Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Catherine Phythian, Committee and Member Services Officer  tel 01865 252402 email

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Turner and Cllr Hollingsworth.


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 48 KB

The City Executive Board noted the following public questions and the written responses (as published) on:


Agenda item 7: Integrated Performance Report Q4 2015/16

·         Ms Judith Harley


Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Board's Agenda

Cllr Gant addressed the Board in relation to agenda item 9: Appointment to Outside Bodies 2016/17.  His comments are included in the minute (20) for that item.


Councillor Addresses on Neighbourhood Issues

Cllr Henwood addressed the Board on the possibility of adjusting the Council’s direct debit arrangements to facilitate payment for Council services in advance or over a shorter timescale.


The Chief Executive explained that it was important to ensure that the direct debit arrangements were aligned to the benefit payment cycle, but undertook to commission officers to explore the options for a more flexible direct debit payment structure.


Scrutiny Committee Reports pdf icon PDF 102 KB

The Scrutiny Committee submitted reports and recommendations to the Board following the committee’s meeting on 7 June 2016:


·         Oxford City Council Safeguarding Report 2015-2016

·         Apprentices (short report)


Cllr Gant, Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, introduced the reports and noted the Board’s positive responses to the recommendations.


Oxford City Council Safeguarding Report 2015-2016: the discussion of this scrutiny report is included in the main minute item (19).


Apprentices: The Board noted that a more detailed report on Apprentices would be submitted in July but were pleased to confirm that the apprenticeship recruitment campaign will be extended to cover applicants who live in Abingdon, Witney, Bicester, Didcot and Kidlington areas so that the apprentices will be a better reflection of the Oxfordshire labour market, although preference will be given to applicants who live in OX1- OX4.

Additional documents:


Integrated Performance Report Q4 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 162 KB

The Head of Financial Services and Head of Business Improvementhave submitted a report which provides an update on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of the financial year.


Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:


1.         Note the financial outturn and performance of the Council for the year 2015/16 and also the position on risks outstanding as at 31 March 2016;

2.         Agree the carry forward requests outlined at paragraphs 7 and detailed in Appendix 4 and recommend to Council the establishment of budgetary provision in respect of the new bids show in paragraphs 7 and Appendix 4;

3.         Agree the transfers to General Fund earmarked reserves detailed paragraph 7;

4.         Agree the transfers to Housing Revenue Account (HRA) earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraph 9;

5.         Agree the capital carry forwards as detailed in paragraph 13 Appendix 2.

Additional documents:


The Head of Financial Services and Head of Business Improvementsubmitted a report which provided an update on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of the financial year.


The Board Member, Corporate Strategy and Economic Development introduced the report, highlighting the General Fund underspend and the fact that the majority of Corporate performance targets had been delivered as planned.


In discussion the Board reflected on the continuing problems of staff recruitment and retention which impacted the Council’s own services and other employers in the city. The Board was pleased to note the achievement of the following performance targets:

·         64.9% Council spend with local businesses against a 50% target

·         an actual achievement of 637 Tonnes against a target of 454 Tonnes for the implementation of measures to reduce the City Council’s carbon footprint by 5% each year


The Head of Financial Services undertook to provide the Board with a written explanation for the reported overspend on the new Council website (C3053).


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.         Note the financial outturn and performance of the Council for the year 2015/16 and also the position on risks outstanding as at 31 March 2016;

2.         Agree the carry forward requests outlined at paragraphs 7 and detailed in Appendix 4 and recommend to Council the establishment of budgetary provision in respect of the new bids show in paragraphs 7 and Appendix 4;

3.         Agree the transfers to General Fund earmarked reserves detailed paragraph 7;

4.         Agree the transfers to Housing Revenue Account (HRA) earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraph 9;

5.         Agree the capital carry forwards as detailed in paragraph 13 Appendix 2.


Oxford City Council Safeguarding report 2015-2016 pdf icon PDF 123 KB

The Executive Director, Community Services and Assistant Chief Executivehave submitted a report which details the progress made on the Council’s Safeguarding Action Plan and recommends the Action Plan for approval for 2016-2017.


Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:

1.    To note the progress and development of the Council’s safeguarding work 2015-2016;

2.    To agree the Action Plan as set out in Appendix 1

Additional documents:


The Executive Director, Community Services and Assistant Chief Executivesubmitted a report which detailed the progress made on the Council’s Safeguarding Action Plan and recommends the Action Plan for approval for 2016-2017.


The Chair of Scrutiny Committee introduced the Committee’s report and recommendations on safeguarding, highlighting in particular the concerns identified regarding the lack of regulation for Language Schools operating in the city, and nationally.  He said that the Committee considered this to be a significant issue and it had been added to the work programme for a full review.


The Board Member, Community Safety presented the report and explained that the focus now needed to become more outward looking and centred on partnership working and community engagement.  She welcomed the Scrutiny Committee report and thanked the Safeguarding Officer for her contribution.  She said that she had written to Government regarding her concerns over the lack of safeguarding control for Language Schools but that she had received a less than satisfactory response.


The Board agreed that it was incumbent upon the Council to raise this issue as a priority with the Safeguarding Board and partner agencies as a matter of local and national concern.   


The Board instructed the Chief Executive to task officers to work with the Scrutiny Committee to undertake a full review of this issue and to report back to the Board later in the year.


In discussion the Board considered the following issues:

·         the need to focus on safeguarding for vulnerable adults, particularly as this has a close correlation with the Council’s services and the commissioning of a training programme to support this

·         that awareness of safeguarding issues and responsibilities has been embedded across a range of Council services through on-going training

·         positive feedback from Thames Valley Police on the practical success of the hotel and guest house safeguarding awareness scheme

·         the level of City Council resources available, and required, to support this important area of work

·         the need to respect the clear boundaries between the County Council’s statutory responsibilities and the City Council’s supporting role as a member of the Safeguarding Board

·         concern about the Government’s proposals for the future of Safeguarding Boards and local authority responsibilities


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.    To note the progress and development of the Council’s safeguarding work 2015-2016;

2.    To agree the Action Plan as set out in Appendix 1;

3.    To agree that the Board Member, Community Safety should raise the concern about Language School regulation as a priority with the Safeguarding Board and partner agencies; and   

4.    To endorse the Scrutiny Committee decision to undertake a review of the regulation of Language Schools with regard to safeguarding issues.



Appointment of Outside Bodies 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

The Head of Law & Governance has submitted a report which details proposed nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2016/17 Council Year.


Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:

1.    Approve appointments to outside bodies as shown in Appendix 1;

2.    Note the revised guidance for appointees as detailed in Appendix 2;

3.    Agree not to re-appoint to 150 (City of Oxford) Squadron Air Cadets, South East Reserve Forces & Cadets and Oxford Airport Consultative Committee;

4.    Agree the principles for appointment to community centre associations and other outside bodies as set out at paragraph 16; and

5.    Agree to re-appoint representatives to Mortimer Hall Management Committee.


Additional documents:


The Head of Law & Governance submitted a report which detailed the proposed nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2016/17 Council Year.


Cllr Gant addressed the Board and asked that they follow their own guidelines and review the proposed appointments to the North Oxford Association in favour of local or ward councillors.  The Board agreed to review the appointments to that organisation.


The Board noted some factual errors in the report which officers undertook to correct (reference to the Leys not Blackbird Leys; only one appointee to the Non-Ecclesiastical Charities of St Mary‘s Magdalen).  The Board also agreed to change the guidance on appointments to community associations from “Ward councillors in preference” to “Usually Ward councillors.”


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.    Approve appointments to outside bodies as shown in Appendix 1 (attached to this minute) subject to the following amendments: appointments to the North Oxford Association to be reviewed and change wording from “Ward councillors in preference” to “Usually Ward councillors” ;

2.    Note the revised guidance for appointees as detailed in Appendix 2;

3.    Agree not to re-appoint to 150 (City of Oxford) Squadron Air Cadets, South East Reserve Forces & Cadets and Oxford Airport Consultative Committee;

4.    Agree the principles for appointment to community centre associations and other outside bodies as set out at paragraph 16; and

5.      Agree to re-appoint representatives to Mortimer Hall Management Committee.


Items raised by Board Members

No items were raised by Board Members.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2016.


Recommendation: The City Executive Board agrees the minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2016 as a true and accurate record.


The Board resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 May 2016 as a true and accurate record.