Issue details
West End and Osney Mead SPD
To inform Cabinet of the key issues raised during the public consultation on the Supplementary Planning Document and changes proposed in response, and to seek adoption of the West End and Osney Mead SPD and Spatial Framework.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Significant effect on people living or working in at least 2 wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Carfax & Jericho; Hinksey Park; Osney & St Thomas;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/08/2022
Decision due: 16 Nov 2022 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning
Lead director: Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Department: Planning & Regulatory Services
Contact: Tom Morris, Principal Planner Email:
Consultation process
Consultation will have already taken
Reason date could change: Provisional: Decision needs further consideration or information
Is the date subject to change: Yes
Agenda items
- 16/11/2022 - Cabinet West End and Osney Mead Supplementary Planning Document 16/11/2022