Issue details
Delivery of Affordable Housing (Oxford North, Goose Green and Meadow Lane)
Cabinet, on 15 March 2023, resolved to:
1. Give project approval for the acquisition of affordable dwellings developed by Oxford City Homes Ltd (OCHL) for which budgetary provision has been made in the Council’s Housing Revenue Account in respect of:
a) Oxford North (referenced in paragraphs 9 to 18 of the report), and
b) Goose Green, Wolvercote (referenced in paragraphs 19 to 34 of the report), and
c) Meadow Lane, Iffley (referenced in paragraphs 35 to 49 of the report);
2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development),in consultation with the Executive Director (Communities and People); the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer,to finalise the scheme design and financial appraisals and enter into agreements and contracts to facilitate the agreed purchase by the Council of the affordable housing (to be held in the HRA) and any associated land, within the identified budget,for the provision of the affordable housing (111 affordable homes) on the Oxford North development, within the project approval;
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Communities and People) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery; the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officerto finalise the scheme design and financial appraisals and enter into agreements and contracts to facilitate the purchase by the Council of the social rent and shared ownership homes (to be held in the HRA) and any associated land, within the identified budget and within this project approval forGoose Green, Wolvercote (16 affordable homes);
4. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development),in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Asset Management; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer,to approve the final terms and enter into the transfer in relation to Goose Green from the General Fund to OCHL;
Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development),in consultation with the Executive Director (Communities and People); the Cabinet Member for Housing; the Head of Financial Services/Section 151 Officer; and the Head of Law and Governance/Monitoring Officer,to finalise the scheme design and financial appraisals and enter into agreements and contracts to facilitate the agreed purchase by the Council of the affordable housing (to be held in the HRA) and any associated land, from OCHL, for the provision of the affordable housing on the Meadow Lane, Iffley development (32 affordable homes), and within the identified budget and this project approval.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/11/2022
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt -
Decision due: 15 Mar 2023 by Cabinet
Decision due: 22 Jun 2023 by Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2028 by Executive Director (Communities and People)
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, Cabinet Member for Planning, Deputy Leader (Statutory) - Finance and Asset Management
Lead director: Executive Director (Communities and People)
Department: Housing
Contact: Dave Scholes, Affordable Housing Supply Corporate Lead Email: Tel: 01865 252636.
- 22/06/2023 - Entering into a land sale agreement and development agreement with Hill Residential Limited to deliver 111 new homes at Oxford North (the Canalside development)
- 18/07/2024 - Development Service Agreement (DSA) with OCHL to undertake all development services in relation to the affordable housing at the 'Canalside' housing development, Oxford North
Agenda items
- 15/03/2023 - Cabinet Delivery of Affordable Housing 15/03/2023