Agenda and minutes
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No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllr Kennedy and Cllr Tanner. |
Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. |
The City Executive Board noted the following public questions and the written officer responses (as published) on agenda item 7: Adoption of the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy:
· Mr Nigel Gibson · Mr Artwell |
Councillor Addresses on Neighbourhood Issues Cllr Sinclair addressed the Board with regard to the closure of the Ampleforth Tavern. She said that the pub had closed suddenly earlier in the year and that some local residents (The Ampleforth Revival group) were hoping to re-open it as a community asset. Cllr Sinclair asked whether there was any practical support that the City Council could provide to this group, for example in drafting the business case. She also suggested that there might be an opportunity to use the premises/site for housing units.
The Board noted that the number of closures of pubs across the city was an issue of concern. They Board agreed that the Council should provide some practical support to the resident group and that it would be appropriate to ask Housing Association partners to make contact as well. The Board requested that the Head of Financial Services and Head of Housing and Property should take this forward with the local resident group. |
Scrutiny Committees Reports The Chair of the Scrutiny Committee submitted the following reports for consideration by the Board: |
Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020 The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which details comments from the Scrutiny Committee on the Leisure and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2020 report.
Recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee to the City Executive Board:
That the City Executive Board states whether it agrees or disagrees with the following recommendations:
1. That the City Council looks into extending the functionality of its mobile apps to enable leisure bookings.
2. That the City Council’s Leisure and Wellbeing Strategy includes a greater emphasis on strengthening integration between leisure centres and the broader leisure offer, including community centres.
3. That the City Council continues to monitor the accessibility of leisure provision across Oxford, including in those parts of the city that have no swimming pools within a 20 walk, such as Littlemore and Cowley, and how this relates to leisure target groups (the Committee noted that corporate performance measure LP106: To increase participation at our leisure centres by target groups was below target for 2015/16 quarter 1). Minutes: This report (previously circulated, now appended) was considered as part of the discussion of agenda item 7: Adoption of the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020 (minute 70). |
Oxford Growth Strategy The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which details comments from the Scrutiny Committee and Housing Panel on the Oxford Growth Strategy report.
Recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee to the City Executive Board:
That the City Executive Board states whether it agrees or disagrees with the following recommendation:
1. That the Council’s strategic approach to providing new affordable housing should be aligned with, and referenced in, the Oxford Growth Strategy.
2. That the Oxford Growth Strategy includes a greater emphasis on mobile working and the opportunities presented by Better Broadband for Oxfordshire. Minutes: This report (previously circulated, now appended) was considered as part of the discussion of agenda item 9: Oxford Growth Strategy (minute 72). |
Report of the Scrutiny Finance Panel - Municipal Bonds The Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report from the Finance Panel relating to Municipal Bonds which includes the suggested City Executive Board response provided by the Portfolio Holder.
Recommendation of the Finance Panel to the City Executive Board:
That the City Executive Board states whether it agrees or disagrees with the following recommendations:
1. That the City Council welcomes the establishment of the Municipal Bonds Agency as a worthwhile social investment vehicle and source of capital financing.
2. That the City Council doesn’t make significant investments in the Municipal Bonds Agency or borrow from it at this stage but keeps a watching brief on the Agency and considers it as a future source of prudential borrowing.
3. That the Executive Member for Finance, in consultation with the Head of Financial Services, considers the case for the City Council making a £10k capital investment to become a minimum shareholder in the Municipal Bonds Agency before its first bond issuance, which is expected to take place in September 2015. This investment would be made with no guarantee of a return but it would secure preferential interest rates on any future Council borrowing. The Executive Member for Finance is asked to report on the outcome of his deliberations at the September City Executive Board meeting.
4. That in considering whether to make a minimal investment (Recommendation 3), the Head of Financial Services speaks with one or more District Councils that have already signed up as shareholders in the Agency. Minutes: This report (previously circulated, now appended) was considered as part of the discussion of agenda item 12: Treasury Management Annual Report 2014-2015 (minute 75). |
Report of the Cycling Review Group The Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report from the Cycling Review Group which includes the suggested City Executive Board response provided by the Portfolio Holder.
Recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee to the City Executive Board:
That the City Executive Board states whether it agrees or disagrees with the following recommendations:
1. That the City Council’s unallocated cycling capital budget (approx. £110k over two years) should be used to fund the lower cost Cycling Review Group wish-list items in order of priority. The highest priority is signing City Council route 5, extending to Littlemore and the Leys Pool. This should include signing cyclists onto this route from key destinations such as Oxford Business Park, Vue Cinema and Oxford Academy.
2. That the wish-list of cycling improvement projects drawn up by the Cycling Review Group, with advice from Cyclox and Sustrans, should be used to decide how future City and County Council funding for cycling improvements is spent. Flexibility should be applied so that new opportunities can also be funded where this is appropriate.
3. That the City Council encourages the police and Direct Services to proactively send reusable abandoned bikes to Broken Spoke and other bike shops that are happy to take part, so that as many of these bikes as possible can be refurbished and reused locally.
4. That the City Council ensures that developer funding can be used to contribute to cycling improvements where appropriate, including by: a) Ensuring that the City Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) list is consistent with funding the higher cost cycling improvement projects set out in our wish-list, next time the CIL list is reviewed; b) Using CIL funding as a local contribution to attract match funding, for example from the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, for cycling improvement schemes in accordance with the Council’s CIL list (often these will be part of wider transport improvement schemes); c) Alerting Ward Members when significant sums (we suggest >£5k) of the ‘neighbourhood portion’ of CIL have been allocated to their local area. We would encourage members to consider spending this funding on lower cost cycling improvement schemes from our wish-list where possible.
5. That the City Council ensures that its planning policies are consistent with its vision for Oxford to become one of the great cycling cities of Europe, including by: a) Ensuring that cycling routes and provision are considered and included in all major new developments, prioritising cycling and pedestrian access; b) Reviewing and updating planning policies relating to cycle parking standards for non-residential cycle parking, as part of the next full or partial review of the Local Plan.
6. That the Council Leader or Board Member for Planning and Transport writes to the County Council and requests that they do the following in consultation with the City Council: a) Implement the Cycle Super Routes and Cycle Premium Routes as soon as possible; b) Bring together cycling organisations, county highways planners and highway engineers to agree a set of specifications for cycle infrastructure design in ... view the full agenda text for item 68d Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the findings and recommendations of the cross-party Cycling Review Group, and the City Executive Board responses to those recommendations.
Cllr Upton, Chair of the Cycling Review Group presented the report. She said that the first meeting of the Cycling Forum had taken place on 9 September 2015 and that this promised to be fertile ground for further progress and initiatives. She urged the Board to support the case for a dedicated “cycling officer” either as a City Council post or through some joint funded arrangement with either the County Council, the NHS and the universities. In discussion the Board concluded that it would be a better use of limited resources to support and develop the role of the Cycling Forum and joint working with other organisations.
The Board noted that there had been no response from the County Council with regard to the Council motion on cyling which was passed at the meeting on 14 December 2014.
With reference to the Cycling Review Group recommendations the Executive Board Member for Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services confirmed that the Council would accept and progress Recommendation 1 on signage as a “quick fix”. He said that the Board was generally supportive of the recommendations and that where there was “agreement in part” this was because there was further work needed on the details and costings of the recommendation before it could be accepted. Similarly it was important to focus the limited resources on those recommendations where the Council had most control and the greatest chance of success.
The Board commended the Scrutiny Cycling Review Group on an excellent piece of review work and thorough report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Agree the following recommendations from the Cycling Review Group: Recommendations 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9.
2. Agree in part the following recommendations from the Cycling Review Group: Recommendations 1, 2 and 8. |
Report of the Waste Water Flooding Panel The Scrutiny Committee has submitted a report from the Waste Water Flooding Panel.
Recommendation of the Scrutiny Committee to the City Executive Board:
That the City Executive Board states whether it agrees or disagrees with the following recommendation:
1. That the City Council continues to engage with Thames Water Utilities (TWU) at a senior level through the Oxford Area Flood Partnership and other appropriate channels. This should include early engagement in relation to future development proposals that affect TWU.
Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the outcomes of the Waste Water Flooding Panel’s recent engagement with Thames Water Utilities on the progress of the Oxford Catchement Study.
Cllr Simmons, Chair of Scrutiny Committee presented the report, highlighting the fact that although this was a relatively short report it was the product of a significant amount of underlying discussions and interactions between the Council and Thames Water Utilities. He said that he was confident that as a result of the work of the Scrutiny Panel the Council was now receiving a better level of service from Thames Water Utilities. The Board endorsed this view. The Board supported the suggestion that the next meeting with Thames Water Utilities should be an all member seminar rather than a meeting with the Scrutiny Panel.
The City Executive Board resolved to AGREE the Scrutiny Committee recommendation:
1. That the City Council continues to engage with Thames Water Utilities (TWU) at a senior level through the Oxford Area Flood Partnership and other appropriate channels. This should include early engagement in relation to future development proposals that affect TWU. |
Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Board's Agenda Cllr Fooks addressed the Board with regard to agenda item 9: Oxford Growth Strategy and agenda item 13: Integrated Performance Report Quarter 1 2015-16.
Her comments were addressed during the discussion of those items (Minutes 72 and 76). |
Adoption of Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy 2015 - 2020 The Head of Community Services has submitted a report which presents the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020 that has been updated to reflect responses from public consultation.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Approve the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy, 2015-2020. Additional documents:
The Head of Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which presented the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy 2015-2020 that had been updated to reflect responses from public consultation.
Cllr Rowley, Executive Board Member for Leisure, Parks and Sports presented the report and tabled the City Executive Board responses to the Scrutiny Committee recommendations (appended).
Cllr Simmons, Chair of Scrutiny Committee, said that the Scrutiny Committee had concluded that the overall leisure offer in the City was very good and he was pleased to note that the recommendations had been accepted in whole or in part.
The Head of Community Services undertook to provide the Board with an update on progress in developing and improving the leisure elements of the Council’s social media apps.
In discussion the Board noted that although the Council did not provide any specific leisure activities for disabled residents on the autistic spectrum, the “low impact” activities such as pilates and outdoor activities were regarded as being suitable. These were complemented by activities provided by organisations like the Pegasus Theatre and the South Oxfordshire Adventure Playground. The Head of Community Services said that this was a matter that could be kept under review. The Board was pleased to note the important role of volunteers in providing the City’s leisure service.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve the Leisure & Wellbeing Strategy, 2015-2020. |
Award of contract for disposal of waste for recycling The Head of Direct Services has submitted a report which details the procurement process for disposal of City collected recyclate and requests that the Director of Community Services be given delegated authority to award contracts to a supplier or suppliers having completed the open procedure of tender.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Grant project approval in regard to the project for the disposal of recycled materials, as described in this report; 2. Delegate authority to the Director of Community Services, after consultation with the Council’s s151 and monitoring Officers, to award the contract or contracts to the supplier or suppliers selected following completion of the EU-compliant open tender process described in this report, for the disposal of the City’s recyclate. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Direct Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the procurement process for the disposal of City collected recyclate and requested that the Director of Community Services be given delegated authority to award contracts to a supplier or suppliers having completed the open procedure of tender.
The Director of Community Services and Deputy Head of Direct Services presented the report. They said that the Council faced substantial pressure on the waste collection service due to the dramatic fall in market prices for recyclate. They explained that this was linked directly to global oil prices. The Board noted that this would be a complicated procurement process but that the intention was to retain maximum flexibility in order to respond to changing market conditions going forward.
The Board agreed that recommendation 2 should be approved as drafted but added the caveat that if there were any complications in the procurement process the Director of Community Services should bring the matter before the Board.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Grant project approval in regard to the project for the disposal of recycled materials, as described in this report; 2. Delegate authority to the Director of Community Services, after consultation with the Council’s s151 and Monitoring Officers, to award the contract or contracts to the supplier or suppliers selected following completion of the EU-compliant open tender process described in this report, for the disposal of the City’s recyclate. |
Oxford Growth Strategy The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services has submitted a report which details the progress of the Oxford Growth Strategy and identifies future financial pressures which may arise as a consequence of it.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Note the contents of this report, in particular the potential need to identify additional resources of £310,000. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Planning and Regulatory Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the progress of the Oxford Growth Strategy and identified future financial pressures which may arise as a consequence of it.
Cllr Hollingsworth, Executive Board Member for Planning, Transport and Regulatory Services presented the report and tabled the City Executive Board responses to the Scrutiny Committee recommendations (appended). In summary he said that the aim of the Growth Strategy was to promote and deliver sustainable urban extensions to Oxford, by way of a Green Belt review in order to meet the huge housing need within the City. Fundamental to this was the success of the City Council’s joint working with the other Oxfordshire authorities and stakeholders.
In discussion the Board noted the importance of ensuring that the Growth Strategy addressed both social/affordable and private housing need and also the requirements of the local workforce. The Board also commented on the challenges facing the Council in delivering the Growth Strategy.
The Board thanked officers for the clear and comprehensive report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Note the contents of this report, in particular the potential need to identify additional resources of £310,000. |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2016-2017 The Executive Director of Organisational Development and Corporate Services has submitted a report which details recommendations for the operation of the Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme in 2016-2017.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Approve the existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme for use in 2016-2017 Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Director of Organisational Development and Corporate Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed recommendations for the operation of the Council’s Council Tax Reduction Scheme in 2016-2017.
Councillor Brown, Executive Board Member for Customer Services and Corporate Services presented the report.
In response to questions from the Board regarding future cost projections the Revenue and Benefits Programme Manager said that any future increase in expenditure under the scheme would be directly proportional to the reduction in overall grant funding. The Head of Financial Services advised the Board that it would be prudent to assume that the Revenue Support Grant could reduce to zero by 2017-18 and that this would have a significant impact on the future cost of the scheme.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve the existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme for use in 2016-2017. |
Award of Internal Audit Contract The Head of Financial Services has submitted a report which seeks authorisation to award a contract to deliver the Council’s Internal Audit service.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Approve the award of the Internal Audit Service contract to BDO LLP for a period of 3 and a half years initially with the possibility of an extension for up to 2 years. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Financial Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which requested authorisation to award a contract to deliver the Council’s Internal Audit service.
Councillor Turner, Board Member for Finance, Corporate Asset Management and Public Health presented the report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve the award of the Internal Audit Service contract to BDO LLP for a period of 3 and a half years initially with the possibility of an extension for up to 2 years. |
Treasury Management Annual Report 2014-2015 The Head of Financial Services has submitted a report which details the Council’s treasury management activity and performance for 2014-2015 and recommends some changes to the Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-16.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. note the report; and 2. recommend Council to resolve to approve the Revised MRP Policy as set out in Appendix 1 and approve the amendment to the Non-Specified Investments list attached at Appendix 2 of the report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Financial Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s treasury management activity and performance for 2014-2015 and recommended some changes to the Treasury Management Strategy for 2015-16.
Councillor Turner, Board Member for Finance, Corporate Asset Management and Public Health presented the report.
In discussion of this agenda item the Board also considered the report of the Scrutiny Finance Panel on Municipal Bonds (agenda item 5c refers) and the City Executive Board responses to the Scrutiny recommendations.
The Board welcomed the establishment of the Municipal Bonds Agency (MBA) as an alternative source of financing, whilst noting that the City Council was unlikely to need to use its services in the immediate future. The Section 151 Officer said that he and the Council’s financial advisers had some reservations about the detail and robustness of the MBA service offering and preferential investment rates. The Board Member said that he would bring an update report to the City Executive Board once these points had been clarified. The Board noted that the final decision on any potential future investment would be a matter for the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Note the Treasury Management Annual Report; and 2. Recommend Council to resolve to approve the Revised MRP Policy as set out in Appendix 1 and approve the amendment to the Non-Specified Investments list attached at Appendix 2 of the report. |
Integrated Performance Report Quarter 1 2015/16 The Head of Financial Services and the Head of Business Improvement have submitted a report which updates Members on Finance, Risk and Performance as at the end of Quarter 1, 30 June 2015.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Note the projected General Fund outturn of £0.385 million which will be funded from corporate contingencies, the break-even position on the Housing Revenue Account and projected Capital underspend and slippage of £0.921 million 2. Note the performance and associated risk positions as set out in paragraphs 11-15; 3. Approve a £0.300 million virement from the corporate policy contingency to the Culture service; 4. Recommend to Council to resolve that additional budget of £115,289 for parks works be included in the Capital Programme to be financed from external grant funding; and 5. Approve the recommendation to apply a temporary moratorium on General Fund and HRA capital expenditure in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 15. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Financial Services and the Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s projected outturn for finance and performance and the risks faced at the end of Quarter 1, 30 June 2015.
Councillor Turner, Board Member for Finance, Corporate Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. He said that the overall position was satisfactory but drew attention to Recommendation 5 which was in response to the Chancellor’s July Budget Statement proposals which would significant ramifications for the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan and the Housing Revenue Account. He said that the Council needed to be cautious at this stage and that it was hoped that there would be greater certainty about the situation at the time of the budget consultation.
The Board noted that the Scrutiny Finance Panel would be meeting to scrutinise the budget proposals and agreed that this should include the proposed deferment of some capital projects.
The Head of Financial Services undertook to provide a written response to Cllr Fooks’ query regarding the % estimated savings that relate to the total budget.
The Leader of the Council expressed concern about the following Financial Services performance indicators: · % of invoices paid on time – currently 85.2% of invoices paid on time against a target of 98%; · Time to process new benefit claims – currently at 15.66 days against a target of 14 days. He acknowledged the hard work of the Financial Services staff but stressed that these were performance indicators for two very important Council functions which had a direct impact on residents and businesses.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Note the projected General Fund outturn of £0.385 million which will be funded from corporate contingencies, the break-even position on the Housing Revenue Account and projected Capital underspend and slippage of £0.921 million 2. Note the performance and associated risk positions as set out in paragraphs 11-15; 3. Approve a £0.300 million virement from the corporate policy contingency to the Culture service; 4. Recommend to Council to resolve that additional budget of £115,289 for parks works be included in the Capital Programme to be financed from external grant funding; and 5. Approve the recommendation to apply a temporary moratorium on General Fund and HRA capital expenditure in accordance with paragraphs 14 and 15.
Cllr Turner left the meeting at the end of this item. |
Loan Facility to Low Carbon Hub The Head of Direct Services has submitted a report which reports on the first draw down and repayment of the Council’s loan to the Low Carbon Hub agreed by the City Executive Board at its meeting on the 11 June 2014 and recommends subsequent drawdowns.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1. Note the success of the first draw down and repayment of the 2014 loan facility, and approves a further draw down from the loan facility as follows: a) 800k secured against solar panel equipment (as in the previous tranche) b) 823k secured against the Hub’s income stream from current projects c) that such further draw down be on a 12 month repayment timescale at an interest rate of 5%; and 2. Delegate authority to the Council’s Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, to enter into a Supplemental Agreement with the Low Carbon Hub, reflecting the arrangements for the further draw down from the loan facility. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Direct Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the first draw down and repayment of the Council’s loan to the Low Carbon Hub agreed by the City Executive Board at its meeting on the 11 June 2014 and recommended subsequent drawdowns.
The Executive Director, Community Services reminded the Board that he was a Non-Executive Board Member of the Low Carbon Hub.
The Head of Financial Services presented the report, highlighting the work of the Low Carbon Hub on projects which had delivered £500k benefit to the residents of Oxford as detailed in paragraph 8 of the report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Note the success of the first draw down and repayment of the 2014 loan facility, and approves a further draw down from the loan facility as follows: a) 800k secured against solar panel equipment (as in the previous tranche) b) 823k secured against the Hub’s income stream from current projects c) that such further draw down be on a 12 month repayment timescale at an interest rate of 5%; and 2. Delegate authority to the Council’s Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer, to enter into a Supplemental Agreement with the Low Carbon Hub, reflecting the arrangements for the further draw down from the loan facility. |
BMW Development and Horspath Sports Park The Head of Community Serviceshas submitted a report which seeks authority to agree a contract with BMW which would transfer their sports facilities to a new site enabling future development of their factory.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board resolves to:
1) grant project approval to facilitate the transfer of the existing sports facilities on land owned by BMW at its Horspath Road, Cowley site (“the BMW Site”) to adjacent land held by the Council (“the Council Land”); 2) agree to the termination of the Council’s current use of the Council Land, on the basis that it is to be used for the purpose of re-providing the sports and leisure facilities currently on the BMW Site. 3) grant delegated authority to the Executive Director, Community Services, in consultation with the Council’s s151 and Monitoring Officers, to a. negotiate and agree the terms of the arrangement with BMW, on the basis that the total payment received from BMW is not less than £4.9m (index linked as stated in the report) and that any contract agreed with BMW contains provisions to ensure that the Council receives an appropriate share in any uplift in value of the BMW Site on any future sale of it; b. award, after undertaking a suitable procurement process and securing planning consent a contract to the selected supplier or suppliers, to undertake all construction work required for the re-provision of the sports and leisure facilities; and c. undertake a market testing exercise of the management of the re-sited sports facilities on the Council Land. 4) seek to protect and re-provide, where possible, all current use by sports clubs of the sports and leisure facilities on the BMW Site. 5) recommend Council to resolve to agree a new capital budget of £4.9 million funded by the capital receipt from the sale of the land to fund the replacement of the facilities. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed proposals to agree a contract with BMW which would transfer their sports facilities to a new site enabling future development of their factory.
The Executive Board Member for Leisure, Parks and Sport presented the report, noting that the proposals related to outdoor facilities only and did not concern the sports and social club facilities.
The Board noted that this would be a complex and challenging project to deliver.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. grant project approval to facilitate the transfer of the existing sports facilities on land owned by BMW at its Horspath Road, Cowley site (“the BMW Site”) to adjacent land held by the Council (“the Council Land”); 2. agree to the termination of the Council’s current use of the Council Land, on the basis that it is to be used for the purpose of re-providing the sports and leisure facilities currently on the BMW Site. 3. grant delegated authority to the Executive Director, Community Services, in consultation with the Council’s s151 and Monitoring Officers, to a. negotiate and agree the terms of the arrangement with BMW, on the basis that the total payment received from BMW is not less than £4.9m (index linked as stated in the report) and that any contract agreed with BMW contains provisions to ensure that the Council receives an appropriate share in any uplift in value of the BMW Site on any future sale of it; b. award, after undertaking a suitable procurement process and securing planning consent a contract to the selected supplier or suppliers, to undertake all construction work required for the re-provision of the sports and leisure facilities; and c. undertake a market testing exercise of the management of the re-sited sports facilities on the Council Land. 4. seek to protect and re-provide, where possible, all current use by sports clubs of the sports and leisure facilities on the BMW Site. 5. recommend Council to resolve to agree a new capital budget of £4.9 million funded by the capital receipt from the sale of the land to fund the replacement of the facilities. |
Items raised by Board Members No items were raised by Board Members. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015.
Recommendation: That the City Executive Board NOTES the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015 as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2015 as a true and accurate record. |
Matters Exempt from Publication The City Executive Board resolved to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the items in the exempt from publication part of the agenda in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2000 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
Confidential appendices for Low Carbon Hub This is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reasons:
· Commercial affairs of the Council. Minutes: The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendices to the report at agenda item 14 (minute 77). |
Confidential appendices for BMW development and Horspath Sports Park This is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reasons:
• Commercial affairs of the Council. Minutes: The Board received and noted the contents of the not for publication appendices to the report at agenda item 15 (minute 78). |