Issue details

Issue details

Allocation of funding for the UKSPF Programme 2024/25

Cabinet,  on 19 October 2022(‘UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan’), resolved to:

1.      Endorse the Oxford City Council UK Shared Prosperity Investment Plan, as submitted to government on 1 August under a delegated officer decision, in order to secure up to £1m of funding for the city;


2.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) to take the necessary decisions and actions to oversee the UKSPF investment plan, including implementing and administering the scheme and the resulting projects in accordance with the requirements and priorities of the prospectus and fund;


4.      Recommend to Council the establishing of capital and revenue budgets in accordance with paragraph 21 of the report.


Council, on 28 November 2022, resolved to establish capital and revenue budgets in accordance with paragraph 21 of the report.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/04/2024

Decision due: 11 Apr 2024 by Executive Director (Development)

Lead member: Leader - Partnership Working, Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford

Lead director: Executive Director (Development)

Department: Regeneration and Economy

Contact: Simon Grove-White, Principal Economic Development Officer Email:
