Issue details

Issue details

Delivery of New Burial Space

Cabinet, on 13 September 2023, resolved to:

1.      Grant project approvalfor thedelivery of a new publicly accessible greenspace and burial meadow on land owned by the Council off Oxford Road towards Horspath; including approval of the scheme, submission of a planning application to South Oxfordshire District Council, Phase 1 delivery budget, and required property and legal procedures to deliver the scheme and delegated authority to the Executive Director (Development) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Parks to approve changes to the scheme;

2.      Recommend to Councilapproval of acapital budget of £2.4M for delivery of this scheme;

3.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development), in consultation with the Head of Financial Services / Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance to enter into any related agreements and contracts to facilitate the scheme in terms of construction and operation; works details; and budget changes for this Council owned land,including agreeing the fees and charges as detailed in Appendix 6; and

4.      Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development), in consultation with the Head of Finance / Section 151 Officer, Head of Law and Governance and the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management to agree the final heads of terms and enter into the necessary transactions set out in Appendix 4 together with any other ancillary agreements, contracts and notices that may be required to facilitate the scheme.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/03/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  -

Decision due: 13 Sep 2023 by Cabinet, Council

Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2028 by Deputy Chief Executive - Place

Considered on: 17 Jul 2023 by Council

Lead member: Cabinet Member for A Healthy Oxford

Lead director:

Department: Community Services

Contact: Carri Unwin, Regeneration Manager Email:

Consultation process

Consultation process with internal teams, stakeholder groups, and public online consultation of outline scheme targeted for May

Reason date could change: Confirmed for this meeting

Is the date subject to change: No

Agenda items