Agenda and draft minutes
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Contact: Celeste Reyeslao, Committee and Members Services Officer Tel. 01865 252946 email
Note: Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, this meeting will not be livestreamed.
No. | Item |
Appointment of Chair for the Council Year 2024-25 Minutes: Before inviting nominations, it was explained that the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair traditionally alternated as Sub-Committee chairs, provided the Sub-Committees comprising three members remained politically balanced. The Committee was informed that any of its members may be nominated and elected Committee Chair, however the Chair may not sit on Sub-Committees if it did not meet the political balance requirements.
Councillor Miles proposed and Councillor Lygo seconded the nomination of Councillor Mundy to be elected as Chair of the Committee for 2024/25.
Following questions from Councillor Rehman and Councillor Muddiman, the Committee was referred to Section 14.2 of the Constitution and noted that deviation from the political proportionality requirement for its Sub-Committees could be considered in exceptional circumstances with reasons.
Cllr Lygo left the meeting and did not return.
In discussion, the Committee agreed that deviating from political balance requirements would alleviate the logistical burden on members belonging to small groups and mitigate the impacts on Council operations.
Councillor Muddiman proposed and Councillor Jupp seconded a motion to disapply the political proportionality requirement for its Sub-Committees. Having applied Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the motion was put to the vote and with all members present voting in favour, the motion was agreed.
There were no other nominations.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee resolved that Councillor Mundy be elected as the Chair for 2024/25.
Cllr Rehman left the meeting and did not return.
Appointment of Vice-Chair for the Council Year 2024-25 Minutes: Councillor Upton proposed and Councillor Sandelson seconded the nomination of Councillor Waite to be elected as Vice-Chair of the Committee for 2024/25.
There were no other nominations.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee resolved that Councillor Clarkson be elected as Vice-Chair for 2024/25.
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Appointment of Sub-Committees The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report to establish four sub-committees for the 2024-25 Council Year to deal with casework flowing from the Committee’s own responsibilities. Recommendations: That the General Purposes Licensing Committee resolves to:
· Sub-Committee A: GPL Chair (Councillor 1), Councillor 3, Councillor 4 · Sub-Committee B: GPL Vice Chair (Councillor 2), Councillor 5, Councillor 6 · Sub-Committee C: GPL Chair (Councillor 1), Councillor 7, Councillor 8 · Sub-Committee D: GPL Vice Chair (Councillor 2), Councillor 9, Councillor 10
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Head of Law and Governance setting out the establishment of four sub-committees for the 2024/25 council year to deal with casework flowing from the Committee’s own responsibilities.
Councillor Muddiman proposed that Sub-Committees A, B, C, and D each consist of three members from different political groups to enhance diverse representation. She also suggested that substitutes must come from a political group not already represented in each Sub-Committee. However, concerns were raised about the constraints this might place on selecting available substitutes, given the Committee had agreed to deviate from strict political balance requirements.
The Committee and Member Services Officer suggested considering substitutes from the pool of members not appointed to any Sub-Committee before seeking substitutes from those already appointed. The Committee agreed, highlighting a preference for ensuring diverse political group representation where possible.
The General Purposes Licensing Committee resolved to:
Update for the General Purposes Licensing Committee The Supervising Senior Licensing Officer has drafted a report to update Committee Members on the updates to previous General Purposes Licensing Committee recommendations.
The Committee are asked to note the report. Minutes: The Committee noted the update report. |
Miscellaneous Licensing Update Report The Principle Lead Officer has drafted a report to update Committee Members on Miscellaneous Licensing.
The Committee are asked to note the report. Minutes: In addition to the submitted report, and at the request of the Chair, David Stevens, Principal Lead Officer, provided the Committee with a summary background to the Little Blue Van street trading case. He then highlighted the following related updates:
The Committee noted the update report.
Minutes of the previous meeting Recommendation: to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2024 as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5 February 2024 as a true and accurate record. |
Dates and times of meetings The Committee is scheduled to meet at 6.00pm on the following dates: · 23 September 2024 · 10 February 2025 · 19 May 2025
Minutes: The Committee noted the dates and times of future meetings. |