Register of interests

Register of interests

Councillor Alex Powell

I, Councillor Alex Powell, being a member of Oxford City council, give notice that I have set out below the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests that are required to be notified to the Monitoring Officer further to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Principle Lecturer and Programme Lead in Law, Oxford Brookes University Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Oxford Brookes University
External Examiner for Law, London Southbank University University and College Union (UCU), Oxford Brookes University Branch Health and Safety Representative
External Examiner for Law, University of Leicester Book Contact as author, Routledge
Book Contract as author, Bristol University Press Councillor (Oxford City Council)
2. Sponsorship
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Green Party of England and Wales Green Party of England and Wales
3. Contracts
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Named contact for the Hire of the Assembly Room at the Town Hall for an event on April 16th, 2024 as a part of my role as Principal Lecturer in Law at Oxford Brookes University. -
Named contact on a contract for the hire of the Rose Hill Community Centre on 18th and 25th July 2024. This is in my capacity as Principal Lecturer in Law at Oxford Brookes University. -
4. Land and property
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
The Member and their spouse have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011 The Member and their spouse have an interest in a domestic property in Oxford, the details of which are withheld in accordance with Section 32 of the Localism Act 2011
5. Licences
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
7. Securities
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
8. Other registrable interests
Member or co-opted member Spouse, civil partner or equivalent
Trustee, Socio-Legal Studies Association Green Party of England and Wales
Member, University College Union Oxford Brooks University
Fellow, Advanced HE Member, Society of Legal Scholars University and College Union (UCU)
Co-Convenor of the Migration and Asylum Stream, Society of Legal Scholars Board Member, Sex Work Research Hub
Member, Association of Law Teachers Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ACLS)
Member, Green Party of England and Wales -
Policy and Education Officer, Green Party Trade Union Group -