Meeting attendance

Meeting attendance

Thursday 7 November 2024 6.00 pm, Housing and Homelessness Panel (Panel of the Scrutiny Committee)

Venue:   Zoom - Remote meeting

Contact:    Celeste Reyeslao, Scrutiny and Governance Advisor

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Lizzy Diggins Chair Present
Councillor Theodore Jupp Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Edward Mundy Committee Member Present
Councillor Asima Qayyum Committee Member Present
Councillor Rosie Rawle Committee Member Present
Councillor Anne Stares Committee Member Present
Caroline Green Officer Expected
Nerys Parry Officer Expected
Bill Graves Officer Expected
Katherine Mayes Officer Expected
Richard Wood Officer Expected
Kieran Edmunds Officer Expected
Carolyn Devenney Officer Expected
Stephen Cohen Officer Expected
Alan Chandler Officer Expected
Tom Porter Officer Expected
Dave Scholes Officer Expected
Wendy Hind Officer Expected
Simon Warde Officer Expected
Celeste Reyeslao Committee Services Officer Expected