Agenda and minutes
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Speaking at a Council or Committee meeting
Venue: Plowman Room - Oxford Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Sarah Claridge, Committee and Member Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Kennedy |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were received |
Public Questions When the chair agrees, the public can ask questions about any item for decision at the meeting for up to 15 minutes. Questions must have been given to the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am one clear working day before the meeting (email or telephone the person named as staff contact). No supplementary questions or questioning will be permitted. Questions by the public will be taken as read and, when the Chair agrees, be responded to at the meeting. Minutes: No public questions were received. |
Councillor Addresses on any item for decision on the Board's Agenda When the chair agrees, Councillors can address the Board about any item for decision at the meeting for up to 3 minutes. Addresses must have been given to the Head of Law and Governance by 9.30am, one clear working day before the meeting (email or telephone the person named as staff contact). The Board Member who has political responsibility for the item for decision may respond or the Board will have regard to the points raised in reaching its decision. Minutes: Cllr Fooks spoke on the following items: Towards Mental Wellbeing and Community Resilience (minute 63) Asset Management Plan Refresh (minute 67) Frideswide Square: Consultation response (minute 68)
Cllr Hollick spoke on Public Spaces Protection Orders (minute 71)
The Councillors comments are include in the discussion of each item. |
Scrutiny Committee Reports The following scrutiny committee reports will be submitted to this meeting in a supplementary agenda:-
· Towards Mental Wellbeing and Community Resilience in Oxford · Culture Strategy 2015-18 · Oxford City Council’s European Social Inclusion Fund Project Minutes: The Board noted the Scrutiny Committee’s reports on Leaseholder Payment options for Major Works (minute 64) and Oxford City Council’s European Social Fund Project (minute 72).
The Scrutiny Committee’s recommendations and comments on Towards Mental Wellbeing and Community Resilience (minute 63) and Draft Culture Strategy 2015-18 (minute 66) were considered during the Board’s discussion of the item. |
Towards Mental Wellbeing and Community Resilience in Oxford. The Head of Policy Culture and Communications has submitted a report which details what the Council is and will be doing to support people with mental health conditions.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Note the response to the motion, including the proposed action plan
2. Agrees that the Challenge Panel of Elected Member Champions for mental health and wellbeing should act as an informal advisory group to the Executive Board Member for Health and undertake the other actions proposed in the response and action plan
3. Asks the Member Challenge Panel to play an active role in monitoring progress on the action plan Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Policy Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed what the Council is and will be doing to support people with mental health conditions.
Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. The strategy focuses on how council can support people with mental health issues, elements of the strategy include: · Council being a leader and showing greater consideration of mental health conditions · Making sure that people with mental health conditions have equal access to council services · Becoming a mindful employer and being more attentive of mental health issues in the workplace.
Cllr Fooks endorsed the strategy but asked how the members on the panel would be chosen. This will be through the Cross Party Working Group.
Cllr Simm mentioned that there were lots of resourceful groups able to assist with training on how to work with people with mental health issues. She asked that these groups be involved in any officer or member training that comes out of this strategy. The Policy Manager noted this suggestion and will include it in the action plan.
Cllr Turner went through the recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee’s report. He explained that the member’s challenge panel would consist of 6 members that would reflect the political balance of the Council. It would be member led and informal. The Policy team would support the challenge panel and would pass on any ideas from the panel to the rest of the Council. No additional resources would be required to support the panel.
Cllr Turner agreed with recommendations 2 to 5.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
a) Note the response to the motion, including the proposed action plan
b) Agree that the Challenge Panel of Elected Member Champions for mental health and wellbeing should act as an informal advisory group to the Executive Board Member for Health and undertake the other actions proposed in the response and action plan
c) Ask the Member Challenge Panel to play an active role in monitoring progress on the action plan |
Leaseholder Payment options for Major Works The Heads of Finance and Housing and Property has submitted a report which details a framework for the financial assistance options to be offered to Council residential leaseholders with regards to rechargeable major works undertaken by the Council.
Officer Recommendations That the City Executive Board:
1. Approve the Financial Assistance Framework set out in Appendix 2 of this report. The framework sets out the repayment options which may be offered to leaseholders being charged for major works undertaken by the Council on residential blocks of flats.
2. Agree that where leaseholders are unable to pay a major works invoice in full within 14 days of receipt, they are entitled to apply for assistance under the Financial Assistance Framework. Applications will be assessed based on the qualifying eligibility criteria as set out in this report.
3. Delegate authority to the Head of Finance and the Head of Housing & Property to operate the Financial Assistance Framework and the assessment process.
4. Recommend that Council adopts the process for dealing with exceptional hardship as set out in “The Social Landlords Discretionary Reduction of Service Charges (England) Directions 2014”. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Heads of Finance and Housing and Property has submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed a framework for the financial assistance options to be offered to Council residential leaseholders with regards to rechargeable major works undertaken by the Council.
Cllr Seamons, Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve the Financial Assistance Framework set out in Appendix 2 of this report. The framework sets out the repayment options which may be offered to leaseholders being charged for major works undertaken by the Council on residential blocks of flats.
2. Agree that where leaseholders are unable to pay a major works invoice in full within 14 days of receipt, they are entitled to apply for assistance under the Financial Assistance Framework. Applications will be assessed based on the qualifying eligibility criteria as set out in this report.
3. Delegate authority to the Head of Finance and the Head of Housing & Property to operate the Financial Assistance Framework and the assessment process.
4. Recommend that Council adopts the process for dealing with exceptional hardship as set out in “The Social Landlords Discretionary Reduction of Service Charges (England) Directions 2014”. |
Draft Housing Strategy 2015-2018 The Head of Housing and Property has submitted a report which details the Draft Housing Strategy 2015-2018 with a proposed action plan that outlines the key priorities for the next three years, prior to wider consultation.
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approve the Draft Housing Strategy and Action Plan for wider consultation Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Housing and Property submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the Draft Housing Strategy 2015-2018 with a proposed action plan that outlines the key priorities for the next three years, prior to wider consultation.
Cllr Seamons, Board Member for Housing and Estate Regeneration presented the report. He explained that the draft strategy had a wider focus than previous ones, as it took into account the whole housing market including the private rental sector rather than focussing only on the Council’s housing stock.
Consultation will run for 5 weeks. It will consist of proactive engagement with registered providers and an online submission process. The final strategy will return to the Board for approval in March 2015.
Cllr Tanner asked that the consultation process also include consulting employers, as a lot of them are struggling with recruitment because staff can’t find houses. The Head of Housing said that several public sector employers had already been consulted, but the process can be extended to private sector employers as well.
The City Executive Board resolved to approve the Draft Housing Strategy and Action Plan for wider consultation |
Draft Culture Strategy 2015-18 The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications has submitted a report which explains the development of the Draft Culture Strategy and an overview of the vision and priorities of the proposed Culture Strategy 2015-18.
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board approves the consultation of the Draft Culture Strategy as set out at Appendix 1. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Policy, Culture and Communications submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which explained the development of the Draft Culture Strategy and an overview of the vision and priorities of the proposed Culture Strategy 2015-18.
Cllr Simm, Board Member for Culture and Communities presented the report. She explained the importance of the Council investing in cultural groups so they could leverage additional funding from elsewhere.
The Cultural Development Manager explained that the strategy aligned with the objectives of the Arts Council which will enable us to make clearer links between cultural projects and grant requests in Oxford, and national priorities for arts and culture.
Cllr Simm went through the Scrutiny Committee’s report and agreed with recommendations 1 to 3. In terms of recommendation 4 - encouraging visitors to spend more time in Oxford, Cllr Price outlined Experience Oxford’s planned initiative to link tourism with the cultural offer of the city. There were also plans to link this with hotels to encourage visitors to stay longer.
The strategy will go out for consultation and will return to the Board for approval early next year.
The City Executive Board resolved to approve the consultation of the Draft Culture Strategy as set out at Appendix 1. |
Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15 The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager has submitted a report which seeks approval for the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15
Officer Recommendation: That the City Executive Board recommend to Council the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014- 2015 Additional documents: Minutes: The Regeneration and Major Projects Manager submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which sought approval for the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014-15
Cllr Turner, Board Member for Finance, Asset Management and Public Health presented the report. He explained that this was merely a refresh and that a full review and consultation would take place next year.
Cllr Fooks asked what the length of a short term lease was for community centres and was told it could be anything from 0-50 years.
Cllr Fooks was concerned with the description of the Covered Market in the plan. The plan does not acknowledge the Covered Market’s dual purpose for the Council as a community as well as a commercial asset. She asked that the additional money raised, once the rent review has been agreed, be invested into implementing the recommendations suggested by the Retail Group.
Cllr Turner said there was unlikely to be a lot of additional money available in the budget after the rent review and that many of the recommendations from the Retail Group had already been added to the capital programme.
The City Executive Board resolved to recommend to Council the adoption of the Asset Management Plan Refresh 2014- 2015 |
Frideswide Square: Consultation response The Head of City Development has submitted a report to agree a response to the County Council’s consultation on its detailed design proposals for Frideswide Square.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board
1. Express support for the County Council’s aspiration to achieve a high quality design for Frideswide Square, which strikes a balance between open spaces and excessive definition and clutter.
2. Ask the County Council to give further consideration to the following important points in formulating its final design:
· Clearer differentiation of the shared space routes through the use of colour and specific surfacing materials which will improve the clarity of the designation of shared spaces for cyclists and pedestrians and make the Square user friendly for all groups. · Adequate parking and loading bay provision is allowed for traders and businesses in the Square. Proper provision for taxis moving through the Square. · The development of an approach to signage that is shared and agreed with the City Council · The establishment of an agreed formal structure for the management and control of events and activities in the Square. · Engaging artistic and design support for the lamp columns and other important street furniture, and the preparation of a strategy for the lighting of the Square. · Re-locating the Ox sculpture that is currently at the side of the Said Business School · The retention of some form of water feature on the North side of the Square Minutes: The Head of City Development has submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) to agree a response to the County Council’s consultation on its detailed design proposals for Frideswide Square.
Cllr Price, Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report. He explained that Oxfordshire County Council’s proposal was for cyclist to share the space with the other users rather than having designated cycle lanes. The City Council was negotiating with the County that part of the pavement be marked for cyclist use.
Cllr Fooks asked that the Council keep pushing the County for separate cycling lanes.
Cllr Tanner said that the published County report for next week’s meeting did not propose marking the pavement for cyclist. He asked that the City lobby hard for a change in the proposal and that the City consider not contributing some of the city’s funds unless a compromise is made.
The Head of City Development said that the draft legal agreement had not been signed, so the city was not contractually committed to providing any funding. Cllr Price asked that the maintenance and management of Frideswide Square be included in the legal agreement.
Cllr Brown asked if there was any scope in reviewing the timing of the work, as there are a lot of roadworks happening in the city at the moment and we don’t want to compound the traffic problems.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Express support for the County Council’s aspiration to achieve a high quality design for Frideswide Square, which strikes a balance between open spaces and excessive definition and clutter. 2. Ask the County Council to give further consideration to the following important points in formulating its final design:
· Clearer differentiation of the shared space routes through the use of colour and specific surfacing materials which will improve the clarity of the designation of shared spaces for cyclists and pedestrians and make the Square user friendly for all groups. · Adequate parking and loading bay provision is allowed for traders and businesses in the Square. Proper provision for taxis moving through the Square. · The development of an approach to signage that is shared and agreed with the City Council · The establishment of an agreed formal structure for the management and control of events and activities in the Square. · Engaging artistic and design support for the lamp columns and other important street furniture, and the preparation of a strategy for the lighting of the Square. · Re-locating the Ox sculpture that is currently at the side of the Said Business School · The retention of some form of water feature on the North side of the Square · That a two lane cycle lane be added. · That consideration is given to proper phasing of the work, to cause the least disruption possible.
3. To include within the Legal Agreement with the County Council the arrangements for the maintenance and management of Frideswide Square and to delegate to the Executive Director Community Services the responsibility for agreeing such maintenance and ... view the full minutes text for item 68. |
Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14 The Head of City Development has submitted a report to approve the Annual Monitoring Report for publication.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Approve the Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14 for publication.
2. Authorise the Head of City Development to insert the housing trajectory data required under Indicator 10 when the URS Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment is completed.
3. Authorise the Head of City Development to make any necessary additional corrections to the document prior to publication. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Head of City Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) to approve the Annual Monitoring Report for publication.
The Planning Policy Manager presented the report. He notified the Board of the correction in the report; the figures for students living in the private rental sector are: Oxford University 3,020 and Brookes University as 3,072.
Cllr Price mentioned the loss of employment sites caused by commercial site being changed to residential properties.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Approve the Annual Monitoring Report 2013/14 for publication.
2. Authorise the Head of City Development to insert the housing trajectory data required under Indicator 10 when the URS Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment is completed.
3. Authorise the Head of City Development to make any necessary additional corrections to the document prior to publication. |
Land Quality Strategy The Head of Environmental Development has submitted a report to adopt the Land Quality Strategy.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Approve the Land Quality Strategy for adoption.
2. Endorse proposed procedure for dealing with contaminated land by: · Using the development control regime wherever possible in order to assess and remediate land affected by contamination. · Where this is not possible we will utilise powers under Part 2a in order to ensure contaminated land is fully remediated.
3. Note that if works are required under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 then this will be funded from contingencies and reserves. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Head of Environmental Development has submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) to adopt the Land Quality Strategy.
Councillor Tanner, Board Member for Cleaner, Greener Oxford, Climate Change and Transport presented the report. He explained that the report was a legal requirement and outlined what the council would do with contaminated land.
The Environmental Policy Team Leader explained that the Government had stopped providing financial assistance to clean up contaminated land and the Council would now pay for the clean-up through its reserves. However the chances of finding contaminated land in Oxford are very unlikely.
The City Executive Board resolved to
1. Approve the Land Quality Strategy for adoption.
2. Endorse proposed procedure for dealing with contaminated land by:
· Using the development control regime wherever possible in order to assess and remediate land affected by contamination.
· Where this is not possible we will utilise powers under Part 2a in order to ensure contaminated land is fully remediated.
3. Note that if works are required under Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 then this will be funded from contingencies and reserves. |
Public Spaces Protection Orders The Head of Environmental Development has submitted a report to advise on the introduction of Public Spaces Protection Orders and their future implementation.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Resolve that the making of Public Spaces Protection Orders that affect multiple neighbourhood action area or the city centre and have a significant impact on anti-social behaviour across the city be reserved to the Board and that the Executive scheme of delegation be amended accordingly.
2. Delegate to the Executive Director Community Services authority, following appropriate consultation to include the relevant CEB member and ward councillors, to adopt and publish Public Spaces Protection Orders where the area covered by the proposed Order is wholly within a neighbourhood action group (NAG) area or is confined to the vicinity of the banks of waterways within the city and subject to the statutory requirements for the making of an Order being satisfied. Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Environmental Development submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which advised on the introduction of Public Spaces Protection Orders and their future implementation.
Cllr Sinclair, Board Member for Crime and Community Safety presented the report. She explained that protection orders give the Council the power to prohibit anti-social behaviour in designated areas for up to three years.
Cllr Brown warned about the perils of trying to stop a behaviour in one locality, as it often only pushed the undesirable behaviour outside of the area where it can’t be enforced.
Cllr Hollick urged the Board not to adopt the powers. He felt the powers were too broad and there were not adequate safeguarding measures in place to protect individuals from being unfairly targeted ie the homeless.
The Executive Director of Community Services stated they were modelled on the Police’s dispersal orders that are pretty sparingly used.
Cllr Sinclair gave assurances that they would be reviewed on a regular basis.
The City Executive Board resolved:
1. That the making of Public Spaces Protection Orders that affect multiple neighbourhood action area or the city centre and have a significant impact on anti-social behaviour across the city be reserved to the Board and that the Executive scheme of delegation be amended accordingly.
2. Delegate to the Executive Director of Community Services authority, following appropriate consultation to include the relevant CEB member and ward councillors, to adopt and publish Public Spaces Protection Orders where the area covered by the proposed Order is wholly within a neighbourhood action group (NAG) area or is confined to the vicinity of the banks of waterways within the city and subject to the statutory requirements for the making of an Order being satisfied. |
Oxford City Council's European Social Fund Project The Head of Customer Services has submitted a report which details the purpose of the European Social Fund Project and associated funding.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Note the proposed outcomes and funding arrangements for the project; and 2. Give project approval for the European Social Fund Project Additional documents: Minutes: The Head of Customer Services submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) which detailed the purpose of the European Social Fund Project and associated funding.
Councillor Brown, Board Member for Benefits and Social Inclusion presented the report.
The City Executive Board resolved to: 1. Note the proposed outcomes and funding arrangements for the project; and 2. Give project approval for the European Social Fund Project |
Appointment to Outside Bodies 2014 The Head of Law and Governance has submitted a report to appoint Council representatives to seven outside bodies to replace Councillors that have resigned and to fill additional places.
Officer Recommendations: That the City Executive Board:
1. Appoints the following people as council representatives:
· Councillor Chewe Munkonge to the Headington Community Association for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Alex Hollingworth to Modern Art Oxford for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Alex Hollingworth to the Oxford Homeless Pathways for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Chewe Munkonge to the Risinghurst Community Association Management Committee for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Steven Curran to the Alice Smith Trust for the period 16 October 2014 to 9 May 2016
· Councillor Stephen Goddard to the Katherine Rawson Trust for the period 16 October 2014 to 16 October 2018
· Councillor Tom Hayes to the Parochial Charities of St Clements for the period 16 October 2014 to the end of the councillor’s term
2. Delete the Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Partnership Board as it has been amalgamated into the Oxford Growth Board. Minutes: The Head of Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated, now appended) to appoint Council representatives to seven outside bodies to replace Councillors that have resigned and to fill additional places.
Councillor Price, Board Member for Corporate Strategy, Economic Development and Planning presented the report.
The City Executive Board resolved to:
1. Appoints the following people as council representatives:
· Councillor Chewe Munkonge to the Headington Community Association for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Alex Hollingsworth to Modern Art Oxford for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Alex Hollingsworth to the Oxford Homeless Pathways for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Councillor Chewe Munkonge to the Risinghurst Community Association Management Committee for the period 16 October 2014 till 03 July 2015
· Steven Curran to the Alice Smith Trust for the period 16 October 2014 to 9 May 2016
· Councillor Stephen Goddard to the Katherine Rawson Trust for the period 16 October 2014 to 16 October 2018
· Councillor Tom Hayes to the Parochial Charities of St Clements for the period 16 October 2014 to the end of the councillor’s term
2. Delete the Spatial Planning and Infrastructure Partnership Board as it has been amalgamated into the Oxford Growth Board. |
Minutes of the meetings held on 10 and 24 September 2014
Recommendations: That the City Executive Board: 1. Notes the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2014 as a true and accurate record.
2. Notes the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2014 as a true and accurate record. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2014 as a true and accurate record.
The Board resolved to APPROVE the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2014 as a true and accurate record. |
Dates of future meetings The Board notes the following future meeting dates:
Wednesday 19 November 2014 Wednesday 17 December 2014 Wednesday 28 January 2015 Wednesday 11 February 2015
Minutes: The Board resolved to note that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday 19 November 2014 |