Issue details
Approval of proposed commercial lettings
Cabinet, on 15 November 2023, resolved to:
1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Head of Financial Services/S151 Officer, the Head of Law and Governance and the Deputy Leader (Statutory) – Finance and Asset Management to agree final terms, negotiate the form of documents and then enter into leases and any ancillary documents required for the letting of 16-17 Turl Street, 24-26 George Street and Cadogan House, Wheatley subject to the requirements of S.123 Local Government Act 1972 being met.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Acquiring or disposing of easements with a value over £750,000 and/or rental value over £250,000 each year;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 15 Nov 2023 by Cabinet
Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2025 by Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Lead member: Deputy Leader (Statutory) - Finance and Asset Management
Lead director:
Department: Property & Assets
Contact: Alex Miller, Transactions Manager Email:
Reason date could change: Provisional: Decision reliant on another action or process
Is the date subject to change: Yes
- 19/01/2024 - Letting of 33-35 George Street
Agenda items
- 15/11/2023 - Cabinet Commercial Property Lettings 15/11/2023