme and to agree the principles of the new scheme for approval by Council. Cllr Aziz, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities, presented the report and moved the recommendations, which were agreed on being seconded, debated and put to the vote. Council resolved to adopt the new Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2022/23 taking into account the following: · To increase the Income Bands in line with paragraph 8 Table 1 using CPI for the Benefit Cap uprating; · To continue to support a 100% CTR entitlement; · To continue with a Banded Scheme based on Income rather than family composition; · To leave non dependant deductions as they are currently.
Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 The Head of Financial Services has submitted a report to Cabinet on 09 February 2022 which presents the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy for 2022/23 together with the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 to 2025/26. The Cabinet decisions will be reported in the briefing note. Councillor Ed Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, will present the report and propose Cabinet’s recommendations. Recommendations: Cabinet recommends subject to decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting on 09 February that Council resolves to approve: 1. The Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 as set out in paragraphs 22 to 63 of this report and the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 – 2025/26 as set out in Appendix 2; 2. The Borrowing Strategy 2022/23 at paragraphs 38 to 40 of this report; 3. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement at paragraphs 41 to 43 which sets out the Council’s policy on charging borrowing to the revenue account; and 4. The Investment Strategy for 2022/23 and the investment criteria as set out in paragraphs 44 to 62 of this report and in Appendix 1.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered the report of the Head of Financial Services, submitted to Cabinet on 09 February 2022, presenting the proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2022/23 together with the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 to 2025/26. Cllr Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, presented the report and moved the recommendations, which were agreed on being seconded and put to the vote. Council resolved to approve: 1. The Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 as set out in paragraphs 22 to 63 of this report and the Prudential Indicators for 2022/23 – 2025/26 as set out in Appendix 2; 2. The Borrowing Strategy 2022/23 at paragraphs 38 to 40 of this report; 3. The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement at paragraphs 41 to 43 which sets out the Council’s policy on charging borrowing to the revenue account; and 4. The Investment Strategy for 2022/23 and the investment criteria as set out in paragraphs 44 to 62 of this report and in Appendix 1. |
Capital Strategy 2022/23 The Head of Financial Services has submitted a report to Cabinet on 09 February 2022 which presents the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2025/26 for approval. The Cabinet decisions will be reported in the Briefing Note. Councillor Ed Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, will present the report and propose Cabinet’s recommendations. Recommendation: Cabinet recommends subject to decisions taken at the Cabinet meeting on 09 February that Council resolves to approve the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2025/26. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered the report of the Head of Financial Services, submitted to Cabinet on 09 February 2022, presenting the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2025/26 for approval. Cllr Turner, Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management, presented the report and moved the recommendations, which were agreed on being seconded and put to the vote. Council resolved to approve the Capital Strategy 2022/23 – 2025/26.
Report of the Scrutiny Budget Review Group - exempt Appendix 1 Minutes: There was no discussion under this item. |
Announcements Minutes: The Lord Mayor asked Council to save the date for ‘The Lord Mayor’s Quiz Night’ which was scheduled for Friday 8 April 2022 at Oxford Town Hall. |