Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Price and Councillor Brown.


Councillor Turner took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


Councillor Turner stated for the record that he had been a student of Nuffield College from 2000 – 2002.


Public Questions

There were no public questions.


Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Board's Agenda

There were no Councillor addresses on any item for decision on the Board's agenda.


Councillor Addresses on Neighbourhood Issues

There were no Councillor addresses on neighbourhood issues.



Scrutiny Committee Reports pdf icon PDF 121 KB

The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee submitted the Committee’s report on the Oxpens Revised Delivery Strategy.  His comments are included under the main minute item for that report.




Oxpens Delivery Strategy pdf icon PDF 145 KB

The Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing has submitted a report which provides an update on the Oxpens development scheme and seeks approval for an amendment to the strategy.


Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:


1.            Note the contents of this report;

2.            Authorise a collaboration with Nuffield College to create an appropriate joint venture vehicle through which the Oxpens strategy can be delivered, on the basis that Nuffield College would act as an investor in the vehicle and in recognition of Nuffield’s position as a key landowner in the development area, as set out in this report;

3.            Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing, in consultation with the Chief Executive, s151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, to agree the terms of the Council’s entry into such a joint venture vehicle;

4.            Authorise (if required) the placement of an appropriate VEAT notice in regard to the proposed collaboration with Nuffield College;

5.            Agree to the commencement of an appropriate competitive procurement exercise to select a developer joint venture partner to become a Member of the proposed joint venture vehicle

6.            Delegate authority to the Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing to agree terms for the acquisition of land at Oxpens, as described in this report, in consultation with the Chief Executive, s151 and Monitoring Officers;

7.            Delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader, to appoint directors to the joint venture company.

Additional documents:


The Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing submitted a report which detailed an update on the Oxpens development scheme and sought approval for an amendment to the delivery strategy.


The Executive Director, Regeneration & Housing reminded the Committee of the background to the item:

·         the Council had been exploring strategic options for the redevelopment of Oxpens for several years;

·         the Council was committed to the comprehensive regeneration of the whole Oxpens area which would maximise value and contribute to the wider city economy;

·         negotiations with the Department of Transport and LCR (London and Continental Railways) over the previous JV arrangements (agreed by CEB in October) had now stalled;

·         central Government had now confirmed the disposal of railway lands at Oxpens to the Council on the basis of an unconditional sale for a fixed price and within a tight timescale;

·         in response the Council and Nuffield College proposed to set up a joint venture partnership company based on their respective positions as the predominant landowners in the area, their shared values, and their collective ambition to regenerate the Oxpens area.


The Chair of Scrutiny Committee said that the Oxpens Delivery Strategy report had been the subject of a thorough pre-scrutiny review at the meeting on 12 January 2016.  The discussion had concentrated on the financial and legal aspects underlying the decision to set up a JV company with Nuffield College and transfer the Council land holdings.  The Committee recognised that there would be opportunities to scrutinise the details of the JV partnership structure and business plans in the future when further decisions were brought back to the Board. The three recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee were intended to clarify the decisions to be taken by the City Executive Board.  He confirmed the Scrutiny Committee’s support for the proposals and recommendations contained in the report.


Councillor Fooks said that the Liberal Democratic Group supported the proposals and recommendations detailed in the report.


In conclusion the City Executive Board noted and accepted the three recommendations submitted by the Scrutiny Committee:

·         Recommendation 1 – that a VEAT notice should be issued by the Council in regards to the proposed collaboration with Nuffield College.

·         Recommendation 2 – that the Council should make every effort within its negotiating power to deliver its 50% affordable housing policy at Oxpens.

·         Recommendation 3 – that the City Executive Board resolves to authorise the disposal of the City Council’s land holdings at Oxpens to the new joint venture company on the terms set out in the report, and delegate authority to the Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing to agree the detailed arrangements of this disposal.


The City Executive Board resolved to:

1.            Note the contents of the report;

2.            Authorise a collaboration with Nuffield College to create an appropriate joint venture vehicle through which the Oxpens strategy can be delivered, on the basis that Nuffield College would act as an investor in the vehicle and in recognition of Nuffield’s position as a key landowner in the development area, as set out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 148.


Items raised by Board Members

No items were raised by Board Members.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2015.


Recommendation: The City Executive Board NOTES the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2015 as a true and accurate record.


The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2015 as a true and accurate record.

Matters Exempt from Publication

The City Executive Board resolved to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the item in the exempt from publication part of the agenda in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2000 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Oxpens Delivery Strategy - confidential appendices

This is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraphs 3 and 5, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reasons:


               Commercial affairs of the Council

               Legal Privilege

Additional documents:


The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendices and to the report on Oxpens Delivery Strategy (agenda item 7; minute 151) and the presentation from the Executive Director, Regeneration and Housing.