Issue details
Barton Park: 15/03642/RES and 14/03201/RES (for 13/01383/OUT)
Major development at Land West Of Barton North
Of A40 and South of Bayswater Brook Northern By-Pass Road
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Barton and Sandhills;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/03/2016
Details of reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for the first phase of the Barton Park development, pursuant to Condition 3 of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT. The works comprise the construction of 237 residential units (Class C3) with associated means of access and highways works; car and cycle parking; hard and soft landscaping; public realm works and ancillary structures.
Decision due: 11 Feb 2015 by East Area Planning Committee
Contact: Lisa Green, Principal Planner Email: Martin Armstrong, City Development Email:, Niko Grigoropoulos, Planning Control and Conservation Manager Email: Tel: 01865 252151.
Agenda items
- 24/07/2014 - Briefings and Presentations - public Barton Park: 13/01383/OUT 24/07/2014
- 10/12/2014 - Briefings and Presentations - public Barton Park - briefing 10/12/2014
- 11/02/2015 - East Area Planning Committee Barton Park: 14/03201/RES; 13/01383/CND2; 13/01383/CND3 and 13/01383/NMA (relating to 13/01383/OUT) 11/02/2015
- 02/03/2016 - East Area Planning Committee Barton Park: 15/03642/RES 02/03/2016