Issue details

Issue details

Award of contract for demolition of buildings at Princes Street and Collins Street to Oxford Direct Services

Cabinet, on 10 November 2021, resolved to:

5.    Delegate to the Executive Director Development in consultation with Executive Director Communities and People, the S151 officer, Head of Law and Governance, Cabinet Members for Finance and Asset Management and Inclusive Communities the authority to award and enter into the construction contract for the Community Centre refurbishment and new build to Oxford Direct Services Ltd subject to the full tender submission being within the agreed budget and an independent quantity surveyor demonstrating that this is value for money and ensuring unlawful subsidy is avoided.


The Council’s Constitution Part 19.22(b) states:

Total contract value is over £150,000 but less than £500,000 The Head of Financial Services or an Executive Director may accept the most economically advantageous tender if the Council is the buyer, or the highest if the Council is the seller, as long as:

·       there is budget provision in the Council’s capital or revenue budget

·       project approval has been obtained at the start of the project

·       any key decisions have been included in the Forward Plan

·       any organisation the Council is acting as agent for agrees

·       the Head of Financial Services and the Monitoring Officer have been consulted.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: St Clement's;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/04/2023

Decision due: 5 Apr 2023 by Executive Director (Development)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Inclusive Communities and Culture, Cabinet Member for Planning, Deputy Leader (Statutory) - Finance and Asset Management

Lead director: Executive Director (Development)

Department: Community Services

Contact: Hagan Lewisman, Active Communities Manager Email: Tel: 01865 252706.
