Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall
Contact: Jennifer Thompson, Committee and Members Services Officer email: tel: 01865 252275
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Councillors Abbasi, Anwar, Fry and Pressel submitted apologies. |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of Council held on 13 April and 20 July 2015. Additional documents: Minutes: Council agreed to approve the minutes of the ordinary meetings held on 13 April 2015 and 20 July 2015 as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interests Minutes: Councillor Malik declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in the item dealing with hackney carriage and private hire vehicles- proposed amendments to licensing criteria (Minute 43) as a holder of a taxi licence. |
Appointment to Committees Any proposed changes to committee memberships notified to the Head of Law and Governance will be circulated with the briefing note.
Council will be asked to agree any changes with immediate effect. Minutes: Council noted:
· Councillor van Nooijen had resigned from West Area Planning Committee · Councillor Paule had resigned from Planning Review Committee.
Council agreed to appoint:
· Councillor Paule to West Area Planning Committee · Councillor Turner to Planning Review Committee
with immediate effect.
Council agreed to the suspension of its standing orders to allow Councillor van Nooijen to address councillors. He thanked members for their support; officers for their advice and support; and the public for their contributions. |
Announcements Announcements by: (1) The Lord Mayor (2) The Sheriff (3) The Leader of the Council (4) The Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer, Monitoring Officer Minutes: The Lord Mayor announced: - This would be the mace bearer’s last attendance as he would be retiring before the next full council meeting, and the Lord Mayor thanked him for his service. - He had opened a very successful St Giles Fair. - He had attended the Oxford in Bloom awards ceremony - a successful visit and concert by the Perm Balalaika quartet 'Karavai'
The Sheriff announced he had spent time helping with flood relief in Southern Punjab in Pakistan, and thanked those who had donated to this.
The Leader of the Council informed Council: - About the multi-agency and multi-authority work to support Syrian refugees dispersed to Oxford and surrounding areas under the Home Office programme. It was understood that small numbers would be sent to the area each year. The nature and make-up of the households to be accommodated, and funding for this, was unclear: both in the short term when funds should be available, and in the longer term. - A proposal for devolution to authorities in the county was sent in to central government by the close of the consultation deadline. The initial response is that these may be taken forward with detailed proposals by the year end. There are outstanding questions on governance structures. It would be useful for the scrutiny committee to review this.
The Head of Law and Governance announced on behalf of the Chief Executive that at the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) Service Awards in September 2015 Oxford City Council was named Council of the Year; won the Best Housing, Regeneration or New Build Initiative Award for our innovative Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing scheme; received a bronze award in the Gold Standard Challenge for its commitment to preventing homelessness from the National Practitioner Support Service; and was nominated in a further eight categories. |
Public addresses and questions that relate to matters for decision at this meeting Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member relating to items in Part 1 of the agenda received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12.
The full text of any address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on 17 September 2015.
Full details of addresses and questions will be provided in the briefing note. Responses will be provided where available.
A total of 45 minutes is allocated for public addresses and questions in Parts 1 and 2 of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Mr Bashir Ahmed addressed Council in respect of Minute 43. The text of his address is attached to the minutes. |
Homelessness property investment The Head of Housing & Property and the Head of Financial Services have submitted a report which seeks approval for the Council to invest in a dedicated property fund in order to lever in additional funding to that provided by the Council, to procure accommodation that can be used to house homeless households in the private rented sector.
The relevant minute of the City Executive Board meeting on 30 July is attached later in the agenda.
The Board member will present the report and recommendations.
The City Executive Board resolved to: 1. grant project approval for the ‘Real Lettings’ initiative as set out in this report to enable the Council to enter into agreements with Resonance and St Mungo’s Broadway; 2. delegate authority to the Head of Housing and Property and the Head of Financial Services to enter into contractual agreements once these have been finalised and agreed by the Head of Law and Governance; 3. delegate authority to the Head of Financial Services to publish a Voluntary Ex-ante Transparency (VEAT) Notice publishing the Council’s intention to enter into such a contract and make recommendations to Council set out below. Recommendations
The City Executive Board recommends Council to: 1. include this type of investment (in a Directly Managed Property Fund) in its Treasury Management Strategy as part of non-specified investments and amend the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policy in line with the principles outlined in this report; 2. approve the £2.197 million balance on the Homelessness Property Acquisitions capital scheme be transferred to this investment; and 3. approve a supplementary estimate of £2.803m; financed from internal borrowing, as a revision to the Council’s Capital Programme. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it a report seeking approval for the Council to invest in a dedicated property fund in order to lever in additional funding to that provided by the Council, to procure accommodation that can be used to house homeless households in the private rented sector and the recommendations of the City Executive Board meeting on 30 July 2015.
Council resolved to: 1. include this type of investment (in a Directly Managed Property Fund) in its Treasury Management Strategy as part of non-specified investments and amend the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) policy in line with the principles outlined in this report; 2. approve the £2.197 million balance on the Homelessness Property Acquisitions capital scheme be transferred to this investment; and approve a supplementary estimate of £2.803m; financed from internal borrowing, as a revision to the Council’s Capital Programme. |
Integrated Performance Report Quarter 1 2015/16 The Head of Financial Services and the Head of Business Improvement submitted a report to the City Executive Board (relevant sections attached) which updates Members on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 1, 30 June 2015.
This was considered at the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September and the relevant draft minute is attached later in the agenda.
The City Executive Board resolved to: · note the projected General Fund outturn of £0.385 million which will be funded from corporate contingencies, the break-even position on the Housing Revenue Account and projected Capital underspend and slippage of £0.921 million · note the performance and associated risk positions as set out in paragraphs 11-15; · approve a £0.300 million virement from the corporate policy contingency to the Culture service; · approve the recommendation to apply a temporary moratorium on General Fund and HRA capital expenditure in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 15.
The Board member will present the report and recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to:
1. approve the inclusion of an additional budget of £115,289 for parks works in the Capital Programme to be financed from external grant funding. Additional documents: Minutes: Council had before it relevant sections of a report to the City Executive Board which updated Members on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 1, 30 June 2015 and the recommendations of the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September 2015.
Council resolved to approve the inclusion of an additional budget of £115,289 for parks works in the Capital Programme to be financed from external grant funding. |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2014-2015 The Head of Financial Services submitted a report to the City Executive Board (attached) which details the Council’s treasury management activity and performance for 2014-2015 and recommends some changes to the Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-16.
Please see agenda item 7 for information relating to the changes.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September is attached later in the agenda.
The Board member will present the report and recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to:
1. approve the Revised MRP Policy as set out in Appendix 1 and 2. approve the amendment to the Non-Specified Investments list attached at Appendix 2 of the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it a report detailing the Council’s treasury management activity and performance for 2014-2015 and recommending some changes to the Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-16 and the recommendations of the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September 2015.
Council resolved to: 1. approve the Revised MRP Policy as set out in Appendix 1 and approve the amendment to the Non-Specified Investments list attached at Appendix 2 of the report. |
BMW Development and Horspath Sports Park The Head of Community Servicessubmitted a report to the City Executive Board (relevant papers attached: further papers available with the Board’s agenda) which seeks authority to agree a contract with BMW which would transfer their sports facilities at its Horspath Road, Cowley site to a new adjacent site enabling future development of their factory.
The relevant draft minute of the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September is attached later in the agenda.
The Board member will present the report and recommendations.
The City Executive Board recommends Council to:
1. agree a new capital budget of £4.9 million funded by the capital receipt from the sale of the land to fund the replacement of the facilities. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it relevant sections of a report to the City Executive Board seeking authority to agree a contract with BMW which would transfer their sports facilities at its Horspath Road, Cowley site to a new adjacent site enabling future development of their factory and the recommendations of the City Executive Board meeting on 10 September 2015.
Council resolved to agree a new capital budget of £4.9 million funded by the capital receipt from the sale of the land to fund the replacement of the facilities. |
Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles- proposed amendments to licensing criteria The Head of Community Services submitted a report to the General Licensing Committee (attached) which details proposals for the implementation of a variety of criteria applicable to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles in the City in order to promote reductions in pollutants and to reduce the number of vehicles licensed by other Authorities from working within the City.
The relevant draft minute of the General Licensing Committee meeting on 14 September is attached to the briefing note.
The Chair of the Committee will present the report and recommendations.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee recommends Council to: 1. approve the proposed amendments to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle “Conditions of Fitness” as detailed within this report at Appendix 5; 2. revise the Vehicle Age Limits criteria due to come into force on 1 January 2016 as detailed in this report in paragraph 44; 3. approve the proposal to offer a discounted licence fee to be applicable to vehicles that fall with Vehicle Excise Bands A, B and C (deemed to be low emission vehicles). Additional documents:
Minutes: As this item affected one of his disclosable pecuniary interests, Councillor Malik left the room at the start of this item and took no part in the debate or decision.
Council had before it a report detailing proposals for the implementation of a variety of criteria applicable to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles in the City in order to promote reductions in pollutants and to reduce the number of vehicles licensed by other Authorities from working within the City and the recommendations of the General Licensing Committee meeting on 14 September 2015.
Councillor Clarkson introduced the report and addressed the points raised by Mr Bashir Ahmed.
Council resolved to: 1. approve the proposed amendments to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle “Conditions of Fitness” as detailed within this report at Appendix 5; 2. revise the Vehicle Age Limits criteria due to come into force on 1 January 2016 as detailed in this report in paragraph 44; 3. approve the proposal to offer a discounted licence fee to be applicable to vehicles that fall with Vehicle Excise Bands A, B and C (deemed to be low emission vehicles). At the end of this item, Councillor Malik returned to the meeting and Councillor Altaf-Khan joined the meeting. |
The Head of Planning and Regulatory has submitted a report confirming how affordable housing contributions will be sought in the light of the successful legal challenge to parts of the Planning Practice Guidance on 31 July 2015.
The Board Member for Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services will present the report.
Recommendation That Council: 1. acknowledges that the West Berkshire District Council and Reading Borough Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2015] EWHC 2222 (Admin) judgement of 31 July 2015 quashes paragraphs 012-023 from the Planning Practice Guidance: Planning Obligations and declares the related Ministerial Statement of 28 Nov 2014 to be immaterial for planning purposes. 2. notes that from 31 July 2015 the Council is applying Sites and Housing Plan Policies HP3 and HP4 in their entirety and with full weight. Minutes: Council had before it a report confirming how affordable housing contributions will be sought in the light of the successful legal challenge to parts of the Planning Practice Guidance on 31 July 2015.
Council resolved to: 1. acknowledge that the West Berkshire District Council and Reading Borough Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government [2015] EWHC 2222 (Admin) judgement of 31 July 2015 quashes paragraphs 012-023 from the Planning Practice Guidance: Planning Obligations and declares the related Ministerial Statement of 28 Nov 2014 to be immaterial for planning purposes; and note that from 31 July 2015 the Council is applying Sites and Housing Plan Policies HP3 and HP4 in their entirety and with full weight. |
City Executive Board Minutes Questions to Board members about the minutes of the Board meetings below:
1. Minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015;
2. Draft minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2015.
This item has a time limit of 15 minutes. Additional documents: Minutes: Council had before it the minutes of the City Executive Board meeting of 30 July 2015 and the draft minutes of the meeting of 10 September 2015.
On Minute 71, Councillor Fooks asked for updates on the award of contracts and the disposal of recyclates, and Councillor Tanner undertook to provide these when available.
On Minute 72, Councillor Fooks asked how much the council would lose from planned social housing. Councillors Hollingsworth and Price said that councils were re-evaluating their unmet need for social and market rate housing. There was some very welcome co-operation between councils, but more was needed.
On Minute 76, Councillor Fooks asked how the planning service incurred £200,000 of additional staff costs when there were staff shortages. Councillor Price said that the costs were for agency staff and consultancy work to provide the service. |
Questions on Notice from Members of Council Questions on notice received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.10(b)
Questions may be asked of the Lord Mayor, a Member of the City Executive Board or a Chair of a Committee.
The full text of questions must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 16 September 2015
Full details of all questions, and written responses where available, will be provided in the briefing note. Minutes: Questions submitted by members of Council to the Board members, Leader of the Council, by the deadline in the Constitution; responses; and supplementary questions and responses are listed below. Board member for Climate Change and Cleaner, Greener Oxford 1. From Councillor Brandt to Councillor Tanner Now that the World Health Organisation has classified Glyphosate as ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’ will the City Council stop applying it to our streets? Response Glyphosate is used in weed spraying across the City and this work is undertaken by a specialist contractor. Currently there is no intention to use an alternative based on the following information received from our contractor. “It seems that it is not possible to rule out entirely that glyphosate could be carcinogenic, which seems to be the reason for the up-regulation by the IARC from ‘unclassifiable’. However due to limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and other mammals in testing, it is also not possible to conclude that it does pose a cancer risk. Whilst glyphosate products are still deemed safe to use by the relevant UK and European authorities and are therefore still approved for use, not only in amenity but in many agricultural situations and on many crops found in our supermarkets, we will continue to use them throughout the course of our business.” Supplementary Given the dangers of glyphosphate and the need to protect health, would the council reconsider and ask its contractors to reconsider their use? Response We will keep this under review and will ask our contractors to do the same: while noting the points, we need to follow the scientific evidence. 2. From Councillor Brandt to Councillor Tanner Could the portfolio holder provide the latest figures on fly-tipping across the City over the last few months? Response A detailed breakdown of the fly tipping figures from 1st March 2015 to 31st August 2015 is shown below.
Statistically this indicates a 20% increase from the same period last year but we believe this to be due to more comprehensive and accurate recording systems now being in place rather than fly-tipping being on the increase. Supplementary Is there any way to reduce this further? Response We need people to inform us, and will take action where we can identify the culprits. 3. From Councillor Brandt to Councillor Tanner Air Quality Progress Reports for Oxford City were published by the Council in May 2013 and May 2014. Will a 2015 Report be produced? Response An updating and screening report will be produced later in the year. 4. From Councillor Brandt to Councillor Tanner When does Oxford City Council expect to be compliant with the EU air pollution limit on NOX within the City’s Air Quality Management Area? Can the Councillor set out the pathway how compliance will be achieved? Response Air quality in Oxford is steadily improving over most the City is already compliant with the European Union air pollution limits. There remain some troubling hotspots despite the success of reducing pollution from buses. ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
Public addresses and questions to the Leader or other Board member relating to items in Part 3 of the agenda received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.11 and 11.12.
The full text of any address or question must be received by the Head of Law and Governance by 5.00 pm on 17 September 2015.
Full details of addresses and questions will be provided in the briefing note. Responses will be provided where available.
A total of 45 minutes is allocated for public addresses and questions in Parts 1 and 2 of the meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: Mr Colin Aldridge, a trustee of East Oxford Community Centre, addressed Council about the running of the community centre. The text of his address is attached to the minutes.
Councillor Simm responded to Mr Aldridge as set out in the attached document.
Mr Nigel Gibson addressed Council. The text of his address is attached to the minutes.
Ms Judith Harley addressed Council. The text of her address is attached to the minutes.
Councillor Rowley responded to Ms Harley as set out in the attached document.
Mr Artwell addressed Council. The text of his address is attached to the minutes.
Councillor Simm responded to Mr Artwell as set out in the attached document.
Mr John Semple asked a question of the Leader of Council about the monitoring of air quality in Wolvercote and the setting of baseline levels for the vicinity of the Northern Gateway development. The text of his question is attached to the minutes.
Councillor Tanner responded to Mr Semple as set out in the attached document.
Outside organisation/Committee Chair reports and questions 1. Each ordinary meeting of Council shall normally receive a written report concerning the work of one of the partnerships on which the Council is represented. In this instance, there will be no report and the scheduled report will be presented to the December meeting.
2. The programme of reporting at future meetings will be:
· December 2015: Oxfordshire Health Improvement Board · and Report on Oxfordshire Partnerships · February 2016: Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership · April 2016: Oxfordshire Growth Board · July 2016: Community Safety · September 2016: Environmental and Waste
3. Members who are Council representatives on external bodies or Chairs of Council Committees who consider that a significant decision or event has taken place, will give notice to the Head of Law and Governance by 1.00 pm on 21 September that they wish present a written or oral report on the event or the significant decision and how it may influence future events. Minutes: Council noted the proposed programme of reports.
Scrutiny Committee Briefing The 2014-15 Annual Report of Oxford City Council’s Scrutiny Committee is attached.
This was considered at the Scrutiny Committee’s meeting on 7 September. The Committee agreed that the report should be submitted to Council.
The Chair of the Committee will present the report.
Council is invited to comment on and note the annual report. Minutes: Council had before it the annual report of the Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Simmons moved the report, thanking those involved in scrutiny through the year, and thanked the scrutiny officer for his work. 143 (90%) of the committee’s recommendations were accepted through the year, reflecting the quality of scrutiny and cross-party working and the many point of agreements between the parties.
Councillor Price thanked the committee and panels for their work on examining issues in depth.
Council noted the report without further comment.
Motions received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.17.
Motions received by the Head of Law and Governance by the deadline of 1.00pm on 11 September 2015, as amended by the proposers, are below.
Substantive amendments to these motions must be sent by councillors to the Head of Law and Governance by no later than 1.00pm on 21 September 2015. Full details of the text and any substantive amendments submitted before publication will be included in the agenda briefing note.
Motions will be taken in turn from the Green, Labour and Liberal Democrat groups in that order.
1. Oxford as a City of Sanctuary (proposed by Cllr Simmons)
Green member motion
On 6 October 2008, the Council passed a motion declaring itself to be a City of Sanctuary with the words that “this Council wishes to promote the inclusion and welfare of those coming to Oxford to seek refuge and sanctuary.”
We recognise the strong support local communities, voluntary bodies, faith groups and others in Oxford already give to those seeking refuge and sanctuary. The strength of public feeling was well expressed in the ‘Oxford Welcomes Refugees’ March on 6 September that attracted more than 2,000 people.
The UN refugee agency has asked EU Member States to immediately take 200,000 additional refugees to lessen the humanitarian crisis. In response, the EU has adopted a quota system which the UK Government has refused to participate in. Rather than the 25,000 that would represent it’s ‘fair share’ of migrants (spreading this across the country would mean about 60 refugees being accommodated in a City the size of Oxford), the Prime Minister has instead announced that his Government would make provision for only 4,000 each year.
Recognising its role and responsibility as a City of Sanctuary, this Council asks the Executive to: · work with the City of Sanctuary, Asylum Welcome, Refugee Resource and other local groups to develop a plan that would see upwards of 60 refugees being housed within the City through schemes such as ‘Host Oxford’ · consider what support can be given to donation efforts, such as those by Emmaus, providing supplies to refugees in Calais · review its own budgets, services and policies to check that these are adequately supporting refugees and present no impediment to the accommodation in private homes of refugees · apply for Government funding under the Syrian Vulnerable Person Relocation (SVPR) scheme to help support its efforts · write to the City’s Universities encouraging them to consider extending their funded studentships to include more places specifically for refugees · write to the City’s MPs expressing concern over the UK Government’s weak response to the refugee crisis and asking them to lobby for the UK to welcome it’s fair share of refugees
2. Air quality and cleaner city (proposed by Cllr Fooks)
Liberal Democrat member motion
Council notes the recent reports that suggest that the health impact of excessive NOx and particulate emissions has been seriously underestimated. Recent research by the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants ... view the full agenda text for item 50. Minutes: Council had before it four motions on notice and amendments submitted in accordance with Council procedure rule 11.17 and reached decisions as set out below.
1. Oxford as a City of Sanctuary
Councillor Simmons proposed his submitted motion, accepting the amendment proposed by Councillor Price. Councillor Price seconded the motion as amended.
After debate and on being put to the vote, the motion was declared carried with all councillors voting in support
Council resolved to adopt the motion set out below:
Oxford has a long tradition of welcoming immigrants and refugees from around the world. The cultural richness of the city is fundamental to its creativity, the excellence of our health services and the global reputation of our universities. Oxford is a truly global city, with one in three of our residents born overseas. 8000 students from 139 countries outside the UK are represented in the University of Oxford. Increasing numbers of refugees are fleeing bloody conflicts and oppressive regimes, deepening the global humanitarian crisis that has been developing over the last decade. Some of the most vulnerable people in the world are dying as they try to reach safety. The City Council welcomes the huge level of support shown by the Oxford and Oxfordshire communities for a local response to this crisis.
On 6 October 2008, the Council passed a motion declaring itself to be a City of Sanctuary with the words that “this Council wishes to promote the inclusion and welfare of those coming to Oxford to seek refuge and sanctuary.”
We recognise the strong support local communities, voluntary bodies, faith groups and others in Oxford already give to those seeking refuge and sanctuary. The strength of public feeling was well expressed in the ‘Oxford Welcomes Refugees’ March on 6 September that attracted more than 2,000 people.
The UN refugee agency has asked EU Member States to immediately take 200,000 additional refugees to lessen the humanitarian crisis. In response, the EU has adopted a quota system which the UK Government has refused to participate in.
Rather than the 18,000 that would represent the UK’s share of refugees, the Prime Minister has announced that his government would make provision for 20,000 over the course of this Parliament. This would simply be an extension of the existing UNHCR scheme for resettlement of vulnerable people (with a strong emphasis on young people) from the camps in the Lebanon and Jordan. This fails entirely to deal with the refugees who have fled the war and the camps and have already reached an EU country in order to find safety and refuge.
Recognising the humanitarian crisis that has unfolded in recent months and our moral responsibility to respond to it, this Council asks the Executive to:
Matters exempt from publication If Council wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any aspects of the preceding agenda items it will be necessary for Council to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 specifying the grounds on which their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
(The Access to Information Procedure Rules – Section 15 of the Council’s Constitution – sets out the conditions under which the public can be excluded from meetings of the Council) Minutes: Council resolved to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration the following agenda items in accordance with the provisions of Section 100A(4) and paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Local Government Ombudsman Report and response (exempt item) The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report setting out the Ombudsman’s findings and the council’s response.
This report to Council including the appendix is exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority). The Council considers that it would not be in the public interest to publish the information contained in this report.
The Chief Executive will present the report.
Council is recommended to: 1. consider the Local Government Ombudsman’s report; and 2. approve the proposed action set out in the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council had before it a report setting out the Ombudsman’s findings and the council’s response.
This report to Council including the appendix is exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority).
The Council agreed that it would not be in the public interest to publish the information contained in this report.
Council considered the report and the mechanism for reporting Ombudsman findings to elected members for decision and information.
Council resolved to: 1. approve the proposed actions set out in the report; 2. include oversight of Ombudsman findings reports in the remit of the Audit and Governance Committee; set up a cross-party working group, not held in public, to review general administrative arrangements relating to the matters in this report. |