Who has registered to speak

Who has registered to speak

18/01173/FUL: "Swan School", The Harlow Centre, Raymund Road, Oxford, OX3 0PG

Clicking on ‘register to speak’ first takes you to a page where you can log in. You need a login for this part of our website, or need to sign up as a new user.

You can register on behalf of someone else but please make it clear who will be speaking.

To speak at a planning committee, you must register by noon on the working day before the meeting. Those objecting to the application may speak for up to five minutes in total. Those in support may speak for the same length of time.

More information about speaking at our committee meetings is on the agenda pack or see get involved at meetings

You must come back to this page to complete your registration.

People registered to speak about this item

Number of people to speak for: 0

Number of people to speak against: 4

Number of people to ask a question: 0

The ‘people registered to speak’ only counts web registrations and so may not be accurate.