Issue details
22/03076/FUL: 135-137 Botley Road, Oxford
Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with new building comprising R&D, office and cafe space (Use Class E), including external lighting, hard and soft landscaping, ramped access, service bay, bin store, car and cycle parking, altered vehicular access onto Botley Road, pedestrian and cycle paths, means of enclosure, utilities, and associated works.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Osney & St Thomas;
Department: Planning & Regulatory Services
Contact: Felicity Byrne, Principal Planning Officer Email:
Agenda items
- 12/12/2023 - Planning - Oxford City Planning Committee 22/03076/FUL: 135-137 Botley Road, Oxford 12/12/2023