Issue details

Issue details

Entering into a minor works contract with Equans for the demolition of buildings and site security works at Northfield Hostel

Cabinet, on 9 September 2020 (‘Land Acquisition, Project Approvals and Budget for the Development of Homes in the Housing Revenue Account’) resolved to:

1.    Give project approval to the proposals to purchase land, enter into build contracts  and any other necessary agreements or contracts and incur associated development cost spends, as set out in the report, and within the allocated HRA capital budgets and business plan for the purpose of delivering more affordable housing in Oxford; and

4.    Delegate authority to the Director of Housing*, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Affordable Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Council’s Monitoring Officer, to enter into agreements for the purchase of land, and any other necessary agreements or contracts and/or spend within the identified budget, for the provision of additional affordable housing.

*This delegation is now within the remit of the Executive Director (Communities and People).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/04/2024

Decision due: 31 Aug 2023 by Executive Director (Communities and People)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities

Lead director: Executive Director (Communities and People)

Department: Housing Services

Contact: Dave Scholes, Affordable Housing Supply Corporate Lead Email: Tel: 01865 252636.
