Issue details

Issue details

Issue of a Letter of Intent to Serco Leisure pending the entering in to of the final services contract

Cabinet, on 24 January 2024, resolved to:

1.      Award a ten-year contract (with a five year extension option) for managing and developing the Council’s three leisure centres, Hinksey Outdoor Pool and the Oxford Ice Rink to Serco Leisure Ltd, subject to officers completing necessary due diligence and pre-contract negotiations; and

2.      Delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director (Communities and People), in consultation with the Head of Financial Services (S151 Officer), Head of Law and Governance (Monitoring Officer) and the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Parks to:

(i)        Complete due diligence, contract negotiation and finalise contract terms prior to the award of the contract; and

(ii)       agree, subject to the limits set by procurement law and the Council’s Constitution and for a maximum period of 2 months from the contract start date, interim arrangements for the delivery of the contract services by Serco Leisure Ltd where necessary to allow them to complete contract mobilisation after 29 March 2024.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £500,000 or greater;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/02/2024

Decision due: 29 Mar 2024 by Executive Director (Communities and People)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for A Healthy Oxford

Lead director: Executive Director (Communities and People)

Department: Community Services

Contact: Hagan Lewisman, Active Communities Manager Email: Tel: 01865 252706.
