Issue details
Delivery of Affordable Housing (Railway Lane and Marston Paddock Sites)
Cabinet, on 14 December 2022, resolved to:
1. Grant project approval for the continued acquisition of affordable dwellings developed by OCHL for which budgetary provision has been made in the Council’s Housing Revenue Account in respect of:
(i) Railway Lane, Littlemore and
(ii) Marston Paddock, Butts Lane, Old Marston;
2. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development), in consultation with the Head of Law and Governance, to approve and facilitate the license to occupy and develop the council owned site in order to facilitate the development within this project approval for Railway Lane, Littlemore; and
3. Delegate authority to the Executive Director (Development),in consultation with the Executive Director (Communities and People), the Cabinet Member for Housing, the Head of Financial Services/ Section 151 Officer and the Head of Law and Governance,to enter into agreements and facilitate the agreed purchase by the Council of these developments, with all the affordable housing units from OCHL to be held in the HRA,within this project approval for the Railway Lane and Marston Paddock sites.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure, income or savings of £750,000 or greater;
Decision status: For Determination
Notice of proposed decision first published: 07/11/2022
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt -
Decision due: 14 Dec 2022 by Cabinet
Decision due: Before 31 Dec 2028 by Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Communities, Cabinet Member for Planning
Lead director:
Department: Housing
Contact: Dave Scholes, Affordable Housing Supply Corporate Lead Email: Tel: 01865 252636.
Agenda items
- 14/12/2022 - Cabinet Delivery of Affordable Housing (Railway Lane and Marston Paddock) 14/12/2022