Agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes

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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting

Venue: St Aldate's Room - Oxford Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Sarah Claridge, Committee and Member Services Officer 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Peter Sloman.


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were received


Public Questions pdf icon PDF 17 KB

When the Chair agrees, the public can ask questions about any item for decision at the meeting for up to 15 minutes.  Questions must have been given to the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am one clear working day before the meeting (email or telephone the person named as staff contact).  No supplementary questions or questioning will be permitted.  Questions by the public will be taken as read and, when the Chair agrees, be responded to at the meeting.



One public question was received and tabled at the meeting on the item: Oxford Growth: Grenoble Road Development (minutes 17). The question and officer’s response is attached to the minutes as appendix one.


The Board resolved to take the question as read.


Integrated Performance Report for -Quarter 4 2013/2014 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology have submitted a report which updates Members on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 4, 31st March 2014



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1.            Note the financial outturn and performance of the Council for the year 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as at 31st March 2014;


2.            Note the transfers to General Fund earmarked reserves detailed in the report (including for expenditure on the Partnership Payment, Flooding, Capital Programme, Gladiators and a contingency against future property investment losses) and Appendix E5;


3.            Note the transfers to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraphs 15 and 16 and Appendix E5;


4.            Agree the recommended carry forward requests outlined at paragraph 9 and detailed in Appendix E4;


5.            Note the capital slippage as detailed in Appendix E2; and.


6.            Recommend to Council to include a budget of £162,000 in the capital programme in respect of highways vehicles outlined in paragraph 22.

Additional documents:


The Heads of Finance and Business Improvement and Technology submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s finances, risk and performance as at the end of quarter 4, 31st March 2014


Cllr Turner, Executive Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report.


Cllr Fooks queried whether the Council was being overcautious with the amount of money set aside in contingencies. Cllr Turner stated that the Council encouraged officer innovation and therefore each project’s risk was measured and only assigning a contingency if the risk deemed necessary.


Cllr Fooks asked what were the £0.450M saving from vacancies in Direct Services? The Executive Director of Organisational Development and Corporate Services stated she would find out and reply to Cllr Fooks in writing.


The Scrutiny report on the integrated report was discussed and recommendation 1 on the purchase of the Gladiator Clubrooms was noted.

In regards to recommendation 2 on the contingency available to prevent homelessness, the Board felt the current contingency was sufficient. 



The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.            Note the financial outturn and performance of the Council for the year 2013/14 and also the position of risks outstanding as at 31st March 2014;


2.            Note the transfers to General Fund earmarked reserves detailed in the report (including for expenditure on the Partnership Payment, Flooding, Capital Programme, Gladiators and a contingency against future property investment losses) and Appendix E5;


3.            Note the transfers to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) earmarked reserves as detailed in paragraphs 15 and 16 and Appendix E5;


4.            Agree the recommended carry forward requests outlined at paragraph 9 and detailed in Appendix E4;


5.            Note the capital slippage as detailed in Appendix E2; and.


6.            Recommend to Council to include a budget of £162,000 in the capital programme in respect of highways vehicles outlined in paragraph 22.


7.            Congratulate officers on their hard work.


Acquisition of Intermediate Leasehold, Horspath Road Industrial Estate pdf icon PDF 122 KB

The Head of Regeneration and Major Projects Services Manager has submitted a report which seeks approval to acquire the intermediate leasehold interest of Horspath Road Industrial Estate, Oxford. 


Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board


1.    Approve the acquisition of an intermediate leasehold interest in land and buildings forming the Horspath Road depot site on the terms set out in the Not for Publication Confidential Appendix 2 of this report.


The Head of Regeneration and Major Projects Services Manager submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval to purchase the intermediate leasehold interest in land and buildings forming the depot site on the Horspath Road Industrial Estate, Oxford.


Cllr Turner, Executive Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report.


The City Executive Board resolved to approve the acquisition of an intermediate leasehold interest in land and buildings forming the Horspath Road depot site on the terms set out in the Not for Publication Confidential Appendix 2 of this report.


Disposal of Sub Station Sites pdf icon PDF 152 KB

The Regeneration and Major Projects Service Manager has submitted a report which seeks approval to the disposal of the freehold interest in 83 sub station sites to Scottish and Southern Energy PLC


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


  1. Approve the disposal of the freehold interest in 83 sub station sites on the terms set out in the Not for Publication Confidential Appendix 3 of this report.  The detailed provisions of the sale are to be approved by the Executive Director, City Regeneration.


  1. Grant authority to the Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing, in consultation with the Board Member, to vary or extend the sub station sites to be included in the transaction provided the transaction continues to represent best consideration.


The Regeneration and Major Projects Service submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval for the disposal of the freehold interest in 83 sub-station sites to Scottish and Southern Energy PLC


Cllr Turner, Executive Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. The money from the sale will be used to fund the capital programme; the Council will retain 9 sites.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Approve the disposal of the freehold interest in 83 sub-station sites on the terms set out in the Not for Publication Confidential Appendix 3 of this report.  The detailed provisions of the sale are to be approved by the Executive Director, City Regeneration.


2.    Grant authority to the Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing, in consultation with the Board Member, to vary or extend the sub- station sites to be included in the transaction provided the transaction continues to represent best consideration.


Oxford Growth: Grenoble Road Development pdf icon PDF 261 KB

The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing has submitted a report which details a potential partnership with adjoining landowners to pursue the development of the Council’s landholding south of Grenoble Road.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1. Approve the principle of pursuing discussions with adjoining landowners for a partnership to deliver development south of Grenoble Road, subject to a detailed report on whether such a partnership would represent best value.


2. Note that if a partnership arrangement was subsequently approved this is expected to require significant funding for specialist consultancy support in the preparation of Local Plan submissions and a planning application, which would be set out in the detailed report. 



The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed a potential partnership with adjoining landowners to pursue the development of the Council’s landholding south of Grenoble Road.


 Cllr Price, Executive Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report.


The City Executive Board resolved to


1. Approve the principle of pursuing discussions with adjoining landowners for a partnership to deliver development south of Grenoble Road, subject to a detailed report on whether such a partnership would represent best value.


2. Note that if a partnership arrangement was subsequently approved this is expected to require significant funding for specialist consultancy support in the preparation of Local Plan submissions and a planning application, which would be set out in the detailed report.


Capital Contribution towards Frideswide Square pdf icon PDF 173 KB

The Head of City Development has submitted a report which details a request to make a financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council towards the work to transform Frideswide Square.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.    Recommend to full Council to give a capital grant to the County Council of £670,000 in two phases of £335,000 each (50% in Q3 2014/15 and 50% in Q2 2015/16).


2.    Delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing responsibility to complete the legal agreement requested by the County Council.


The Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed a request to make a financial contribution to Oxfordshire County Council towards the work to transform Frideswide Square.


 Cllr Price, Executive Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report.


The proposal is to contribute £6- 7,000 to the beautification of the Frideswide Square area. Cllr Tanner felt it was important to get the junction right and to remove the current traffic bottleneck.  Ongoing discussions on how the contribution was to be spent needed to prioritise the needs of vulnerable pedestrians and to re-route the road so that buses are given priority.


The Council will continue to have discussions with Oxfordshire County Council over the exact details of how the contribution is to be spent.


The City Executive Board resolved to


1.    Recommend to full Council to give a capital grant to the County Council of £670,000 in two phases of £335,000 each (50% in Q3 2014/15 and 50% in Q2 2015/16).


2.    Delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing responsibility to complete the legal agreement requested by the County Council.


Oxpens Delivery Strategy - Stage 1 pdf icon PDF 145 KB

The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing has submitted a report which details an update and agree the next steps to deliver redevelopment of the Oxpens site area, including establishing the budget.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.         Note the contents of this report.


2.         Recommends to Council the establishment of a budget of £320,000 in the Council’s revenue budget funded from New Growths Point Grant to complete due diligence and progress the project through the next stages.

Additional documents:


The Executive Director of City Regeneration and Housing submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which updated and agreed the next steps to delivering the redevelopment of the Oxpens site area, including establishing the budget.


Cllr Price, Executive Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.         Note the contents of this report.


2.         Recommend to Council the establishment of a budget of £320,000 in the Council’s revenue budget funded from New Growths Point Grant to complete due diligence and progress the project through the next stages.


Grant Monitoring Information for 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

The Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities has submitted a report to inform members of monitoring information returned by community & voluntary organisations awarded a grant by the City Council in 2013/14.



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.    Note the report 


2.    Approve the recommendation made by Price Waterhouse Coopers that there should be a penalty for organisations not returning their monitoring information of not being able to reapply for future funding and the grant  awarded should be reclaimed.

Additional documents:


The Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the monitoring information returned by community & voluntary organisations awarded a grant by the City Council in 2013/14.


Cllr Rowley, Executive Board Member for Leisure Contract and Community Partnership Grants presented the report. He outlined that Price Waterhouse Coopers recommendation was really formalising something that was already being done. If organisations cannot account for how the grant was spent the Council would seek the grant money back. Officers to help struggling organisations complete the monitoring forms.


Cllr Fooks asked if the grants criteria could change so that community groups could claim for staff costs?   The Board felt that such a change to the criteria would encourage dependency and that community groups needed to be self- sufficient.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Note the report


2.    Approve the recommendation made by Price Waterhouse Coopers that there should be a penalty for organisations not returning their monitoring information of not being able to reapply for funding the following year and the grant awarded should be reclaimed.



Draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 - 17 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications has submitted a report which seeks approval from the City Executive Board to adopt the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17.  



Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17, subject to any specified amendments, for adoption.

Additional documents:


The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval from the City Executive Board to adopt the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014 – 17.         


Cllr Simm, Executive Board Member for Culture and Communities presented the report.


The Board noted and agreed the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations 1-4. In terms of the pilot study (recommendation 3) it was suggested that officers use two case studies of consultations already planned. One case study should be a broad, city wide consultation and the other should focus on a small in-depth sole community of interest. 


The City Executive Board resolved:


1.    To approve the draft Community Engagement Policy Statement 2014–17 for adoption.


2.    That Officers test the effectiveness of the Council’s Community Engagement Policy Statement’s principles by choosing two planned consultations as case studies.  One should be a broad, city wide consultation and the other should focus on a small in-depth sole community of interest. 


Tenancy Fraud Amnesty pdf icon PDF 116 KB

The Heads of Finance and Housing and Property have submitted a report which seeks members’ views on the implementation of a tenancy fraud amnesty campaign.


Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board considers the report and approve an amnesty.


The Heads of Finance and Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the proposal to run a 2 month tenancy fraud amnesty campaign to allow people to give up their council properties without the fear of prosecution.


Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report. He explained that a public campaign would run alongside the amnesty.


Cllr Turner stated it was important to get the housing associations on board. Cllr Seamons said that one association has agreed to get involved and the Council was waiting for the others to respond.


The City Executive Board resolved to approve the two month tenancy fraud amnesty.


Financial Inclusion Strategy_ Final pdf icon PDF 103 KB

The Head of Customer Services has submitted a report which details a Financial Inclusion Strategy and an Action Plan for delivery.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.    Approve the Financial Inclusion Strategy for a period of three years form April 2014 to April 2017 as set out in Appendix 3 and;


2.    Agree the associated Action Plan, the delivery of which will be coordinated by the Head of Customer Services.

Additional documents:


The Head of Customer Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed a Financial Inclusion Strategy and an Action Plan for delivery.


 Cllr Brown, Executive Board Member for Customer Services and Social Inclusion presented the report.


Cllr Fooks welcomed the promotion of the discretion housing payments (DHP) to private sector tenants. She queried the digital by default style as there are a lot of people who don’t have access to computers. Cllr Brown stated that provisions would always be provided for people without computers to access the necessary forms.


Cllr Fooks asked what were the staffing implications and financial costs of implementing this strategy? The Council had received £1.2M from the European Social Fund (ESF) to assist with the additional costs of extending the programme to private rental tenants.



The City Executive Board resolved to


1.    Approve the Financial Inclusion Strategy for a period of three years form April 2014 to April 2017 as set out in Appendix 3 and;


2.    Agree the associated Action Plan, the delivery of which will be coordinated by the Head of Customer Services.


Anti-social Behaviour Policy in the light of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

The Head of Environmental Development has submitted a report which presents a revised Anti-Social Behaviour Policy for approval.


Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the revisedAnti-SocialBehaviour Policy.

Additional documents:


The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the revised Anti-Social Behaviour Policy for approval.


Cllr Sinclair, Executive Board Member for Crime and Community Response presented the report.


It was explained that Anti-Social Behaviour Officers work closely with Housing colleagues to tackle anti-social behaviour. Officer training in the Environment Protection Act is part of the early response training.


The City Executive Board resolved to approve the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy.


Tower Block Refurbishment Project pdf icon PDF 85 KB

The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which requests approval to commence a tender process and for the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing to be able to appoint and award the contract for the refurbishment of the City tower blocks and to recommend to Council a revised budget to cover the agreed scope of works.



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1.    Approve the commencement of the tender process and delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, the authority to award the contract to the preferred contractor within the budget envelope for the refurbishment of the City tower blocks, following a competitive tender process.


2.    Approve the scope of works as detailed in Appendix 1 to be included  in the project. This will leave a revised total project cost of £18.358m.This revised total represents an increase of  £1.743m over the current approved budget of £16.615m,


3.    Recommend to Council the inclusion of an additional budget within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.743m funded by a combination of leaseholder contributions (for their element of the scheme), or as a last resort prudential borrowing together with appropriate revenue funding of  a maximum of approximately  £104kper annum in capital financing costs 

Additional documents:


The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval to commence a tender process and for the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing to be able to appoint and award the contract for the refurbishment of the City tower blocks and to recommend to Council a revised budget to cover the agreed scope of works.


Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report. The refurbishment programme will take 3 year and will start in June 2015.



The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Approve the commencement of the tender process and delegate to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Monitoring Officer, the authority to award the contract to the preferred contractor within the budget envelope for the refurbishment of the City tower blocks, following a competitive tender process.


2.    Approve the scope of works as detailed in Appendix 1 to be included in the project. This will leave a revised total project cost of £18.358m.This revised total represents an increase of £1.743m over the current approved budget of £16.615m,


3.    Recommend to Council the inclusion of an additional budget within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.743m funded by a combination of leaseholder contributions (for their element of the scheme), or as a last resort prudential borrowing together with appropriate revenue funding of a maximum of approximately £104kper annum in capital financing costs


Local Offer for Oxford City Council Tenants pdf icon PDF 132 KB

The Head of Housing and Propert has submitted a report which details the Local Offer for approval.



Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the Local Offer between the City Council and City Council tenants.


The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Local Offer for approval.


 Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report. He thanked officers in Direct Services for delivering increased productivity.


The City Executive Board resolved to approve the Local Offer between the City Council and City Council tenants.


Resident Parking on Council owned housing land pdf icon PDF 155 KB

The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which sets out the options for management of the Council’s small parking areas that are sited on housing land held in the Council’s housing revenue account (HRA), including un-adopted highway.



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board agrees:


1.    That the preferred model for the enforcement of the Resident Parking Permit Scheme (RPPS) on HRA land is through an external contractor


2.    That consultation arrangements for new Resident Parking Permit Areas on HRA land are as set out in this report


3.    That delegated authority is given to the Head of Housing and Property to introduce new Resident Parking Permit Areas on HRA land.


4.    The eligibility criteria for the Resident Parking Permit scheme as set out in this report


5.    That permits under the Resident Parking Permit Scheme continue to be provided without charge to residents, their visitors and carers


The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the options for managing the Council’s small parking areas that are sited on housing land held in the Council’s housing revenue account (HRA), including un-adopted highway.


 Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report.


The City Executive Board resolved to agree:


1.    That the preferred model for the enforcement of the Resident Parking Permit Scheme (RPPS) on HRA land is through an external contractor


2.    That consultation arrangements for new Resident Parking Permit Areas on HRA land are as set out in this report


3.    That delegated authority is given to the Head of Housing and Property to introduce new Resident Parking Permit Areas on HRA land.


4.    The eligibility criteria for the Resident Parking Permit scheme as set out in this report


5.    That permits under the Resident Parking Permit Scheme continue to be provided without charge to residents, their visitors and carers



Housing Stock Energy Efficiency Improvements pdf icon PDF 88 KB

The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which seeks amendment to a previous approval for the funding and procurement of a project to improve the energy efficiency of the Council’s hard to treat housing stock and optimising the available Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1 Grant amended project approval for the Council to gain optimum value for money, utilising ECO or Green Deal funding if possible, but using only previously agreed Council budget if the external funding cannot be accessed.


2 Grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing, to authorise the Council’s entry into all appropriate contracts required to implement this project.

Additional documents:


The Head of Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought amendment to a previous approval for the funding and procurement of a project to improve the energy efficiency of the Council’s hard to treat housing stock and optimising the available Energy Company Obligation (ECO) funding.


 Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report. This project had to be revised because the Government withdrew its funding.  The Council’s contribution will mean at least 50-60 properties can be renovated starting with the ‘hard to treat’ properties and more money might be available through the Green Deal.


The City Executive Board resolved to


1 Grant amended project approval for the Council to gain optimum value for money, utilising ECO or Green Deal funding if possible, but using only previously agreed Council budget if the external funding cannot be accessed.


2 Grant delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration and Housing, to authorise the Council’s entry into all appropriate contracts required to implement this project.



Housing Strategy 2012-2015 Final Review of Action Plan pdf icon PDF 54 KB

The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which provide the City Executive Board with the final position of the current Housing Strategy Action plan prior to the drafting of a new Housing Strategy for 2015-2018



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1.      Note the progress made during the lifetime of the 2012 – 2015 Housing Strategy


2.      Note possible actions to be carried through to the 2015 – 2018 Housing Strategy

Additional documents:


The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which outlined the current Housing Strategy Action plan prior to the drafting of a new Housing Strategy for 2015-2018.


Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report.


 A report seeking new ideas for the next Housing review will be presented to the Board in September.


The City Executive Board resolved to


1.      Note the progress made during the lifetime of the 2012 – 2015 Housing Strategy


2.      Note possible actions to be carried through to the 2015 – 2018 Housing Strategy



Revised Tenancy Agreement for Council Tenants pdf icon PDF 56 KB

The Head of Housing and property has submitted a report which details the proposals for the revision of the Council’s secure tenancy agreement and to advise the City Executive Board of the outcomes of the consultations with tenants and other stakeholders on the proposed revisions to the Tenancy Agreement.


Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1. Approve the Tenancy Agreement


2. Authorise the Executive Director for Regeneration and Housing to introduce the new Tenancy Agreement with effect from September 2014 on behalf of the Council.

Additional documents:


The Head of Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the proposed Council’s secure tenancy agreement following consultation with tenants and other stakeholders.


Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report.


The City Executive Board resolved to:  


1. Approve the Tenancy Agreement


2. Authorise the Executive Director for Regeneration and Housing to introduce the new Tenancy Agreement with effect from September 2014 on behalf of the Council.



Social Inclusion Fund Process pdf icon PDF 242 KB

The Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities has submitted a report which requests approval for the Social Inclusion Fund decision making process.



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board


1.    Approve the criteria and process for the application and award of the Social Inclusion grants as outlined in the report.


2.    Delegate authority to the Head of Leisure, Parks & Communities to approve grants within the approved criteria in liaison with the City Executive Board Members for Youth & Communities and Education, Crime & Community Safety.  


The Head of Head of Leisure, Parks and Communities submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval for the Social Inclusion Fund decision making process.


Cllr Simm, Executive Board Member for Culture and Communities presented the report. She explained that Cllr Rowley and herself would sit on the decision panel, promotion of the grant scheme was needed and all ward councillors would be informed of the process.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Approve the criteria and process for the application and award of the Social Inclusion grants as outlined in the report.


2.    Delegate authority to the Head of Leisure, Parks & Communities to approve grants within the approved criteria in liaison with the City Executive Board Members for Youth & Communities and Education, Crime & Community Safety.



Appointment to Outside Bodies 2014/2015 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report which seeks nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2014/2015 Council Year.



Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:


1.    Reduce Council representation on the Oxford Leon Trust to two (when representation comes up for renewal).


2.    Delete the following appointments because the groups are no longer in existence:-


·         Wood Farm Community Association

·         LGA Urban Commission


3.    Remove Council representation from the Oxfordshire Building Trust as it is no longer needed.


4.    Do not re-appoint to the Forest of Oxford until further work can be done to determine whether they are still operating.


5.    Make appointments to outside bodies as shown in Appendix 3.

Additional documents:


The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed nominations to outside and other bodies for the 2014/2015 Council Year.


Cllr Price, Executive Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report. He went through the list of nominees and appointed the representatives for each Outside Body.


Cllr Tanner queried why appointments were being made so late and was informed that it was because of the late election date pushing the first CEB into July.


The City Executive Board resolved to:


1.    Reduce Council representation on the Oxford Leon Trust to two (when representation comes up for renewal).


2.    Delete the following appointments because the groups are no longer in existence:-


·         Wood Farm Community Association

·         LGA Urban Commission


3.    Remove Council representation from the Oxfordshire Building Trust as it is no longer needed.


4.    Not re-appoint to the Forest of Oxford until Cllrs Lygo and Fooks determine whether it is still operating.


5.    Make appointments to outside bodies as shown in Appendix 2 of these minutes.


6.    Seek nominations in April 2015 so that appointments can be made in May next year.


Scrutiny Committee Reports pdf icon PDF 136 KB

The following scrutiny committee reports have been, or will be, submitted to this meeting:-


·         Recycling Incentive Schemes (report attached)

·         Community Engagement Plan

·         Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 4 2013/14

Additional documents:


The Scrutiny Committee presented pre- scrutiny reports (previously circulated, now appended) on the Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 4 2013/14 and the Community Engagement Plan.


The Board discussed the Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations on the Integrated Performance Report for Quarter 4 2013/14 (minute 14) and the Community Engagement Plan (minute 21) during their discussion of the items.


The Scrutiny Committee submitted a panel report on recycling incentive schemes (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed whether incentive schemes or fines encourage residents to recycle, and if so, whether Council should introduce such a scheme.


Cllr Simmons, Chair of the Scrutiny Committee presented the report. 


Cllr Tanner, Executive Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, Climate Change and Transport agreed with recommendation 1 and suggested that an Education Officer be appointed to run targeted education campaigns.


In regards to recommendation 2, Cllr Tanner liked the concept of a positive community incentive trial raising money for charities chosen by each community. However he was concerned with how the impact of the pilot could be objectively measured and thought a trial should focus on reducing waste as well.  He asked the recycling panel to work on the proposal.


The Board resolved to invest the £27,000 from the Waste Partnership Board into targeted education campaigns (to include flats) in partnership with the universities and student bodies to encourage recycling.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 31 KB

Minutes from 11 June 2014


Recommendation: That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2014 be APPROVED as a true and accurate record.


The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2014 as a true and accurate record.


Matters Exempt from Publication

If the Board wishes to exclude the press and the public from the meeting during consideration of any of the items on the exempt from publication part of the agenda, it will be necessary for the Board to pass a resolution in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule I2A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Board may maintain the exemption if and so long as, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Resolved to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the items in the exempt from publication part of the agenda in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2000 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information.


Summary of business transacted by the Board after passing the resolution contained in minute 36, 37 and 38


The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendix 3 to the report at item 11 (minute 36 refers).


The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendix 2 to the report at item 24 (minute 37 refers).


The Board resolved to APPROVE the confidential minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2014 as a true and accurate record. (minute 38 refer)


Appendix 3_ Disposal of Sub Station Sites_Confidential

This paper contains one not for publication appendix to the report at agenda item 11


It contains information concerning the amount of the proposed sale.


The public interest in maintaining the exemption from publication is in order not to compromise commercially sensitive information under paragraph 3 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendix 3 to the report at item 11.


Appendix 2_ Acquisition of site on Horspath Road

This paper contains one not for publication appendix to the report at agenda item 24


It contains information concerning the amount of the proposed purchase.


The public interest in maintaining the exemption from publication is in order not to compromise commercially sensitive information under paragraph 3 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendix 2 to the report at item 24.



Confidential Minutes June 2014

Confidential Minutes from 11 June 2014


Recommendation: That the confidential minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2014 be APPROVED as a true and accurate record.



The Board resolved to APPROVE the confidential minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2014 as a true and accurate record.