Issue details
Oxford Local Plan 2040 Regulation 19 Consultation Document
Cabinet, on 18 October 2023, resolved to:
1. Recommend to Council that it approves the Oxford Local Plan 2040 Proposed Submission Document for consultation;
2. Recommend to Council that it approves the following supporting statutory documentation: the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulation Assessment, Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP) and Equalities Impact Assessment;
3. Authorise the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Healthier Communities, to make any necessary minor typographical changes and modifications to the proposed submission document, IDP, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment, and to agree the final publication style of the draft version before publication; and
4. Authorise the Head of Planning & Regulatory Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Heathier Communities, to make any minor changes to the document following publication which are deemed necessary as a result of the consultation, and then to formally submit the Oxford Local Plan 2040 to the Secretary of State for examination. In the event that significant issues are raised that suggest the Plan is not sound and major amendments are required, the Plan will need to be re-drafted and brought back to Council to approve another public consultation before submission.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant effect on people living or working in at least 2 wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2023
Decision due: 18 Oct 2023 by Cabinet, Council
Considered on: 10 Oct 2023 by Scrutiny Committee
Considered on: October 2024 by Council
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning
Lead director: Director of Planning and Regulatory Services
Department: Planning & Regulatory Services
Contact: Sarah Harrison, Team Leader (Planning Policy) Email: Tel: 01865 252015.
Consultation process
The Plan will go out to consultation in
November and December for 6 weeks prior to sumbmission to the
Secretary of State in March 2024
Is the date subject to change: No
Agenda items
- 18/10/2023 - Cabinet Oxford Local Plan 2040 Regulation 19 Consultation Document 18/10/2023