Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: St Aldate's Room - Oxford Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Catherine Phythian, Committee and Member Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Turner, Rowley and Tanner. |
Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. |
The City Executive Board noted that public questions had been submitted by Mr Nigel Gibson and that the questions with the written officer responses would be published with the minutes of the meeting. |
Scrutiny Committee Reports Councillor Simmons, Chair, Scrutiny Committee presented the following scrutiny reports: · Support for Businesses in the City Centre, report of the Local Economy Panel · Covered Market Leasing Strategy
He noted that the scrutiny committee report on the City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order would be deferred until the City Executive Board discussion of the issue. He said that the Scrutiny Committee would welcome the opportunity to work with Board Members and Officers on this issue.
The Scrutiny Officer presented the following scrutiny reports: · Housing Asset Management Strategy, report of the Housing Panel · Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme, report of the Housing Panel |
Support for Businesses in the City Centre PDF 144 KB The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which presents the recommendations of the Local Economy Panel.
Scrutiny Committee Recommendations to the City Executive Board
1. We recommend that the City Council: a) Ensures that information about appealing to the Valuation Office Agency is made available to local businesses. In particular, this information should be communicated to all independent traders who may be affected by the major redevelopments taking place in Oxford. b) Takes any opportunities to join with other local authorities to lobby the new Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for more council controls over business rates.
2. We recommend that the City Council works with the County Council through the Town Team to agree on a single united channel of regular communications to businesses, such as about travel disruptions, supported by a single online source of information.
3. We recommend that the City Council develops a more corporate approach to communicating with businesses, including guidance for all departments whose work has an impact or involvement with businesses. This could take the form of defining a central point of contact within the City Council, which can identify the appropriate unit to respond on specific issues, including the County Council as appropriate.
4. We recommend that the City Council works with partners through the Town Team to reinforce the coordinated overall marketing and publicity campaign for Oxford in ways that cover all major potential audiences.
5. We recommend that the City Council develops a one stop shop function for events. This exercise should include a review of the costs and processes associated with aspects such as permission for road closures, stall licences and permits for distributing leaflets.
6. We recommend that the City Council produces a simple analysis of the costs and benefits of pop up shops to landlords and the City Council.
7. We recommend that the City Council takes a lead in establishing and facilitating a city centre commercial property landlord forum. This would be intended to bring together the owners of commercial properties, including the City Council, to ensure that there is a coordinated approach towards issues affecting the city centre, such as the minimisation of the time during which premises are empty. The forum could be chaired by the Leader of the Council, linked to the work of the Town Team and constituted based on the model of the previous Pensions and Language School forums. We also suggest that its membership should include a representative of each political group and that City Councillors should be able to observe meetings of the forum.
8. We recommend that the City Council leads on the development of a long term strategy for the city centre as a whole. This should include a commitment to developing and supporting vibrant and distinct city quarters away from prime sites, in locations such as Gloucester Green, Jericho/Observatory Quarter, Market Street, Broad Street and a possible arts quarter around the Ashmolean Museum.
9. We recommend that dedicated officer time is allocated to ... view the full agenda text for item 13a Additional documents:
Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which presented the recommendations of the Local Economy Panel which had considered how the City Council could make the city centre even more attractive to the public and to local businesses during a time of major developments which will affect the trading environment.
Cllr Simmons, Chair of Scrutiny Committee presented the report. He thanked the Board for their responses to the recommendations, noting that in some cases the wording was ambiguous. He said that it would assist the Scrutiny Committee in monitoring the implementation of their recommendations if the Board could provide clear Yes or No replies. He said that he would ask members of the Local Economy Panel to discuss the responses with the Board Member and officers to clarify the position.
The City Executive Board resolved to AGREE the following recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee report as set out in their written response:
1. a) That the City Council ensures that information about appealing to the Valuation Office Agency is made available to local businesses. In particular, this information should be communicated to all independent traders who may be affected by the major redevelopments taking place in Oxford. b) that the City Council takes any opportunities to join with other local authorities to lobby the new Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for more council controls over business rates. 2. that the City Council works with the County Council through the Town Team to agree on a single united channel of regular communications to businesses, such as about travel disruptions, supported by a single online source of information. 4. that the City Council works with partners through the Town Team to reinforce the coordinated overall marketing and publicity campaign for Oxford in ways that cover all major potential audiences. 7. that the City Council takes a lead in establishing and facilitating a city centre commercial property landlord forum. This would be intended to bring together the owners of commercial properties, including the City Council, to ensure that there is a coordinated approach towards issues affecting the city centre, such as the minimisation of the time during which premises are empty. The forum could be chaired by the Leader of the Council, linked to the work of the Town Team and constituted based on the model of the previous Pensions and Language School forums. We also suggest that its membership should include a representative of each political group and that City Councillors should be able to observe meetings of the forum. 8. that the City Council leads on the development of a long term strategy for the city centre as a whole. This should include a commitment to developing and supporting vibrant and distinct city quarters away from prime sites, in locations such as Gloucester Green, Jericho/Observatory Quarter, Market Street, Broad Street and a possible arts quarter around the Ashmolean Museum.
Scrutiny Report_ City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) PDF 97 KB The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which presents recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee on the City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order.
Scrutiny Committee Recommendations to the City Executive Board
1. We recommend that an Enforcement Code of Conduct for Officers should be produced and that this code should be in place and in the public domain before any enforcement actions are taken under the City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order.
2. We ask the City Executive Board to note that a minority of the Scrutiny Committee opposed aspects of the PSPO most notably the inclusion of non-aggressive begging and busking in the PSPO.
3. We recommend that the existing ‘Code of Conduct for Busking and Street Entertaining in Oxford’ should be reviewed and revised to provide a more comprehensive “Guide to Busking and Street Entertaining in Oxford”. This guide should be accessible to buskers, street entertainers, businesses and the public, and draw on examples of good practice from other cities, as well as input from stakeholders such as the Musicians Union. It should be in place before any enforcement actions are taken under the PSPO.
4. We recommend that officers are instructed to look at the differential equalities impact of the PSPO proposals, for example the behaviour of sleeping in public toilets, having regard for example to safeguarding concerns for vulnerable adults. Minutes: Consideration of this report from the Scrutiny Committee to be deferred to a future meeting of the City Executive Board. |
Scrutiny Report_Covered Market Leasing Strategy PDF 84 KB The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which presents recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee on the Covered Market Leasing Strategy
Scrutiny Committee Recommendations to the City Executive Board
We recommend that the City Executive Board approve the updated Covered Market Leasing Strategy 2015 with the following amendments: a) The word ‘discouraged’ in paragraph 4.4 is strengthened to ‘avoided’. b) The word ‘typically’ in the sixth bullet point of paragraph 4.9 is changed to ‘usually’. It could also be stated that exceptions will be considered for larger independent retailers that originate from Oxford. Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee regarding the Covered Market Leasing Strategy.
Cllr Simmons, Chair of Scrutiny Committee presented the report and highlighted the proposed amendments to the wording of the Covered Market Leasing Strategy.
The City Executive Board resolved to AGREE the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee as set out in the report. |
Scrutiny Report_Housing Asset Management Strategy PDF 88 KB The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which presents recommendations from the Housing Panel on the Housing Asset Management Strategy
Recommendation of the Housing Panel to the City Executive Board:
We note that a number City Council owned garages are not in use and recommend that the City Council reviews how it could make better use of these assets (for example as sites for new affordable housing or free off street car parking for residents), treating several garage sites as a virtual site. Consideration should be given to explicitly stating this aim, currently implied, in the Asset Management Strategy. Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer presented a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the conclusions of the Housing Panel, drawing attention to their concerns regarding the number of unused garages and the potential to make better use of these assets.
Cllr Seamons explained that as garages were no longer included in the Housing Revenue Account they did not come under the Housing Asset Management Strategy but he acknowledged the point made by the Housing Panel and said that this was something that officers would consider.
The City Executive Board resolved to NOTE the Housing Panel report and to provide a formal written response to the recommendations. |
Scrutiny Report_Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme PDF 93 KB The Scrutiny Officer has submitted a report which presents recommendations from the Housing Panel on the Review of the HMO Licensing Scheme
Housing Panel Recommendations to the City Executive Board
1. We recommend that the City Council renews the HMO licensing scheme in its entirety for a further 5 years (option 3). Consideration should be given to appropriate incentives and disincentives for landlords, and to the balance between taking a more pro-active approach to compliance whilst continuing efforts to extend the licensing scheme to cover more HMOs.
2. We note that the City Council is developing a Corporate Enforcement Policy and recommend that: a) Enforcement within the Private Rented Sector is a corporate priority, b) The Policy recognises that the City Council should take a different approach to enforcement in different sectors (e.g. Private Rented Sector, Public Spaces Protection Orders, etc.), rather than a one size fits all approach. Minutes: The Scrutiny Officer presented a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the recommendations from the Housing Panel review of the HMO Licencing Scheme. He said that the Housing Panel was fully supportive of the proposal to renew the HMO Licencing Scheme for another 5 years and advocated the need for the Council to take a flexible approach to enforcement in different sectors.
Cllr Seamons thanked the Housing Panel for their contribution to the review and said that he was supportive of the principle of a flexible approach to enforcement.
The City Executive Board resolved to NOTE the Housing Panel report and to provide a formal written response to the recommendations. |
Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Board's Agenda Cllr Thomas addressed the Board on item 7 – City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) – which was later deferred (minute item 16).
Cllr Thomas told the Board that he believed that a Community Protection Notice would be a more appropriate tool than a PSPO for dealing with anti-social behaviour; he also questioned the advisability of proceeding with the PSPO in the absence of an enforcement code of conduct for officers or a revision to the existing “Code of Conduct for Busking and Street Entertaining in Oxford.” In conclusion he said that he welcomed the Board’s decision to defer the item and that he hoped that this would be an opportunity for the Board Member and officers to work with all councillors and other interested parties to resolve the matter. |
Councillor Addresses on Neighbourhood Issues Cllr Fooks addressed the Board on her concerns regarding overcrowding in a Cutteslowe playground. She said that the popularity of the playground meant that there was often a queue to use the equipment and that this was becoming a safety issue. She asked the City Executive Board to consider whether there were any funding options available to provide more playground equipment.
The City Executive Board AGREED that the Head of Community Services should be asked to consider the matter. |
City Centre Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) PDF 385 KB The Executive Director, Community Services has submitted a report which details the consultation regarding a Public Spaces Protection Order for the city centre and seeks approval of a draft Order.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board
1. Considers the case for a Public Spaces Protection Order for the city centre; and
2. If that case has been made, confirm or amend as appropriate the draft order and associated Codes of Conduct attached to this report;
3. If the Order is made, to specify the date on which the Order is to come into force and the duration of the Order (maximum three years). Additional documents:
Minutes: The City Executive Board resolved to AGREE to defer this item until a future meeting in order that the Council had sufficient time to consider the submission from the civil liberties and human rights organisation Liberty. |
Covered Market Leasing Strategy PDF 84 KB The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager has submitted a report which details the latest position in respect of the updated Covered Market Leasing Strategy.
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the updated Covered Market Leasing Strategy 2015. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the updated Covered Market Leasing Strategy. The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager said that this was an update to the previous strategy and that it had been subject to extensive consultation with the market traders.
Cllr Price presented the report and emphasised that the proposed changes to the strategy were intended to ensure that the covered market remained a “must visit experience” and “focussed on the needs of all Oxford residents”.
The City Executive Board resolved to APPROVE the updated Covered Market Leasing Strategy 2015. |
Recycling Reward Scheme Bid – Blue Bin Premier League PDF 94 KB The Head of Direct Services has submitted a report which details Oxford City Council’s successful bid for £350,000 funding from the DCLG for a 3 year recycling incentive scheme.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board approve the implementation of the proposed recycling incentive scheme outlined in this report. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Direct Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Council’s successful bid for £350,000 funding from the Department of Communities and Local Government for a 3 year recycling incentive scheme.
Cllr Price presented the report and congratulated officers on the successful bid.
The Cleaner Greener Services Manager briefed the Board on the details of the scheme and explained that Ward Councillors would be involved in its implementation. He said that it was planned to launch the scheme during recycling week at the end of June. He said that the idea to submit the bid had originated from discussions at the Recycling Scrutiny Panel.
The City Executive Board resolved to APPROVE the implementation of the proposed recycling incentive scheme outlined in the report. |
ICT Strategy 2015 - 2018 PDF 83 KB The Head of Business Improvement has submitted a report which seeks approval for the new ICT Strategy and its implementation.
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the new ICT Strategy 2015 – 2018. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Business Improvement submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the new ICT Strategy and the arrangements for its implementation.
Cllr Brown, Board Member for Customer and Corporate Services presented the report. She said that this was the first of a number of ICT related reports that would come to the Board from this service area.
In response to questions from Board Members the Chief Technology Manager confirmed that the telephony project and the new ICT partner project were both on target for delivery; and that the lessons learnt from the South Oxfordshire District Council fire would be taken into account in discussions with potential ICT partners.
The City Executive Board resolved to APPROVE the new ICT Strategy 2015 – 2018. |
Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme PDF 121 KB The Executive Director for Community Services has submitted a report which details findings from a review carried out for the HMO Licensing Scheme and seeks approval to conduct a statutory consultation to renew the scheme in January 2016.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Considers the Review of Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation 2015 and notes its findings;
2. Resolves that the Review indicates that a significant proportion of HMOs in the Council`s area are being managed ineffectively;
3. Instructs Officers of the Council to proceed with a statutory 10 week consultation on the basis that it is necessary to renew the licensing scheme in its entirety for a further 5 years from the 25 January 2016 (Option 3);
4. Requests a future report in October 2015 setting out the results of the statutory consultation and the proposed future of the licensing scheme. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Director for Community Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed findings from a review carried out for the HMO Licensing Scheme and sought approval to conduct a statutory consultation to renew the scheme in January 2016.
Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing presented the report. He said that the review had identified a number of successes but that there remained a large volume of work to do to regulate the service and improve standards.
The Service Manager Environmental Health and HMO Enforcement Team Manager outlined the arrangements for the consultation which would include an on-line questionnaire, roadshows, focus groups with students and ethnic tenants, and meetings with ward councillors and local resident groups.
Cllr Brown raised concerns about the growing problem of “beds in sheds” and “hot bedding” in parts of the city.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. NOTE the Review of Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation 2015;
2. NOTE that the Review indicates that a significant proportion of HMOs in the Council`s area are being managed ineffectively;
3. INSTRUCT Officers of the Council to proceed with a statutory 10 week consultation on the basis that it is necessary to renew the licensing scheme in its entirety for a further 5 years from the 25 January 2016 (Option 3);
4. REQUEST a future report in October 2015 setting out the results of the statutory consultation and the proposed future of the licensing scheme. |
Housing Asset Management Strategy PDF 88 KB The Head of Housing and Property Services has submitted a report which details the proposed Housing Asset Management Strategy and associated action plan for Oxford City Council’s housing stock.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board
1. Recommends to Council the adoption of the Housing Asset Management Strategy along with the Oxford Standard as part of the Council’s policy framework;
2. Endorses the action plan;
3. Notes that an Energy Strategy will be presented to the Board later this year. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Housing and Property Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the proposed Housing Asset Management Strategy and associated action plan for Oxford City Council’s housing stock.
Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing presented the report, highlighting the proposal to adopt and deliver an Oxford Standard which would be higher than the statutory Decent Homes standard. The Head of Housing and Property Services said that the Council was already commissioning work that would meet this enhanced standard.
In considering this report the City Executive Board discussed the implications of the Government’s proposals for housing association tenants to buy their homes at discounted prices. The Chief Executive said that this was potentially a very serious issue for the Council which would challenge all aspects of the Council’s housing strategy and management of its housing stock.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. RECOMMEND to Council the adoption of the Housing Asset Management Strategy along with the Oxford Standard as part of the Council’s policy framework;
2. ENDORSE the action plan;
3. NOTE that an Energy Strategy will be presented to the Board later this year. |
Tower Blocks Refurbishment Project Report PDF 131 KB The Head of Housing and Property Services has submitted a report which details proposals to increase the project budget and reconfirm delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration and Housing in consultation with the Heads of Finance and Law and Governance, to be able to appoint and award the contract to the preferred principal contractor.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board
1. Recommends that full Council approve an additional budgetary provision within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.750m, funded as detailed at paragraph 19, so that the revised total project budget envelope for the Tower Block Refurbishment Scheme is £20.108m:
2. Reconfirms the authority delegated to the Executive Director - City Regeneration, in consultation with the s151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to appoint and award the contract to the preferred principal contractor in accordance with the competitive tender process undertaken. Minutes: The Head of Housing and Property Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed proposals to increase the project budget and reconfirm delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration and Housing in consultation with the Heads of Finance and Law and Governance, to be able to appoint and award the contract to the preferred principal contractor.
Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing presented the report. He stressed that although it was regrettable that the cost of the project had increased it was important to note that this was a very exciting community project with high levels of resident engagement which would deliver very positive benefits.
Cllr Fooks addressed the Board on this item.
In response to a question around the use of £700,000 Section 106 affordable homes contribution to finance the tower blocks additional expenditure the Head of Finance advised that:
The Council held in excess of £700,000 Section 106 contributions that were required to be used for the financing of affordable homes, which it had not currently allocated to fund capital expenditure. These monies could be used to fund the New Build Programme currently included in the HRA Business Plan and HRA revenue resources currently used to fund the New Build Programme could be switched to fund the tower block expenditure.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. RECOMMEND that full Council approve an additional budgetary provision within the HRA Capital Programme of £1.750m, funded as detailed at paragraph 19, so that the revised total project budget envelope for the Tower Block Refurbishment Scheme is £20.108m:
2. RECONFIRM the authority delegated to the Executive Director, previously City Regeneration now Regeneration and Housing in consultation with the s151 Officer and the Monitoring Officer, to appoint and award the contract to the preferred principal contractor in accordance with the competitive tender process undertaken. |
Blackbird Leys District Centre Regeneration PDF 133 KB The Executive Director for Housing and Regeneration has submitted a report which seeks approval to procure a development partner for regeneration of Blackbird Leys District Centre.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Notes the contents of the report.
2. Commissions officers to undertake an OJEU compliant marketing process to seek a joint venture partner for redevelopment and regeneration.
3. Delegates to the Director of Regeneration and Housing the authority to prepare and issue draft Heads of Terms to accompany the Invitation to Tender.
4. Grants project approval for the Blackbird Leys delivery project as set out in this report, based on Option B.
5. Approves expenditure of up to £300,000 to be funded from the HRA capital programme in order to procure and, subject to future CEB approval, make the appointment of the development partner. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Director for Housing and Regeneration submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval to procure a development partner for the regeneration of Blackbird Leys District Centre.
Cllr Seamons, Executive Board Member for Housing presented the report. He said that this was an extensive plan for change that was affordable and deliverable and would lead to significant benefits for Blackbird Leys District Centre.
The Board thanked the Partnership and Regeneration Manager for her hard work and commitment to the success of this important project.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. NOTE the contents of the report.
2. COMMISSION officers to undertake an OJEU compliant marketing process to seek a joint venture partner for redevelopment and regeneration.
3. DELEGATE to the Director of Regeneration and Housing the authority to prepare and issue draft Heads of Terms to accompany the Invitation to Tender.
4. GRANT project approval for the Blackbird Leys delivery project as set out in this report, based on Option B.
5. APPROVE expenditure of up to £300,000 to be funded from the HRA capital programme in order to procure and, subject to future CEB approval, make the appointment of the development partner. |
Items raised by Board Members No items were raised by Board Members. |
Minutes of the meetings held on 14 and 26 May 2015.
Recommendations: That the City Executive Board: 1. Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2015 as a true and accurate record.
2 Approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2015 as a true and accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meetings held on 14 May and 26 May 2015 as a true and accurate record. |
Matters Exempt from Publication The City Executive Board resolved to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the item in the exempt from publication part of the agenda in accordance with the provisions in Paragraph 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2000 on the grounds that their presence could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as described in specific paragraphs of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information. |
NOT FOR PUBLICATION - Appendices - Tower Blocks Refurbishment Project Appendix 1, Appendix A and Appendix 2 are exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reasons:
Appendix 1, Appendix A and Appendix 2 – commercial affairs of the Council. Minutes: The Board received and noted the contents of the confidential appendices to the report at minute 22. |
NOT FOR PUBLICATION - Appendix 6 - Blackbird Leys District Centre Regeneration Appendix 6 is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 3, Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following reasons:
Appendix 6 – commercial affairs of the Council. Minutes: The Board received and noted the contents of the confidential appendix to the report at minute 23. |
Confidential Minutes 26/05/15 Confidential Minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2015.
Recommendation: That the City Executive Board APPROVES the confidential minutes of the meetings held on 26 May 2015 as a true and accurate record. Minutes: The Board resolved to APPROVE the confidential minutes of the meetings held on 14 May and 26 May 2015 as a true and accurate record. |