Issue details

Issue details

22/02969/FUL: Littlemore House, Oxford Innovation Park, 33 Armstrong Road, Oxford OX4 4FY

Partial demolition of and alterations to Littlemore House. Erection of 1no. research and development building (Use Class E) at Littlemore House with ancillary accommodation, clinic, educational floorspace and restaurant and erection of 1 no. research and development building (Use Class E) and 1no. building to accommodate servicing plant and bicycle parking facilities at plot 18 of the Oxford Science Park. Erection of an elevated walkway, linking Littlemore House and plot 18 of the Oxford Science Park, new access arrangements, parking, landscaping, engineering and ground modelling works.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Littlemore;

Department: Planning and Regulatory Services

Contact: Jennifer Coppock, Principal Planning Officer Email:

Agenda items