Issue - meetings

Appointment of Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive)

Meeting: 05/01/2021 - Council (Item 59)

59 Recruitment of Head of Paid (Chief Executive) pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Further to the report to Council on 5 October 2020 the Head of Business Improvement has submitted a report on behalf of the Chair of the Appointments Committee recommending the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.

Following interviews, the Appointments Committee met on 15 December 2020, and agreed to recommend to Council the appointment of Caroline Green, currently the Council’s Assistant Chief Executive, as the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.

Cllr Brown, Leader of the Council and Chair of the Appointments Committee, will present the report.


Recommendation: the Appointments Committee recommends that Council resolves to:

1.    Appoint Caroline Green as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service from 1 March 2021.



Head of Business Improvement submitted a report on behalf of the Chair of the Appointments Committee recommending the appointment of a permanent Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service. Following a formal recruitment process and interviews, the Appointments Committee met on 15 December 2020 and agreed to recommend that Council appoint Caroline Green, currently the Council’s Assistant Chief Executive, as the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.

Cllr Brown, Leader of the Council and Chair of the Appointments Committee, presented the report and moved the recommendation which was agreed on being seconded and put to the vote.


Council resolved to appoint Caroline Green as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service from 1 March 2021.


Meeting: 15/12/2020 - Appointments Committee (Item 4)

Recruitment of Head of Paid (Chief Executive)

The Committee to adjourn the meeting to undertake interviews for the post of Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service).


The Committee to reconvene at an agreed time to:


1.    Agree the selection of a preferred candidate for the post of Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service).

2.    Request that the  ...  view the full agenda text for item 4


The Committee resolved to adjourn the meeting to undertake interviews for the post of Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service).


The meeting reconvened at 5.30pm.


The Committee resolved to:

1.    Agree the selection of Caroline Green as the preferred candidate for the post of Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service).  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4